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quick START Guide Hd dVR
© 2006 DIRECTV, Inc. DIRECTV, the Cyclone Design logo and the DIRECTV Plus logo are trademarks of DIRECTV, Inc.
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rECorDing ProgrAMS knowing your HD D vr wATCHing Tv wATCHing Tv 2 getting started and using HD Dvr features Welcome to the DIRECTV Plus HD DVR. Now that you’re plugged in, it’s time to start enjoying the new world of high-definition entertainment at your convenience. This Quick Start Guide will take you step by step through everything from pushing the power button to recording rECorDing ProgrAMS 6 R your favorite programs. Getting started will only take a few minutes, Setting your HD Dvr to
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wATCHing Tv rECorDing ProgrAMS knowing your HD D vr gETTing STArTED Once your DIRECTV Plus HD DVR system is properly connected, you’re ready to begin watching TV in a whole new way. wATCHing Tv Turning on your Dir ECTv Plus HD Dvr Set the MODE switch on the remote control to the DIRECTV position, then press PWR. using the Quick Menu and guide If you are adding the HD DVR to your existing ® DIRECTV System, you’ll use the same easy, convenient interface you’re already accustomed to. Your Qui
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wATCHing Tv rECorDing ProgrAMS knowing your HD D vr wATCHing Tv TAking ConTroL oF your Tv The features of your new HD DVR system will change the way you watch TV forever. You’ll be able to do amazing things that will greatly enhance your viewing experience of live programs as well as everything you record. Just push the DVR control buttons indicated below to use the associated features. PLAy/SLow MoTion r ECor D R Starts the recorded video or paused live TV Automatically records live TV. (One-
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rECorDing ProgrAMS knowing your HD D vr wATCHing Tv Want to know how to record and watch recorded shows with your new DIRECTV Plus HD DVR? It’s easy, and we’ll show you how. Let’s get started. R rECorDing ProgrAMS rECorDing A ProgrAM you’rE CurrEnTL y w ATCHing To record the program 1 you’re watching, simply press the RECORD button once on your remote. If you press the 2 RECORD button a second time while watching a program, the Onscreen Display will give you the ability to KEEP RECO
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wATCHing Tv rECorDing ProgrAMS knowing your HD D vr R rECorDing ProgrAMS rECorDing CurrEnT AnD FuTurE ProgrAMS FroM THE guiDE rECorDing An EnTirE SEASon oF your FA voriTE SHow To find a program Find the show you’d like 1 1 you’d like to record, to record in the Guide. press the GUIDE Highlight the show and button twice to see press RECORD. what’s playing. Use the ARROW For programs that run 2 2 buttons to highlight in episodes, once you the show, then press choose a show to record, R
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wATCHing Tv rECorDing ProgrAMS knowing your HD D vr R rECorDing ProgrAMS wATCHing AnD DELETing A ProgrAM you’vE rECorDED FinDing A ProgrAM T o rECorD By TiTLE, PErSon, kEyworD or CHAnnEL To bring up the Quick Press LIST to access the 1 1 shows you’ve already Menu options while recorded in your Playlist, watching live TV, press ™ MENU on your remote. or MyVOD. Use the black ARROW Use the black ARROW 2 2 buttons to highlight buttons to select the SEARCH in the Quick show you want to w
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wATCHing Tv rECorDing ProgrAMS knowing your HD D vr R rECorDing ProgrAMS ACCESSing your To Do LiST MAking SPECiFiC CHAngES T o your rECorDing oPTionS Your To Do List is the list of programs you are set to record. It will list each program When you record a show, you want to record it in its entirety. But sometimes, separately and show you when these programs will be recorded. networks begin their broadcasts early. Or, the big game goes into overtime. We’ve made it easy to change your recordi
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wATCHing Tv rECorDing ProgrAMS knowing your HD D vr DirECTv PL uS HD Dvr FEATurES Channel Banner When you tune to a channel, the Channel Banner appears across the top of the screen, displaying the channel and program you are inF o knowing your DirECTv PL uS HD Dvr currently watching. The Channel Banner will also appear if you press the INFO button. Quick Menu The Quick Menu lets you easily access DIRECTV features relevant to live TV or any screen you are currently viewing, such as the Guid
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rECorDing ProgrAMS knowing your HD D vr wATCHing Tv inF o knowing your DirECTv PL uS HD Dvr DirECTv PL uS HD Dvr FEATurES (ConTinuED) FinDing ADDiTionAL inF orMATion The purpose of this Quick Start Guide is to help you start using your DIRECTV Plus Search for Programs HD DVR right away. But you may need more details to fully take advantage of all the The Search feature allows you to find a program by features and capabilities now available to you. title, person, keyword or channel. Press the