Instruction d'utilisation TiVo Digital Video () Recorders R24008A

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif TiVo Digital Video () Recorders R24008A

Dispositif: TiVo Digital Video () Recorders R24008A
Catégorie: DVR
Fabricant: TiVo
Dimension: 4.09 MB
Date d'addition: 4/15/2013
Nombre des pages: 8
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TiVo Digital Video () Recorders R24008A Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Start Here
Activate and Connect
Add a VCR (optional)
Complete Guided Setup
We’re here to help!
Online Customer Support

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Activate and Connect STEP 1 Let’s Get Started! Activating and connecting a basic system takes less than half an hour. After connecting, completing on-screen Guided Setup should take less than an hour. See the Installation Guide for additional examples and explanations. Activate the TiVo Service To activate the TiVo service, visit Don't have Internet access? Call TiVo Customer Support at 1-877-367-8486. You'll need the 15-digit TiVo service number of your DVR. (You can fi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

No Cable or Satellite Box Option A If you have a cable or satellite box, see Option B on the next page. Before you begin: Unplug the connections to your VCR if you have one. The TiVo DVR replaces your VCR in this setup.  After you’ve completed these steps, go to page 6 if you want to add your VCR; TiVo otherwise, go to page 7 to complete setup. DVR ® IN For additional setups, check the Installation Guide. 02BTCD2X0 120 V~60Hz 0.75A  Connect program source to DVR Connect

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Option B Cable or Satellite Box If you don't have a cable or satellite box, see Option A on the previous page. Before you begin: Unplug the connections to your Cable or VCR if you have one. The TiVo DVR replaces your Satellite Box VCR in this setup. Serial Audio/Video Out After you’ve completed these steps, go to page 6 if RF In RF Out you want to add your VCR; otherwise, go to page 7 to complete setup. For additional setups, check the Installation Guide.     Make sure that the cable f

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Serial Control  Connect Serial Control cable Plug the Serial Control cable into the 9-pin Serial (Data) connector: on the back of your cable or satellite box (see  in the setup diagram on page 4). Plug the other end into the Control Out/Serial connector (the upper mini-jack) on your DVR. Now skip to step . Connect the IR Control cable, IR Control shown below, if you didn't use the  Connect IR Control cable  Serial Control cable. See step . If you didn’t use Serial Control (step ), pl

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Add a VCR (Optional) STEP 2 First complete Step 1, Option A or B Before You Begin Before you begin: You will be using this Complete Option A (p. 3) or diagram for VCR connections only Option B (pp. 4-5). (highlighted in red). You must complete Option A (p. 3) or Option B (pp. 4-5) before connecting a VCR. TiVo The Installation Guide contains additional DVR ® IN pictures of completed VCR setups (with and without a cable or satellite box, and for a TV with only one input

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Complete Guided Setup STEP 3 Guided Setup is Easy! When you see the Welcome screen, you are ready to begin Guided Setup. During Guided Setup you will be asked simple questions about your program source, ZIP code, and time zone. Use the SELECT button on the remote to select or deselect options or to move to the next screen. Use the LEFT arrow to go back to the previous screen. Helpful Hints (see the Viewer's Guide for more information) Select Begin! to start Guided Setup Phone What if your

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

t t s w P u a d P G e S r o L r p o e o P ™ TiVo, TV your way. Have fun! ® Watch Live TV TiVo Central and Now Playing To see what’s on now, press LIVE TV. The TiVo button takes you to TiVo Central, where you can access all of the features unique to the TiVo service. Press the TiVo Find What’s on TV button twice to go to Now Playing on TiVo Press the GUIDE button to display the TiVo and see all of your recorded programs. Live Guide. You can browse up to two weeks of program information, c

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