Instruction d'utilisation Whirlpool DU9450XT

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Whirlpool DU9450XT

Dispositif: Whirlpool DU9450XT
Catégorie: Lave-vaisselle
Fabricant: Whirlpool
Dimension: 1.55 MB
Date d'addition: 3/14/2014
Nombre des pages: 20
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Whirlpool DU9450XT Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

A Fwzers Dryers Clothes Washers Aulomallc Dehum!dlllers Condltloners AM Room Compaclors Trash Ovens. MIcrowave Ranges Unlls Surlace and Ovens In Bwll Dishwashers Makers rs
DU9450XT Model

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

. 2 7 2 7 . . . . . 3 . 8 . . 4 a . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4 . . . . . . 11 5 . . . . . . . , . 13 5 . . . . . . . . . . 14 . 6 . . 15 IF . 17 6 20 01990 Whirlpool It to l a l from l on a floor to l to l l l not or to l for of fire, or follow l l or If not l to l l Instruc- for l on, on or l on a door or floor for l l When l If hot not door to or hot l for to do. or l a turn on hot to run for l to not or for

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

p (not IL I LOWER to I too from \ 3 b food from ,, It food G for a Whirlpool form if or a l from from l a Number Phone Company Service Date Purchase place. handy in together slip sales and book this Keep Number Serial slip. sales date purchase and above) diagram [see plate Numbers Serial and Model Copy Number Model question. with call service need you ready information this Have below. the complete Then product. this with provided Card tration Regis- Owner the mail

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

1. 5. door. 6. hot 2. to hot. off. from 7. a 8. 3. 9. 4. a of hot, of When a fills to of food out a of on from It not to or food from It a of food If fruit too a on hot 2. If 140°F to a hot a 145°F (63°C). If 1. 140°F hot turn on no turn hot if run hot on hot for a or If or of l l durfng l to fer do not 4 walls interior touch etc. sheets, cookie drains. through trans- nolse prevent operatlon dlshwasher pans, pizza handles, and lids pot sure Make Inse

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

loading from to off for to for to l for l not for not not to 1 LOWER l or or to l fit or l to a . to a l l foods l or spray. the facing surfaces soiled with rack bottom the in loaded be should dried-on cooked-on wlth Items rack. top the in placed be con utensils other and pans bowls, Small rack. bottom the in melted be can items Plastic side. lower counterclockwise knob Turn recommended. are safe”’ side. raise clockwise knob Turn “dishwasher marked items plastic On

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

. l or front l do from not of or l do not or l not or l l When front. forks to- of to- door Lift off w of out door. from forks, for onto a to on door, or out for on / or It or to on 6 silverware. the droplets water spilling avoid racks the unloading before basket the remove unload Always unloading. easy for removed be also can table. counter the edges. loading and points taken be can sharp with it the accidents place in irs avoid help while loa

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Adding of of a too too to l For of if a different if of a rus l For on 1 l If door or to or a It for to a or door not un- I I to When Wash, for a I both for... of to l 1 or to on of if 8 or If too or 136 or if too soft l 1 or to mid- to if 5 to 7 or 85 to 119 Find out or l 1 or to .- If 0 to 4 or 0 to 68 A from forming Rinse a A dispenser of to if to fill When fill of to door not fill of If out. not fill 7 closed. tightly cap dispense

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

off. POTS & for or foods. to 145°F (63°C) l ). 72 to 8 times. dry heated includes time **Cycle water. the heat needed time the plus minutes is time** Cycle (marked rinse last the in and washes both in water the heats matically auto- dishwasher the while delays time cycle The baked-on CLEAN DRYING WATER HEATING WATER HEATING cooked-on cleaning Maximum AND RINSING AND WASHING PANS cycle a Selecting run. was that cycle last the show will it selection, for up lit is display

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

A for l * 72 min- to if For on 65 to if LOW For or 58 to if & For a to or 12 of to & & HI-TEMF! For if on to a If & not for & or for page next on continued cycle. the selected be can Options DRY AIR DRY HEAT only so cycle, PANS POTS the preset already is Option HI-TEMP The available. are options selected, is cycle HOLD RINSE the cycle. during time any changed be can options All HI-TEMP and DRY AIR DRY AIR HI-TEMP and DRY HEAT DRY HEAT twice. Pad OPTIONS the press DRY

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

When for to 145°F (63°C). While & & of if not to 14s”F (63°C). 17.) to For a . to D 1 .- of -. .- Biil a for 2, 4 or 6 hours 4. 2 hours, turn For off. If 4 hours or 6 hours to run hours of for turn on to 1. to 2. to a 2 l hour 2 if to on. 3. l to (in 4 hours, 6 hours, no 2 hours, If no l to off. door to off. I to a to If not or or not to a a 2 if I If a 2 2. door 3. door. not Wait 30 for to of from 1. Lift on door to door 4. door to 10 stoppe

