Instruction d'utilisation Brother MFC 7420

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Brother MFC 7420

Dispositif: Brother MFC 7420
Catégorie: Dispositif multifonctionnel
Fabricant: Brother
Dimension: 5.04 MB
Date d'addition: 8/10/2013
Nombre des pages: 115
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Brother MFC 7420 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Version A

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Table of Contents 1 Using the machine as a printer Using the Brother printer driver ...............................................................................1-1 How to print your document.....................................................................................1-1 Printing from the manual feed slot......................................................................1-2 Manual Duplex Printing ......................................................................................1

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

TWAIN compliant ...............................................................................................2-7 How to access the Scanner................................................................................2-7 Scanning a document into the PC......................................................................2-8 Settings in the Scanner window .......................................................................2-10 Using the Scan key (For USB or Parallel cable users)............

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® 4 Using MFC Remote Setup (For Windows ) (not available for DCP-7020) MFC Remote Setup.................................................................................................4-1 ® 5 Using Brother PC-FAX software (For Windows ) (not available for DCP-7020) PC-FAX sending......................................................................................................5-1 Setting up user information ................................................................................5-1

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® 7 Using your machine with a Macintosh ® ® Setting up your USB-equipped Apple Macintosh .................................................7-1 ® ® ® Using the Brother printer driver with your Apple Macintosh (Mac OS X)...........7-2 Choosing page setup options.............................................................................7-2 Specific settings .................................................................................................7-3 ® ® Using the Brother printer driver with

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Using the machine as a printer 1 Using the Brother printer driver 1 A Printer Driver is software that translates data from the format used by a computer into the format required by a particular printer, using a printer command language or page description language. The printer drivers are on the CD-ROM we have supplied. Install the drivers first by following the Quick Setup Guide. Also, the latest printer driver can be downloaded from the Brother Solutions Center at:

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Using the machine as a printer Printing from the manual feed slot Note ■ The machine automatically turns on the Manual Feed mode when you put paper in the manual feed slot. 1 ■ The machine illustrations are of the MFC-7420 or MFC-7820N, but the descriptions apply to all the models. 1 Set the Paper Size, Media Type, Paper Source, and other settings in the printer driver. Set the Paper Source to Manual. 2 Slide the paper guides to fit the paper size. 3 Using both hands put paper in the manual fee

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Using the machine as a printer Manual Duplex Printing The machine prints all the even-numbered pages on one side of the paper first. ® Then, the Windows driver instructs you (with a pop-up message) to reinsert the paper. Before reinserting the paper, straighten it well, or you may get a paper jam. Very thin or very thick paper is not recommended. 1 Simultaneous printing and faxing Your machine can print from your computer while sending or receiving a fax in memory, or while scanning a documen

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Using the machine as a printer Popular Printer Emulation Support (MFC-7225N and MFC-7820N only) ® ™ The MFC-7225N and MFC-7820N support HP LaserJet (PCL level 6) and the BR-Script 3 (PostScript 3 ) printer emulation modes. If you use DOS application software, you can use the HP LaserJet (PCL level 6) or ® ™ BR-Script 3 (PostScript 3 ) emulation mode for printer operations. 1 Setting the Emulation Selection Your machine will receive print commands in a printer job language or Emulation. Differe

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Using the machine as a printer Printing the Print Configuration List You can print a list of current printer settings. 1 Press Menu/Set, 4, 2, 2. 1 2 Press Start. The machine prints the settings. 3 Press Stop/Exit. Restoring default settings You can return the machine to the default settings. Fonts and macros in the temporary settings are cleared. 1 Press Menu/Set, 4, 3. 2 Press 1 to restore the default settings. —OR— 3 Press 2 to exit without making a change. 4 Press Stop/Exit. Note Only the pr

