Instruction d'utilisation Pioneer DVD-V7200

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Pioneer DVD-V7200

Dispositif: Pioneer DVD-V7200
Catégorie: Lecteur DVD
Fabricant: Pioneer
Dimension: 0.74 MB
Date d'addition: 4/14/2013
Nombre des pages: 46
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Pioneer DVD-V7200 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Operating Instructions
(Advanced Feature operations)
Thank you for buying this Pioneer product.
Please read through these operating instructions so you will
know how to operate your model properly. After you have
finished reading the instructions, put them away in a safe place
for future reference.
RPT A-B 86

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

INTRODUCTION In the Basic Operation edition, basic handling of this unit is explained. In this Advanced Features edition, however, original features of this unit are explained. Ö Connection of mouse and keyboard How to connect the mouse and keyboard to this unit is explained in this section. Ö Player control using mouse Control method using the mouse is explained in this section. Ö Advanced Feature menu Besides the player menu (explained in the Basic Operation edition) this unit also has an Adva

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

ADVANCED FEATURE MENU Ö Barcode/command stack function Various barcodes or commands used to control the DVD-V7200 can be stored in this player’s memory in advance. Memorized content can be recalled for successive or step by step execution. With this function, program playback is possible using the player alone without the need for a computer, controller or advance registration of barcodes. Input Playback Uses BC/COMMAND STACK GROUP 001: 001 Ö Sale promotion presentation 001 01:02-03 002 03:001

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

CONTENTS Introduction ...................................................................... 2 Grouping video blackboards Grouping blackboards .................................................. 22 Executing an entire group to execute a group............. 22 Connection of mouse and keyboard ..................... 5 To execute steps in a group ........................................ 22 Player control using a mouse ......................................... 6 Recalling/executing previously input bla

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

ADVANCED FEATURE MENU CONNECTION OF MOUSE AND KEYBOARD A commercially available PS/2 mouse or PS/2 keyboard can be connected to this unit’s mouse/keyboard connector as follows. 1.Turn this unit’s POWER off to set it to the standby mode. 2.Connect the PS/2 *mouse or PS/2 *keyboard to this unit’s MOUSE/KEY- BOARD connector. 3.Turn this unit’s POWER ON. Connection is now complete. If you want to use both the mouse and keyboard, connect them using a commercially available “Y” cable. Note: Ö The powe

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

PLAYER CONTROL USING A MOUSE Mouse operation is possible by connecting a PS/2* mouse and turning power ON. PLAYER CONTROL ICON Pressing the mouse’s left and right button simultaneously or clicking the right button while holding the left button displays the player control icons on the bottom left of the screen. When the mouse pointer is placed on a player control icon, the pointer changes from to . While the pointer is in the form of , clicking with the left mouse button performs the same operat

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7


Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

ADVANCED FEATURE MENU SETTINGS There are 13 items for setup of the DVD-V7200’s original functions. Menu operation is carried out with the remote control unit. Ö WEEKLY TIMER: OFF/ON This can set the time for turning power on/off for each day of the week together with the title and chapter (or COMMAND Ö MARK FRAME SQUELCH: OFF/ON STACK) with which playback is to be started. With this The picture will be paused at the set mark frame command function, unattended operation is possible. (end point).

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

ADVANCED FEATURE MENU ADVANCED FEATURE MENU SETUP Advanced feature menu setting is done with the remote control unit. Setup can be done either when a disc is playing, or when the player is stopped. DISPLAYING THE MENU SCREEN Move the ä (pointer) to the item you want to set with the Press and hold the button until the menu remote control unit’s or button and change the screen appears (for about 1.5 sec.). setting with the remote control unit’s or button. Ö The menu screen is displayed. Menu

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

WEEKLY TIMER OPERATION SETTING/CORRECTING THE CURRENT TIME MENU page 1/2 1 WEEKLY TIMER OFF POWER ON START OFF Set the current date and time. TITLE PLAY MODE SINGLE 1. Move the ä (pointer) to “WEEKLY TIMER” by pressing REPEAT MODE CHAPTER BAUD RATE 4800bps the or button. TRAY LOCK OFF BLACKBOARD LOCK OFF 2. Press the or button and set to ON. STILL MODE FRAME D.R.COMP OFF 3. Press the button. Ö The Weekly Timer setting screen is displayed. ON 4. Press the button. MENU page 1/2 2 Ö The date/

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

ADVANCED FEATURE MENU WEEKLY TIMER OPERATION 98–04–29 WED. 08:15.00 SETTING THE WEEKLY TIMER 1 1. When the setting screen appears in step 3 on the pre- vious page, press the or button to move ä \ (pointer) to the day of the week and press the button. 2. Set the power ON/OFF time. Ç Example 1) To turn power ON at 10:30 on Wednesday Ö Move ä (pointer) to “WED” and press the ENTER button. TIMER ON/OFF WED. A: Press = = = = = = = . 1.TITLE 2.BARCODE/COMMAND STACK B: Press the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

