Instruction d'utilisation Memorex 8X

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Memorex 8X

Dispositif: Memorex 8X
Catégorie: Graveur de DVD
Fabricant: Memorex
Dimension: 2.1 MB
Date d'addition: 9/25/2014
Nombre des pages: 27
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Memorex 8X Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

+ -
For DVD & DVD Recording
x 4
16 x x 16 x
write speed write speed re-write speed read speed
write speed
48 x 24 x 48 x
write speed re-write speed read speed
Supports Windows® 98SE /Me/2000/XP
USB drivers required for use with Windows 98SE.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

FCC INFORMATION (U.S.A.) 1. IMPORTANT NOTICE: DO NOT MODIFY THIS UNIT! This product, when installed as indicated in the instructions contained in this manual, meets FCC requirements. Modifications not expressly approved by Memorex may void your authority, granted by the FCC, to use the product. 2. IMPORTANT: When connecting this product to accessories and/or another product use only high quality shielded cables. Cable/s supplied with this product MUST be used. Follow all installation instruct

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 6 1.1. Congratulations 1.2. About your new Memor r e dr o c e R D V D x e 2. HARDWARE INSTALLATION 8 2.1. Setting up your Memor red rrofesuo c e R D V D x e ¤ 2.2. About USB 2.0/1.1 and IEEE-1394/iLink /Fir iW e er 3. OPERATING YOUR NEW DRIVE 12 3 . 1 . F ont r Panel 3.2. Loading a Disc 3.3. Ejecting a Disc 3.4. Removing the exern a l d r i v e fo r m y o u r s y s t e m 3r. 5 .oubleshooting T 4. INCLUDED SOFTWARE 14 4.1. Ner tr aSotSm a tr 4.2.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

1.2. About your new Memorex DVD Recorder 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Congratulations! ding a wide r o c f e e r o l b a p o a der is a state-of-the-ar , r c u e c r i o v e t c d e n Y e R w D V M D e m x o e r variety of disc types and m for a t s . H e e is a list of some of the major featur r e s o f t h i s d r i v e : Thank you for pur . c h a s i n r g e d r oa c e Dr VM elD m a ox ne rre t x E Dual Format Recording: W R / R - D V ddD n iWa s c s r . o c e R

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

2. HARDWARE INSTALLATION 5 . Choose the USB 2.0 connection (Fige 5) or the IEEE-1394 connection (Figur ur e 6 ) t o plug into your PC and select the appr e l b a e c t o pa r ii a tr e p o r . p e e g pi h lnu a tt b l ee a Pr c c a f 2.1. Setting up your recorder for use i n t o i t s t on te e h xte a l d r i v e . AUDIO OUT POWER ON L NOTE: Do not plug the other end of the cable into your PC yet, this step will come later Follow these steps to set your r d re r o c ue p f o r u s e w i

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

2.1.1 Installing the Windows 98SE USB 2.0 Drivers 4 . f I u oe yvn ae heompted to locate the drivers, use the Br br p eswo nottub ot etacol eht d r i v e r s o n t h e e and Drivers CD. When the OK button becomes r a wM t e f m o x oS e r Follow these steps to install the USB drivers for your Exter n a l d r i v e o n l y if you are u s i n g highlighted, you have found the drivers. The drivers are l o c a t e d i n t h e m a i n r o tdyc ie r t h e indows 98SE operating system: W

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

3. OPERATING YOUR NEW DRIVE 3.2. Loading a Disc 3.1. Front Panel 1 . P ess the open/eject button to open the tray r . 2 . efully place the disc, label side up, on the disc tray r a C . e rehT i s a n i n d e n t a t i o n f o r Pocket CD-R’s in the tray . Important Note: N o t a l l c u t d i s c o r s h a p e d m e d i a i s a p p opriate r for use with this drive. Please check 1 w i t h M e c h ne i c a lm T o Sx u p per o rt f o r a c u rr ent list of cu

