Instruction d'utilisation GE GSD400Y-04

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif GE GSD400Y-04

Dispositif: GE GSD400Y-04
Catégorie: Lave-vaisselle
Fabricant: GE
Dimension: 3.51 MB
Date d'addition: 10/3/2014
Nombre des pages: 16
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GE GSD400Y-04 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

thebestIrom “g
Use andCneof
Bdt-tiModel GSD 400Y
Ener~-saving tips
your dshwmher
Loaded right,
fishes get clemer
Whtis dshwmher sale?p10
Save tie md money
Before youcm for Sewice,
usetie Problem Solver

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Help IRs helpyou e* e writedown the modeland Readthk3usetwit‘chre serial numbers Book carefully You’llfindthemon a labeljust It isintendedto helpyou operate insidethe.dishwasherdoor. and maintainyournewdishwasher properly. Thesenumbersare alsocmthe ConsumerProduct Ownership Keepit handyfor answersto your RegistrationCard that camewith questions. your dishwasher.Beforesending If you don’t understandsomething in this card, pleasewritethese or needmorehelp...Call,toll free: numbershere: The GE Amww

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

IhfPoRTANT SMETY INSTRUCTIONS Readauinstructions before l.lsing this appliance — ~~ ~RNMNG--When usingthis To minimize the possibility s HYDROGENGASisproduced appliance,alwaysexercisebasic by the chemicalactionwithinyour of injury. safetyprecautions,includingthe waterheaterand the gascan ~ Whenloadingitemsto be following: accumulatein the waterheater u washed: and/or waterpipesif hot waterhas s Usethis applianceonly for its not beenusedfor a periodof two A. Locatesharpitemsso that intendedpurpos

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Cycle Indicator Dial Door Latch Howvtooperate your dishwasher (Locked) (Turnto Start) ‘w .-----...1 w =] 13H4HML@E~EHRlC Sound-insulated m-!! - Aw- d STEP 1. Load your dishwasher STEP 4. SelectThe Cycleand start withdishes,silverware,pots, pans, dishwasher. bowls,etc. accordingto instruc- If your dishwasherdrainsinto a LIGHT WASH ~ tionscmpage 8 and 9. food wastedisposer,operatethe ON @ disposeruntilit is emptybefore STEP 2. Add detergentto the oFF @ _-: . & @ RINSE I --- startingthe dishwasher.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

cycle selection Hints XORMALWASH— Formostloadsof everydaydishes, lassesand cookware. LiGHT WASH— For dishesthat havebeenpre- rinsedbeforeloading.Also,for washingverylightlysoileddishes withsoilsthat havenot driedon. RINSE ONLY— For rinsingpartialloadswhichwill bewashedlater.Do not use iiciergent. W’M HappensinEach cycle @You’11 hear occasionalclicking Approx. Water Wash Use sounds: Cycle Time Wash Gallons —Soft food disposershredding (in minutes) (approx.) Cycle Sequence Cycles action. —Drain va

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

GMMidishwashing YOU! mnt help prevent H(NVtod-maw madI.lse $immt$with HOT’‘wWter spottimg ‘with a rinse detergent agent Togetdishescleanand dryyou A rinseagentmakeswaterflowoff First, me only detergent needhot water.Tohelpyouget specificallymade for use in dishesquickerthan usual.This waterof theproper temperature, lessenswaterspotting.Makes dishwashers.Other typeswill yourGeneralElectricdishwasher dryingfaster,too. cause Oversudsing. hasa waterheatingfeaturethat. For best.dishwashingperform- Se

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

what you cam - km on dishes !ssmF Esxw. ~- And what you shouldn’t -’- If thisisyour firstdishwasher,or 3, Tryto removefood scrapsand E dispenserson the hlsiiiedoor’of if you‘rereplacinga mucholder placedishesin dishwasherbefore —- . ~.. your dishwasl-ier. Two, because model,YOU maywonderhow soilhas a chanceto dry and ~ — somecyclesusetwo washes. muchpre-preparationyourdishes becomehard. Disheswithdried-on —, — need.Actuallyverylittle.Pre- soilare moredifficultto washand mayrequireadditionalprepa

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

! .1 . .; -,:,, JLoadedE@@, dishes getcleaner How tobad me TOP lRf4c’K 17M5 top rack isbestfor glasses,cupsand Tmsii Q?w@m m@e@ kwif, theW#bSt “ I sm.wers, Cupsand glassesfit bestalongthe cmmm iypeyou will@2ve. !’. .’ sides.Thisisthe,placefor dishwasher-safe Makesure dishesarepkoperiyl~add. to insure~ .- - -,plastics,too. Makesure s~all plasticitemsare~ that watet $anreach. the soiledsurfaces.The lodgedin-tightlyso theycan’t fallcmtothe washarm in the bottom sprayswa(erup. The ~ ‘ Qlrod” heating