WEEKLY TIMER OPERATION 3. Set the operation to be performed at the moment timer 1 TIMER ON/OFF WED. playback starts. 3 1. TITLE: Setup for playing the specified title and chapter. Ö Refer to ”Playing the specified title and chapter”. 1.TITLE 2. BARCODE COMMAND STACK: Setup for recalling the display of the barcode command stack groups from memory. 2.BARCODE/COMMAND STACK Ö Refer to ”Recalling the display of the barcode command stack groups from memory” on next page. Ö Select one of the abo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

ADVANCED FEATURE MENU WEEKLY TIMER FUNCTION OPERATION/DISPLA WEEKLY TIMER OPERA Y SPECIFICATIONS TION SETUP FOR RECALLING THE DISPLAY OF BARCODE/ TIMER ON/OFF WED. COMMAND STACK GROUPS FROM MEMORY Ö Move the pointer to 2. BARCODE/COMMAND STACK and press 1.TITLE . Example) To recall and display Barcode/Command stack group 2.BARCODE/COMMAND STACK “5” A: Press = = . Ç B: Press the or button to select 005 and 98–04–29 WED. 08:15.00 press the button. Now the timer setting is complete

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

POWER ON START FUNCTION POWER ON START FUNCTION MENU page 1/2 1-2 WEEKLY TIMER OFF POWER ON START ON 1. Move the ä (pointer) to “POWER ON START” by press- TITLE PLAY MODE SINGLE ing the or button. REPEAT MODE CHAPTER BAUD RATE 4800bps TRAY LOCK OFF 2. Set it to ON by pressing the or button. BLACKBOARD LOCK OFF STILL MODE FRAME D.R.COMP OFF 3. Press the button. Ö The POWER ON START setting screen is displayed. POWER ON START 1. TITLE: Playing the specified title and chapter. 3 1.TITLE 2. BA

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

ADVANCED FEATURE MENU POWER ON START FUNCTION 2. Recalling and displaying the Barcode/Command stack POWER ON START groups in memory Ö Move the ä (pointer) to 2. BARCODE/COMMAND STACK and 1.TITLE press . Example) To execute Barcode/Command stack group 5 2.BARCODE/COMMAND STACK GROUP 005 A: Press = = . B: Press the or button to select 005 and press the button. Ç MENU page 1/2 Ö The Advanced Feature menu setup screen is displayed again, in WEEKLY TIMER OFF which the POWER ON START setting is s

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

ADVANCED FEATURE MENU DETAILED INFORMATION TITLE PLAY MODE SETUP TRAY LOCK SETUP When this mode is set to ON, the tray is locked and can not On the Advanced Feature menu screen, move the ä(pointer) be opened or closed. When a disc is loaded and the TRAY to TITLE PLAY MODE with the remote control unit’s LOCK is set to ON, the disc can not be ejected until TRAY LOCK is set to OFF with the remote control unit. or button and press the remote control unit’s Use this function when you do not wish th

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

ADVANCED FEATURE MENU ADVANCED FEATURE MENU DETAILED INFORMATION MARK FRAME SQUELCH SETUP STACK MODE OSD SETUP Within mark frame input commands, the picture will be This function controls ON/OFF of OSD displays during stack paused at mark frame (playback stop point). playback. When set to ON, frame search is used near the end point to ON: STACK OSD is displayed on the screen when search confirm the accuracy of the mark frame. is used during stack playback. When set to OFF, although the transitio

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

DVD VIDEO BLACKBOARD CHARACTER INPUT/PICTURE DRAWING The video blackboard function of this unit allows you to draw characters and pictures just like on a blackboard. The drawn characters and pictures can be displayed alone or superimposed on the disc video. OPERATION USING THE MOUSE OR KEYBOARD Connect the PS/2 mouse or PS/2 keyboard to the mouse/keyboard connector of this unit. Be sure to put this unit to the standby mode or unplug the power cord before connecting the mouse or keyboard to this

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

DVD VIDEO BLACKBOARD CHARACTER INPUT/PICTURE DRAWING USING THE DRAWING TOOLS Ö Use the mouse’s left button to select icon below. (LINE): Draws a straight line. (BOX): This tool can be switched by clicking to a tool for drawing a line-enclosed rectangle, solid- ABC COLR SAVE UNDO EXIT painted rectangle or a rectangle the outside of which is painted. Drawing tools (ROUND): This tool can be switched by clicking to a tool for drawing an ellipse, solid-painted ellipse or an ellipse the outside o

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

CHARACTER INPUT/PICTURE DRAWING SAVING CHARACTERS OR PICTURES 1 1. Click the SAVE button on the screen. Ö The Save screen is displayed. 2. Display the video where you want to begin displaying the object or text. Ö “IN” blinks. SAVE ABC COLR UNDO EXIT Ö Display the video by controlling the player control icon at the bottom left of the screen. 3. Click the SAVE button on the screen. GROUP 001 NEXT Ö “OUT” starts to blink. 2-4 DISPLAY AREA IN OUT Ö This sets the display start position. 4. Disp

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