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

4.3. NeroVision Express 2 3.5. Troubleshooting I f y o u r n e w d r i v e i s n o t p e r f oming as expected, look up the symptoms in the following r etairpo rroc ective action. Y Symptom Possible Cause Self Diagnostic & Repair 4.4. InCD 4 Drive does not Outlet into which the drive Check the outlet to make sure i t i s power up is plugged is not live. live. Y " . s e t t e k s i d r e p u s " s a d e s u Power cable is not Check to make sur e h e t

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

I t i s recommended that you choose to click on the Install Memor era w txfeoS S u i t e b u t t o n Deluxe ( S h o w n b e l o w ) i n t h e m a i n s p l a s h s c reen. This will launch the installation of the most commonly used components of the Power f u l M e m o re aetwi ut Sdxfn adreoeeSps pu eht software installation. Note: T h i s a rea also has two New and special links to the Memorex website. One is a link to the Memor ech Support T x f

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

8 . F o l l o w t h e o n - s ce r e n i n s t uctions, close all open applications and r r e b o o t y o u r c o m p u t e r once the de-installation has successfully completed. ou may also individually select and r Y e m o v e t h e i n d i v i d u a l N eo r C o m p o n e n t s i n your Operating Systems Add/Remove ograms. Look for the following listings: Pr ¥ Ahead InCD EasyWrite Reader ¥ InCD ¥ Nero Media Player ¥ Nero OEM ¥ NeroVision Express 2 I f y o u h a

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

5.4. User Interface and Navigation 5.4.1 Standard view ,e siht noitces swohs eht r p d e t c e l e s e h t n o g n i d n e p e D Nero StartSmart . If you hover the mouse over the individual categor y rryoag es tt knaaesihclatbti s,esshontpoci e srue overmohitsed Nero StartSmart o u Y. ogram r p d ein r i s d the e e t h t c epulldown l s e n e t h n a c menu. Clicking on this button adds the Nero StartSmart o g r a m inter Nero StartSmart bar shows

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

, the w e i d v r a d n a t sn ie l b a l i a v ae r a t a h t s t n e m e l e d n a s a In addition to the ar e Nero StartSmart This categor y contains the possible tasks for an a u d i o d i s c . The tasks displayed depend on the selected mode. . o g rr a pm d y el t cde i r Standard mode Expert mode Make Audio CD (CD only) Make Audio CD (CD only) Play Audio Play Audio T h i s a rea shows all installed applications in the Nero 6 p roduct Make MP3 Disc Make MP3

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

This section contains the additional tasks r elating to discs . What is displayed 5.4.5. Nero ProductCenter depends on the selected disc type and the curr e n t m o d e . Clicking on the button opens the Nero ProductCenter . The Standard mode Expert mode first column contains the version number of the installed pr o d u c t s f r o m A h e a d S o f t w a r e, while the other column shows the cur r e n t l y a v a i l a b l e v e r s i

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

n Nero Express 6 s t a ts automatically and the compilation window for data opens. r 4 . r n to the e t u r Nero Express 6 s c r 2. In the window , click on the "Add" button to open the window for selecting files. n o t t u " b t x e N e " h n kt o c i l . C 5 . ning window . r i s e ed h tt c e l e .S 3 6 . ning the disc, make the final settings. r e u b r o f e B 26 27 ed files and click on the "Add" button to transfer them to the compilation. to advance to the bur All the files you

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

n Current Recorder om the list of connected r fr e d r o c e D r V X D 6 x 1 e r o m ee thM ct e l e S n ri un bge h te c p n rO r o r c e o do this, click on the appr etairpo .nottub oject file of the disc compilation. T r p a e v a s Disc name . 8 . Writing Speed n i n g. s s e c po r Number of copies . d e n Multisession disc If this checkbox is selected, a multi-session disc is cr g n i w o l l , a d e t a e srneorhietstsaels disc is finalized and no mor n i r n e u