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

-. .. Fitplatesandsaucersbetweenthepins.Load Heavilysoiledpots,pansandcasseroles MUSTbe platters,pots,pansandbowlsalongthesides,in loadedin thebottmnrack,facingdown,Propthe cornersor intheback. broilerpanandrackalongtheedge.Shallow -. itemsmaybeangled. providedthelowersidedews 5$HH -- . - I notshieldthesoiledsurfaceinsidefromthewa~er, &&*— Don’t let any ‘ itemextend w- throughbottom. , .- ”-, .W .!r{! U._ — - ......... ~%+z- - Put flatware in the removable si~verware basket T’ake out anything th

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

K.Jw%d]y safe Exeeptio%s (Mot W&t?) !&s Some coloredarmdimd ak.minumcanPade. YIN : Antiquel metaltrimmed, hand-paintedor over-the-glaze patternsfade. Gold-leaf will discolor. Load &xmreljto preventrrsovmenL YES Antique, metal-trimmed,or hand-~aintedpatterns fade. Gold-leafwilldiscolor, Do notwashin dishwasher.Damageto No and discolorationor stainingof dishwasher may result.. glassmay yellow, YES Milk No Ironwillrust. Pewtertarnishes. No If it doesn’tsay~lS1-l~AS~~R SAl%, test onepiec

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

::;i&~.~mfj;shyyashefs ~f~~~ How toprep~re ym..w -. . . .Lwe 3J-14 airgape Keepit disilwasller forwiB$ter .: f:’ -! ~ -.,__ J ,- X%M-i Sh%-ige An airgap k a phmbing device.It Cleanthe controlpanelwitha If your dishwasherk leftin an protectsyour dishwasheragainst lightlydampenedcloth. Dry unheatedlocationduringthe ,: waterbackingup into it if a drain thoroughly.Do not useabrasives wintermonths,havea service clogs,Theair gap isnot a part of .. or sharp objectson the panel. techniciantake the follo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

... save Your Time allcl Money BeforeVou Canforservice, “ Check the I%wbkm-il solver If you ha~c a problem, it may be minor. You may be able to correct it jrourself. .Just use this Problem Solver to locate your problem and then follow the suggested recommendations. The Problem Sober POSSIBLE CAUSE AND REMEDY PROBLEM DISHWASHER WON’T A fuse in your home may be blown, or the circuit breaker tripped. RUN Replace fuse or reset circuit breaker. Remove any other appliances from the circuit. Utensils m

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

PROBLEM PCX$W3LECAUSE AND REMEDY DETERGENT LEFT IN Water may not be reachirig the cietergeni cups. Move clishes that may be DiSPENSER CUPS blocking detergent cup, The dispenser cover may not be opening or may be blocked by improperly loaded items. Ojmn the cup and remove any caked-on cietergenl. If the cup s~illdoesn’[ open automatically, call for service, Detergent may be old. If it’s hard or cakecl in [he box, throw it away. The detergent may not be working well. Try another brand. DETERGENT C

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

— The Problemsalver (continued) , PROBLEM POSSIBLE CfAtJsE’Arwl REMEDY e“ YELLOW OR BROWN Tea or coffee can stain cups, Remove the stains by hand, using a solution FILM of ?42 cup bleach and 3 cups warm water, An overall yellow or brown film on dishes or glassware can be caused by -. iron deposits in water. A special filter in the water supply line is the only way to correct this problem. Your water softener company can tell you about the filter. Yellow film on sterling silver results when you w

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

—— — Our ConsumerServicesare designedwithyour needsand wantsin mind. warranty Protection Beforeyour newapplianceleft the factory,it went Andyouhavea writtenwarrantyto protectyou. Seethe throughrigorousteststo detectmanufacturingdefects. warrantyon the backpageof this bookfar details. @ Convenient Service FIRST,contactthe peoplewhoservicedyourappliance. Whetheryourapplianceisin or out of warranty,you’re just a phonecallawayfrom our nationwidenetworkof Explainwhyyouare not pleased.In mostcases,thi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

to ship the product to the service shop or for the service technician’s travel costs to your home. All warrantyservicewill be provided by our Factory Service Centers or by our authorized Customer Care@ servicers during normal working hours. Look in the White or Yellow Pages of your telephone directory for GENERALELECTRICCOMPANY, GENERALELECTRICFACTORY SERVICE,GENERALELECTRIC- HOTPOINTFACTORYSERVICEor GENERALELECTRICCUSTOMER CARE” SERVICE. Consumer Affairs office at the address below, or call, to

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