Instruction d'utilisation Sinar m 493.03.000

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Sinar m 493.03.000

Dispositif: Sinar m 493.03.000
Catégorie: Appareil photo digital
Fabricant: Sinar
Dimension: 1.89 MB
Date d'addition: 3/16/2013
Nombre des pages: 14
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Sinar m 493.03.000 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

We congratulate you on your purchase of your Sinarm camera and we
appreciate your confidence in our products. We are convinced that the
Sinarm will add significant convenience to your work. Its robust and pre-
cise construction will bring you long and trouble-free operation.
Before you use your Sinar m camera for the first time, please read this in-
struction manual carefully. It will help you to use the camera correctly,
thus avoiding difficulties that might arise from improper use

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Snap Lock Slider Light Gate On/Off Switch Display El. Contacts Release Button Front Dial Locking Slider, left Type Plate Rear Dial Locking Slider, right Focal Plane Upper Wheel Shutter Eylets for Focal Plane Switch1 Straps Shutter Lower Wheel Switch 2 Switch 3 X Sync Socket El. Contacts Switch 4 Jack for Hand Switch 5 El. Contacts Release M Sync 12V Power Supply Multipurpose Socket Socket Socket (AUX) Diagram 1: Sinar m, rear view Diagram 2: Sinar m, front view C D

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Table of Contents Page Introduction .................................................... A Tripod Socket, 3 left ( /8″) Camera Diagrams ......................................... C Extent of Delivery ........................................... 2 System Contacts, left Use ................................................................ 2 Requirements ................................................ 2 System Contacts, bottom Sinarm on a Sinarp3 ..................................... 3 Configurati

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Extent of Delivery Sinar m on a Sinar p3 The extent of delivery of the Sinar m 493.03.000 includes: Configurations • Sinarm Body • Light Gate 493.03.208 • Two Shutter Protecting Covers 493.03.582 • CD-ROM with Sinar CaptureShop™ • Quick Reference 02.8302 Use The Sinarm is a versatile modular camera body. It can be used as a shutter for the Sinarp3 view camera as well as a stand-alone 35mm or medium format camera (see also the example configurations, diagrams 4 to 11). Diagram 4: Sinar m on a Sin

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Set-Up 1. Mount the Sinarp3 on a sturdy tripod or stand. 2. Remove the carrier frame of the rear standard of the Sinarp3. 3. Mount the Quick Clamping Adapter m 519.81.000 in place of the car- rier frame. 4. Screw both tripod screws that are included with the Quick Clamping Adapter in the bottom and on the left side of the Sinar m and tighten them with a small coin. 5. Place the Sinar m on the Quick Clamping Adapter and pull its clamp- ing lever backwards. 6. Remove both protecting covers of the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

14. Connect the Sinarback with the Macintosh computer via firewire- or Sinar m fiber optics cable, depending on the type of the Sinarback. Configurations 15. Plug the 12 volt power supply in the corresponding socket on the rear side of the Sinar m and on the mains supply. When using a Sinarback with fiber optics interface and a Power- Optics Master cable, the wide J14 plug has to be plugged into the socket of the adapter plate. 16. Plug the flash sync cable in the X sync socket on the front of t

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Set-Up 1. Screw the Tripod Adapter 519.81.010 on to the Sinarm and tighten the screw with a coin. 2. Mount the Sinarm on a sturdy tripod or stand. 3. Remove both protecting covers of the Sinarm: The rear one by slid- ing the snap lock slider to the left, the front one by pulling the left lock- ing slider upwards to the left and the right looking slider upwards to the right. 4. Mount the Sinarback on the corresponding adapter plate (551.63.235/551.64.235/551.65.235 or 552.35.232), insert the adap

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

When using a Sinarback with fiber optics interface and a Power- Operation Optics Master cable, the wide J14 plug has to be plugged into the socket of the adapter plate. The operation of the camera and the selection of individual functions are mainly performed by means of the two menu dials and the five rocker 11. Plug the flash sync cable in the X sync socket on the front of the switches (also see the illustrations on the fold-out pages C and D). Sinar m and on your flashlight unit. When using a

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Menu Dials/Scrolling Wheels Flash Connections The Sinar m is equipped with two synchro flash connectors: “X” and “M”. • The Front Dial permits the selection of func- • The “X”contact triggers the flash either at the instant when the shut- tions listed in the upper line in the display, ter window has reached its largest opening (setting “Early Flash”), or and the setting of the working aperture. immediately before the shutter begins to close again (setting “Late • The Rear Dial allows the selecti

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Display 1 2 3 4 5 The display on the Sinarm camera has the following modes: Display of All the Relevant Settings When the camera is ready for an exposure, all the settings relevant to that exposure that are supported by attached modules are displayed. 6 Illustration no. 12 on page 15 shows which camera functions will be indi- cated in a particular location within the display. The symbols change in 8 conformity with the status of the corresponding function. 7 Setting the Camera Parameters As soon

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Menu Structure of the Sinarm (V1.0) Switch 3: EXP Center of Display Top of Display Bottom of Display The highlighted boxes corresponds to the default condition. (Front Dial) (Rear Dial) Switch 2: PRGM Center of Display Top of Display Bottom of Display (Front Dial) (Rear Dial) This function is not available with Sinar CaptureShop™ version 4.x. * Switch 3: WB Center of Display Top of Display Bottom of Display (Front Dial) (Rear Dial) Switch 2: MODE Center of Display Top of Display Bottom of Displa

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Switch 4: /ISO Center of Display Top of Display Bottom of Display (Front Dial) (Rear Dial) This function is not avail- * able with Sinar Capture- Shop™ version 4.x. Switch 4: OPT Center of Display Top of Display Bottom of Display (Front Dial) (Rear Dial) continued on next page 18 19

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Notes Regarding Sinar CaptureShop™ 4.x Care and Maintenance Please note that if you work with Sinar CaptureShop™ version 4.x, the Maintenance of the Sinar m camera only requires simple cleaning work: interaction between Sinar m and Sinar CaptureShop™ is limited in some • You can use a cleaning cloth lightly soaked (not dripping!) with Sinar situations. Agent Blue, ethanol or a mild soap solution. The two first mentioned • For example, the live video can only be switched on and off at the agents

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Technical Data 1 5 Dimensions: 180×140×67mm (approx. 7× 5 /2×2 /8″) Weight: 0.8kg (approx. 28oz) Lenses: Sinaron Digital CAB, Sinaron Digital CMV, Hasselblad V-System, Nikon (further adaptations are in preparation) Shutter Type: Electronically controlled, vertically moving focal plane shutter 1 5 Shutter Size: 56×42mm (approx. 2 /4×1 /8″) Shutter Durability: Typical 50,000 release cycles 1 Exposure Times: /2000 second to 68minutes (depending on the configuration) 1 Flash Sync Time: /100 second

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