Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1
Model and serial
numbers may be
found underneath
the handle.
You should record
both model and serial
numbers in a safe
place for future use.
• safety
• assembly
• operation
• maintenance
• repair parts
• Espahol - pagina 15
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estat
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2
Warranty Craftsman One Year Full Warranty If this Craftsman product fails due to a defect in material or workmanship within one year from the date of purchase, return it to any Sears store, Sears Service Center, or other Craftsman outlet in the United States for free repair (or replacement if repair proves impossible). This warranty applies for only 90 days from the date of purchase if this product is ever used for commercial or rental purposes. This warranty does not include bags or filters, wh
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• Turn offVacbefore unplugging. This Vac isdouble-insulated, eliminating theneed foraseparate grounding • Toreduce theriskofinjury from system. Useonly identical replacement accidental starting, unplug power cord parts. Read theinstructions forServicing before changing orcleaning filter. Double-Insulated Wet/Dry Vacs. • Donotunplug bypulling oncord. Useonly extension cords that arerated Tounplug, grasp theplug, notthecord. foroutdoor use. Extension cords inpoor • Donotuse withdamaged cord,plug o
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4
Introduction Read this owner's manual to familiarize This Wet/Dry Vac is intended for house- hold use. It may be used for vacuuming of yourself with the product features and to wet or dry media and may be used as a understand the specific usage of your new blower. Wet/Dry Vac. Table of Contents Section Page Section Page Warranty ........................ 2 Emptying the Drum .............. 8 Important Safety Instructions ......... 2 Blowing Feature ................. 9 Introduction ................
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Assembly (continued) Caster/Caster Foot Assembly Vac Assembly 1. Remove the power assembly from the 1. Line up front (label and switch side) of dust drum and set aside. power assembly with drain cap and Vac port located on the front of the 2. Turn the dust drum upside down on the drum. floor. 3. Insert the caster feet into the bottom of Note: Power assembly must be aligned drum, as shown (4 places). with drum for proper attachment. 4. Push on the caster foot until the foot is 2. Place power asse
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Assembly (continued) Insert Hose Insert the hose locking end of the "Pos-I- Lock®'`hose into the inlet of the Vac. The hose should snap into place. To remove the hose from the Vac, press the release button in the hose assembly and pull the hose out of the Vac inlet, as shown. Press ; and y Pull Storage Location E:::::> Hose Power Assembly Accessory Storage Your accessories may be stored in the caster feet or in the storage locations on the lid. The hose may be stored by wrap- ping it around the
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Operation WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire, explosion, or damage to Vac: • Do not leave Vac running while unattended - you may fail to notice important signs indicating abnormal operation such as loss of suction, debris/liquid exiting exhaust, or abnormal motor noises. Immediately stop using Vac if you notice these signs. • Do not leave Vac plugged-in when not in use. • Do not continue running when float has cut off suction. • Do not operate Vac in areas with flammable gases, vapors or explos
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8
Operation (continued) Vacuuming Liquids Emptying the Drum 1. Remove the power assembly. Push down and pull out the flexible locking filter cage and float, as they prevent tabs to release from drum. liquid from entering the impeller and _ WARNING: Do not operate without damaging the motor. 2. While holding the locking tabs out, lift the power assembly up and away from 1. When picking up small amounts of the drum. liquid the filter may be left in place. 3. Lay power assembly upside down on a 2. Wh
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9
Operation (continued) Craftsman recommended accessories are Blowing Feature available at Sears retail stores and Your Vac features a blowing port. It can sears.com. The Sears 2-1/2" Blower blow sawdust and other debris. Follow Nozzle Stock No. 16933 is recommended the steps below to use your Vac as a for blowing debris. blower. ,_k WARNING: Always wear safety Push/PullHandle eyewear complying with ANSI Z87.1 \ Hose End \ (or in Canada, CSA Z94.3) before Blowing using as a blower. Port WARNING: T
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10