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

WATER off on LOW If to to to l45”F (WC), 10). for a to Four of functions ~~~~ 1 1 out door A for to 10 1. a 2. on 10 light on door turn off first door a 1. turns on. 2. 1. 2. pad. the Release flashing. starts light signal CLEAN the until pad OPTIONS the hold and Press pad. the Release light signal CLEAN the until pad OPTIONS the hold and Press finished: is cycle after the open you time the light CLEAN the have can you option, an As pressed. is pad control oth

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

function of to a b or to a \ E!m 1. E!Yuim turns on on. 1. 2. 2. 3. turn off to no out. 3. turn off to a a turn on: A of or turn off 1. turns on on. 2. 1. 2. 3. turn off to on. a 3. turn off to off. 12 turned is beep the that show will light signal CLEAN The failure. power by celled can- are selections feature extra All NOTE: turned been has beep the that show will light signal CLEAN The pad. the Release flashes. light signal CLEAN the until pad DELAY the h

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

if 1. Wash full a 2. LOW of It hot hot a 3. a 4. for In- to or of 5. for of for 6. hours. to of of 7. of fit hand. by cleaned be should however, soil, Burned-on it. by cleaned be can washer dish- the in can that parts appliance Most dishwasher. your use the through efficiently and quickly done be can cleanup Kitchen day. times certoln at energy usage heavy avoid this recommend utilities Local off-peak during dishwasher your Use rinsing. hand without results washing go

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

for to do. not or for to of If front of to not not to for of to if from to trim colorful on not to a to of force of from foods if to on A film form on a film a of not not to off Wash if not to Wash film finish Wash fat a for hourortwo. on or If or finish. not or of a soft or a to of a film to on door not -.------ LL-~- --.. L.- -1 or or 14 sudsing. foaming cause may ll because detergent dishwasher man omer cleanser rype any - -a.-- use Do interior. d

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Common problems Spotmg a I. 2. 3. Put 2 ml] a 4. a a WASH Items. 7. o Items a WASH a WASH time Aluminum In alumlnum a mild them. on 15 page next continued break. or chip may and supported be not will prongs glassware over loaded Glasses over not prongs, between breaking Lood only. rack top the in glasses Load overload. not Do loading Improper or Chlpplng cleanser. abrasive and pad scouring plastic with marks black Remove dishes. washing during touch not do they so Pl

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

6 a WASH a much A a a - L 1 a 2. It 3. Add % 240 mL) 4. & put In - milk a plumbing a up a a 16 dishwasher. the of draining proper ensure to clean kept be should gap air drain The warranty. washer dish- the by covered NOT is and dishwasher the of part NOT is gap air drain The drain. plugged to due washer dish- the into drain the from backing water of possibility the prevent to dishwasher the near counter the of top the on or sink the above located usually is gap air The

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

if or not run: often from l a find l on? 11.) of If if not run, or l on? 12). a l door If not l l off? 12.) l on? l or l a Whirlpool from l If motor of a 1-800-253-1301 If motor not for of our to l on? from or, if a If to run too l & or If to: for to Mr. of If Whirlpool l 2000 M-63 l A of 49022 l or a if l front.) Whirlpool a l fresh y of out com- l Whirlpool -=L; to fulfill if on front of l Whirlpool 7 for of our l foam 2) or on of a diff

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

a of Whirlpool Cor- l for for of a of a con- for Whirlpool of fit to l to Whirlpool or Whirlpool to to 3 or Whirlpool 2. 20 IL 60606 l turn inform of of a of to to 18 request. your respond better order in needed is information problem.This the description complete and chase, pur- date number, serial number, model provide: please assistance, requesting *When action. your us in will MACAP Chicago, Drive Wacker North Step in number assistance service CCCL-LINE Panel Ac

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19


Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

DW004 WILL must POWER 19. tub WILL A. 1. 2. 3. plumbing. B. up E. LIABLE a number, 3368018 01990 Whirlpool ~efrlgeralc b3XerS. Dryers. Clolhes Washers. Aulomatx Oehumldlllers. Condllloners Air Room Compaclors Trash Ovens Microwave Ranges Unds. Suriace and Ovens BullI-In Dlshwashers. Ikers. U.S.A. in Printed Corporation No. Part U.S. the in anywhere from 1-BOO-2534301, telephone assistance service COOL-LINE@ our calling by found be can help additional Assistance:’ and “Ser

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