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

6.2. Make an Audio Disc 3 . r i s e d e h t t c e l e S An audio disc(CD) contains music files that can be played back in any CD player and many DVD players. 1 . t Nero StartSmart Icon ; select the "Audio" y a n d c l i c k o n " M a k e A u d i o 4 . n to the e t ud r nr a Nero Express 6 scr n Nero Express 6 starts automatically and the compilation window for audio discs opens. 5 n o t t u ." b t x e N e " h n kt o c i l . C ning window . 2. I n t h e w i n , click on the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

n n ts and you will see infor ri r u an e b t hg ss T no itams e tuoba c ehopt r r ruc tne sutats. Current Recorder om the list of connected r fr e d r o c e D r V X D 6 x 1 e r o m ee thM ct e l e S r o r c e Title (CD TEXT) , T X T E C D o f g n i t i w r e t h s t rroepdp u s r o c f eeI h t r n n n i ri n un g. bges h s ete c cpo p nr r O r e h D C e h t f o o do this, click on the appr etairpo .nottub T Artist (CD TEXT) e hrte t nne auc o,y rroepdpus r o c f Ieehtr . 8

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

6.3. Make a CD or DVD Video Disc 2. k c i l C n o d d A " ideo Files" to open the window for selecting the files. V A video disc contains video files that you can bur n i n a v a r i e t y o f f o r mats (VCD / SVCD or DVD-V i d e o ) t h a t y o u c a n r ecor d o n y o u r M e m o r ex 16X DVD drive. This QuickStar t G u i d e d e s c r i b e s t h e c r eation of a DVD video disc. The pr o c e d u r e for a VCD or SVCD is essentially the same. 1 . t Nero StartSmart Icon; sele

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

6 . Make the desired changes to the DVD menu by highlighting the individual menu items w i t h t h e m o u s e a n d s e l e c t i n g t h e d e s i red option. Click on the "Next" button to pr d e e c o to the next window . Burn to om the list of connected r fr e d r o c e D r V X D 6 x 1 e r o m ee thM ct e l e S r o rc e Write to Hard f I u o y o d t o n t n a w no t r u beht oject (yet) but you want to save it to rp Disc Folder d disc instead, click on this button to ope

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

9 . Once the burn i n g p ro c e s s i s c o m p l e t e , a c o rr esponding message appears. Click on the "OK" button to close the window . 1 0 . r i s e de h tt c e l e S NeroVision Express 2 . n NeroVision Express 2 s t a ts automatically and the selection window for the drives and r t h e f i n a l b u rning settings opens up. 2 . Select the drive containing the disc to be copied as the sour c e d r i v e . 3 . S e l e c t RW 16X DVD r t-h e/ + D MV e Dmx o re rder as your

Instructions pareilles
# Instruction d'utilisation Catégorie Téléchargez
1 Memorex 3202xxxx Manuel d'utilisation Graveur de DVD 3
2 Memorex 5395 8531 Manuel d'utilisation Graveur de DVD 1
3 Memorex E-IDE Manuel d'utilisation Graveur de DVD 5
4 Sony AT100 Manuel d'utilisation Graveur de DVD 11
5 Sony DRU-700A Manuel d'utilisation Graveur de DVD 3
6 Sony AT200 Manuel d'utilisation Graveur de DVD 4
7 Sony 4-131-978-14(1) Manuel d'utilisation Graveur de DVD 1
8 Sony AT107 Manuel d'utilisation Graveur de DVD 4
9 Sony DCR-HC21 Manuel d'utilisation Graveur de DVD 2
10 Sony 4-131-978-11(1) Manuel d'utilisation Graveur de DVD 1
11 Sony 7911000014C Manuel d'utilisation Graveur de DVD 1
12 Sony DS-2 Manuel d'utilisation Graveur de DVD 1
13 Sony DSR-DR1000 Manuel d'utilisation Graveur de DVD 56
14 Sony DVDIRECT VRD-VC20 Manuel d'utilisation Graveur de DVD 113
15 Sony Hi-MD Walkman MZ-NH900 Manuel d'utilisation Graveur de DVD 24