Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1
H 10 M645
Phase One A/S
Phase One U.S.
Roskildevej 39
24 Woodbine Ave
DK-2000 Frederiksberg
Northport, New York
11768 USA
Tel +45 36 46 01 11
Tel +00 631-757-0400
Fax +45 36 46 02 22
Fax +00 631-757-2217
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2
Notice The name Phase One is a trademark of Phase One A/S. The names Apple Macintosh, Mamiya, Microsoft Windows and Adobe Photoshop are all registered trademarks of their respective companies. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Phase One takes no responsibility for any loss or damage sustained while using their products. This manual ©2002, Phase One A/S Denmark. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced or copied in any way without prior written per- mi
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3
Table of Contents 1 Contents 1 I n t r o d u c t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 2 Special H 10 M645 features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Auto exposure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Double exposure protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Image orientation detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
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H 10 M645 Getting Started 1 Introduction The H 10 for M645 is a single shot digital camera back for the innovative Mamiya 645 AFD camera. The Mamiya 645 utilises a hybrid TTL phase-difference-detection type auto- focus system. Further more the Mamiya 645AF provides auto exposure settings. The Mamiya 645AFD with a H 10 M645 back encourages all kinds of photographic uses from portraiture and wide-angle photography to high speed shooting to capturing fast action with telephoto lenses. This exiting
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H 10 M645 Getting Started 2 Special H 10 M645 features Auto exposure The Mamiya 645AFD can work in different auto exposure modes. This is fully supported by the H 10 M645, which com- municates the equivalent film speed of the digital back to the Mamiya 645AFD camera. The default film speed of the H 10 M645 camera back is ISO 50. However this setting can be changed to 100, 200 or even 400 ISO, inside the Capture One application. It is recommended to capture images using a film curve. That is don
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H 10 M645 Getting Started Double exposure protection When using the M645 with a H 10 M645 it is not possible to accidently double expose the image by capturing one image quickly after another. The H 10 communication with the M645 is disabling capture functionality in the camera when necessary. At the end of an image exposure the image information in the CCD has to be moved from the CCD to the host com- puter. During this short period of time the CCD must be pro- tected from light exposure. The
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H 10 M645 Getting Started IR filter on the CCD The IR filter (Phase One TG1 Infrared cut-off filter) is placed on top of the CCD. The filter may not be removed for several reasons. l The focusing of the H 10 camera back will be damaged l It is only possible to remount the filter without dust in between the filter and the CCD if you have access to special clean room facilities. l The Phase One Product Warranty is terminated. 5
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H 10 M645 Getting Started 3 Getting ready for taking pictures Mounting the viewfinder mask The image area of the Mamiya 645AF is approximately 6 cm x 4.5 cm. The image area of the H 10 M645 is 2.4 cm x 3.6 cm. A H 10 M645 viewfinder mask is provided. This mask has to be mounted beneath the original focusing screen. The viewfinder mask is positioned in the bracket that holds the focusing screen. Please refer to the Mamiya 645 AFD In- structions “Changing the focus screen” before the focus scre
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H 10 M645 Getting Started Mounting the H 10 M645 on the Mamiya 645AFD The H 10 M645 is fully integrated with the camera house and acts as a true part of the whole camera system. When no cassette is attached to the Mamiya 645 AF camera house the mirror is up and the shutter is open. This is the correct position, when no film cassette is attached. When attaching the M645 to the camera house, the shutter will close and the mirror comes down. It is important to ensure that the bottom part of the H 1
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H 10 M645 Getting Started Use of cables Using auto focus lenses: No cables are required be- tween the H 10 M645 and the Mamiya 645AFD when auto focus lenses are used. Flash sync cable must be connected to the Mamiya 645AFD camera house. CORRECT When using AF lenses the flash sync cable must NOT be connected to the camera back. NOT CORRECT 8
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H 10 M645 Getting Started Using manual focus lenses: The provided short flash sync cable shall be con- nected between the “C” plug on the H 10 M645 and the lens sync plug. The flash system sync cable shall be connected to the H 10 M645 “F” plug. Only exposure times between 1/250 sec. and 30 sec. are supported. When using a manual-focus lens in continuous light you must manually compensate for a small underexposure i.e. with the setting of the aperture: Exposure time Loss in exposure 1/60 sec 1
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H 10 M645 Getting Started 4 Maintenance Cleaning the IR filter When the H 10 M645 camera back is not attached to a Mamiya camera, the camera back shall be protected with the protection plate. Still dust particles can stick to the IR fil- ter. This will degrade the image quality. The cleaning procedure for cleaning the IR filter is described in the guidelines for the CCD cleaning kit that came with your camera back. Cleaning between the CCD and the IR filter Do not try to clean between the CCD
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H 10 M645 Getting Started 5 Current limitations Continuous capture mode Continuous capture mode will work as single exposure mode. Keeping the release bottom down will only result in one exposure. The release button has to be depressed be- tween exposures. 11
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H 10 M645 Getting Started 6 Technical data l Single shot camera back for Mamiya 645AFD l Electrical computer interface between H 10 M645 and Mamiya 645AFD l Full support for Mamiya lenses (1/4000 - 30 sec.) l Electronic protection against double exposure l Orientation sensor for correct display of landscape and portrait images Resolution: 3992 x 2656 pixels Image modes: RGB, Grey or CMYK Pixel depth: 3 x 8 bit or 3 x 16 bit for RGB 8 bit or 16 bit for Grey 4 x 8 bit or 4 x 16 bit for CMYK Imag
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H 10 M645 Getting Started 13