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Using the machine as a printer ® Printer driver settings (For Windows ) Note ® ® ® ® For Macintosh users, see Using the Brother printer driver with your Apple Macintosh (Mac OS X) on page 1 ® ® ® 7-2 or Using the Brother printer driver with your Apple Macintosh (Mac OS 9.1 to 9.2) on page 7-4. You can change the following printer settings when you print from your computer: ■ Paper Size ■ Multiple Page ■ Orientation ■ Copies ■ Media Type ■ Paper Source ■ Resolution ■ Toner Save Mode *1 ■ Manual

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Using the machine as a printer ® Features in the PCL printer driver (For Windows ) Basic tab 1 1 2 3 4 1 Select the Paper Size, Multiple Page, Border Line (if any) and Orientation. 2 Select number of Copies and Media Type. 3 Select the Paper Source (First Page and Other Pages). 4 Click the OK button to apply your selected settings. To return to the default settings, click the Default button, then click the OK button. Paper Size From the drop-down box select the Paper Size you are using. Multiple

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Using the machine as a printer Border Line When printing multiple pages on one sheet with the Multiple Page feature you can select to have a solid border, dash border or no border around each page on the sheet. Orientation 1 Orientation selects the position of how your document will be printed (Portrait or Landscape). Landscape Portrait Copies The copies selection sets the number of copies that will be printed. Collate With the Collate check box selected, one complete copy of your document will

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Using the machine as a printer Advanced tab 1 2 3 4 5 1 Change the tab settings by selecting one of the following icons: 1 Print Quality 2 Duplex 3 Watermark 4 Page Setting 5 Device Options Note To return to the default settings, click the Default button. 1 - 9

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Using the machine as a printer Print Quality Resolution You can change the resolution as follows: 1 ■ HQ 1200 (DCP-7020, MFC-7420, MFC-7820N and MFC-7225N) ■ 1200 x 600 (MFC-7220) ■ 600 dpi ■ 300 dpi Toner Save Mode You can save running costs by turning on the Toner Save Mode, which reduces the print density. Print Setting You can manually change the Print setting. ■ Auto Selecting the Auto (Recommended) button will allow automatic printing with the most suitable print settings for your prin

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Using the machine as a printer Duplex The PCL printer driver supports manual duplex printing. Manual Duplex 1 Check Manual Duplex. In this mode, the machine prints all the even numbered pages first. Then the printer driver stops and shows the instructions required to re-install the paper. When you click OK the odd numbered pages are printed. Duplex Type There are six types of duplex directions available for each orientation. Flip on Left Edge Flip on Right Edge Flip on Top Edge Flip on B

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Using the machine as a printer Watermark You can place a logo or text into your document as a Watermark. You can select one of the preset Watermarks, or you can use a bitmap file or text file that you have created. 1 Check Use Watermark, and then select the watermark you want to use. Transparent Check Transparent with the Watermark to print the watermark image in the background of your document. If this feature is not checked then the Watermark will be printed on top of your document. In O

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Using the machine as a printer Page Setting Scaling You can change the print size of your document with the Scaling feature. 1 ■ Check Off if you want to print the document as it appears on your screen. ■ Check Fit to Paper Size if your document has an unusual size, or if you have only the standard size paper. ■ Check Free if you want to change the size. You can also use the Mirror Print or Reverse Print feature for your page setting. Device Options You can set the following Printer Function

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Using the machine as a printer Quick Print Setup The Quick Print Setup feature allows you to quickly select driver settings. To view settings, simply click your mouse button on the task tray icon. This feature can be set to On or Off from the Device Options. 1 Status Monitor This reports the machine status (any error that may happen with the machine) when printing. The default setting for the Status Monitor is off. If you would like to turn the Status Monitor on, go to the Advanced tab, se

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Using the machine as a printer ® Administrator (For Windows 98/98SE/Me Users Only) The administrator selection permits the Copy, Scaling and Watermark features to be locked and password protected. 1 Note Record your password and keep it in a safe place for future reference. If you forget your password these settings can not be accessed. ® Insert Command/File (For Windows 98/98SE/Me Users Only) (MFC-7225N and MFC-7820N only) This option allows data to be inserted into a print job. Using this

Instructions pareilles
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