Maintenance Filter Installation: Filter 1. Carefully slide the Qwik Lock TM filter WARNING: To reduce the risk of over the filter cage and press down on injury from accidental starting, unplug the outside edge of the filter until the power cord before changing or clean- rubber gasket on the bottom of the filter ing filter. seats securely around the base of the filter cage and against the lid. NOTE: This filter is made of high quality 2. Align the small center hole in the top of paper designed to
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11
Maintenance (continued) To disinfect the drum: Cleaning A Dry Filter 1. Pour 1 gallon of water and 1 teaspoon Some removal of dry debris can be chlorine bleach into the drum. accomplished without removing the filter from the Vac. Slap your hand on top of 2. Let solution stand for 20 minutes, the power assembly while the Vac is carefully swishing every few minutes, turned off. making sure to wet all inside surfaces of the drum. For best cleaning results due to accumulated dust, clean the filter i
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12
Repair Parts 12 Gallon Wet/Dry Vac OR 16 Gallon Wet/Dry Vac Model No. 113.177650 Model No. 113.177611 Always order by Part Number - Not by Key Number WARNING SERVICING OF DOUBLE-INSULATED WET/DRY VAC In a double-insulated Wet/Dry Vac, two systems of insulation are provided instead of grounding. No grounding means is provided on a double-insulated appliance, nor should a means for grounding be added. Servicing a double-insulated Wet/Dry Vac requires extreme care and knowledge of the system, and s
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Repair Parts OR 12 Gallon Wet/Dry Vac 16 Gallon Wet/Dry Vac Model No. 113.177650 Model No. 113.177611 28 12_ 14 20, 21 J 25 13
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14
Notes 14
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f manual del usuario 12 GALONES NO. DE MODELO 113.177650 0 16 GALONES NO. DEMODEL0 113.177611 N_mero de serie Los n_meros de modelo y de serie se pueden encontrar debajo del asa. T ° Usted debe anotar los n_meros tanto de modelo como de serie en un lugar seguro para usofuturo. ASPIRADORA PARA MOJADO/SECO _ADVERTENCIA: DE 12 GALONES PARA SU SEGURIDAD 0 DE 16 GALONES LEADETENIDAMENTE TODASLAS • seguridad INSTRUCCIONES • ensamblaje GUARDEESTE • funcionamiento MANUAL • mantenimiento PARAREFERENCIA F
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16
Garantia r GarantiacompletaCraftsmande un afio Si este productoCraftsmanfalla debido a un defectode material o defabricaciOndentrodel plazo de un afio a partir de la fechade compra,devuOlvaloa cualquiertienda Sears, Centrode Servicio Searsu otropuntode venta Craftsmanpara quesea reparado gratuitamente(o reemplazadosi la reparaciOnresulta imposible). Estagarantiase aplica solamente durante90 dias a partir de la fechade compra,si este producto se utiliza algunavez para finescomercialeso de alquile
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17
• Apague laaspiradora antes de desenchufarla.• Esta aspiradora tiene aislamiento doble, Iocual • Para reducir elriesgo de lesiones debidas aun elimina lanecesidad de un sistema independiente arranque accidental, desenchufe elcordon de de conexiOn atierra. Utilice anicamente piezas de energia antes de cambiar olimpiar elfiltro. repuesto id_nticas. Lea las instrucciones de servicio • No desenchufe laaspiradora tirando del cordon. Para de revision de las aspiradoras para mojado/seco con aislamiento
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Introducci6n Estaaspiradoraparamojado/seco est,.dise_ada Leaestemanualdel operadorparafamiliarizarse solamenteparausodom6stico.Sepuedeutilizar conlascaracteristicasdelproductoy paraentender la utilizaci6nespecificadesu nuevaaspiradorapara pararecogermaterialesmojadoso secosy se puedeusarcomo soplador. mojado/seco. Indice Articulo P;_gina Articulo P;_gina Garantia ............................... 16 Recogidadeliquidosconlaaspiradora.... 22 Vaciadodeltambor .................... 22 Instruccionesdese
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Ensamblaje (continuaci6n) Ensamblajedelas ruedecillas/patas Ensamblajedela aspiradora 1. Alineela partedelantera(lado de laetiquetay para ruedecilla el interruptor) del ensambiajedel motor con ia 1. Quiteel ensamblaje del motor deltamborpara tapadel drenajey el orificio deaspiraci6n polvoy p6ngaloa unlado. ubicadosen ia partedeianteradel tambor. 2. Pongaeltamborparapolvoenposici6n invertidasobreel piso. Nora:Elensamblajedel motor debeestar alineado 3. Introduzca laspataspararuedecilla enla parte
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Ensamblaje (continuaci6n) Introduzcala manguera Introduzcael extremodefijaci6ndela manguera "Pos-I-Lock ®"enla entradadela aspiradora.La mangueradeberiaacoplarsea presi6nensu sitio. Parasacarla mangueradelaaspiradora,oprimael bot6ndeliberaci6nubicadoenelensamblajedela mangueraytire dela manguerahastasacarladela entradadela aspiradora,dela maneraquese muestraenlailustraci6n. dealmacenamiento Oprima el bot6n Botbnde ytire de la de2-1/2 pulgadas liberacibn manguera j Manguera Ensamblaje _)del motor