Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9
Filter Replacement I AUTION: Do not wash and reuse the • There are two separate filters: True HEPA Filter or the Carbon Pre-Filter True HEPA Filter and Carbon Pre-Filter_ as they will not work effectively, • The CHECK FILTER indicator will signal when to replace the True HEPA Filter_The replacement period will vary depending on the hours of usage, air quality, and location of the unit. However, in most cases of O normal use the filter will need to be replaced annually - Change the True HEPA Filt
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TrueHEPAFilterReplacement 1.Turnofftheaircleanerandunplugthe electrical cord. 2. Remove the front panel by pulling gently from the lower portion of the panel. Do O not force, the panel should remove easily. 3_ Remove the Carbon Pre-Filter and plastic frame by gently pulling out from the bottom and down from the top. 4_ Remove the True HEPA Filter and dispose of it. O 5. Remove the plastic wrap from the new True HEPA Filter and insert it with the arrow showing =air flow" pointing in toward the ba
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BATTERY REPLACEMENT 1_Squeeze tab of battery covert 2_At the same time pull cover out of remote° 3. insert battery as shown. 4. Close the battery cover_ O O CRADLE: The remote control has a separate walt.mountable storage cradle that can be conveniently attached to any wall using a screw, BATTERY USE oInsert 3V lithium battery CR2025 into the remote control ° Incorrect battery usage may cause battery fluid leakage andlor damage. ° When not using remote control for an ex- At POWER: Use the power
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Before You Caii Solutions to Common Problems Before you cell for service, review the list below,, This list covers problems that are not the result of defective materials or workmanship_ POSSIBLE CAUSE/SOLUTION OCCURRENCE The remote control • Make sure the remote control battery is tnseded correctly. does not work. , Replace a worn-out battery. , Make sure that the remote control has a clear line of sight to the air cleaner. , Make sure the AIR QUALITY sensor is not blocked or The unit has slopp
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Guia de Uso y Mantenimiento aWave '° Limpiador de Aire Modelos 85150 o85300 ° 85450 85150 85300 85450 CAUTION: Read and follow all safety rules and instructions before operating this equipment. ADVERTENCIA: Lea y siga todas las reglas e instrucciones de seguridad antes de operar este equipo, Pnnted in Korea Sears Brand Management Corporation Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A. www.sears.com
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Garantia ................................................... 17 A fin de ser capaz de hacer el mejor Contenido del paquete ............................ t 7 uso postble de su limpiador de aire, Instrucciones de seguridad ....................... !8 recomendamos que usted comlence Caracterislicas del filtro de aire .................. !9 pot leer r&pidamente las instruc- Especificaciones de producto ................... 20 clones y que usted conserve el Sistema de filtro de aire .....................
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1
Use & Care Guide
Models 85150 ° 85300. 85450 j
85150 85300 85450
Read and follow all safety rules and
instructionsbefore operating this
Lea y siga todas las reglas e instrucciones
de seguridad antes de operar este equipo_
Printed in Korea
Sears Brand Management Corporation Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S_s..
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2
in order to be able make the best Warranty' ...................................................... 3 Package Contents ..................................... 3 possible use of your air cleaner, Safety instructions ....................................... 4 we recommend that you begin by Air Cleaner Features ................................... 5 reading through the instructions Product Specifications .................................. 6 and that you keep the instrdction Air Cleaner Set-Up ..........
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Graciaspor comprar un ltmpiador de aire Kenmore. Por favor, lea este manual con deten- imiento antes de su utilizaci6n. Esle producto es de uso dom_stico _nicamenle. PRECAUCIONES IMPORTANTES AL • Extraiga la clavija de corriente de ta tome USAR SU FILTRO DE AIRE cuando no est_ en uso. , No manipule la clavija de cordente con ADVERTENCIA: Siga las instrucciones de las manos mojadas, este manual para reducir el riesgo de des- - No haga uso de la unidad mtentras use carga eldctrica, cortocircuito,
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PRECAUCION: Ensemble totatmenteel limpiador de aire antes de usar (Veret Configuracl6n del Filtrode Airs en la pSginasigulente),Nots: Las caracterfstlcasvarlan segun el modelo_ Tecnologla PlasmaWave TM • Operaci6n Tranquila Esle limplador de sire Kenmore liens una La Tecnologl'aPlasmaWave TM usa una h_lice de cuatro velocidades con una descarga de corona fuerte pars atacar a los opersci6n tranquilaqua es ideal para la agonies contaminantes en el nivet molecular noche. Preflltro Tratado de Carbon
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17
Modeto 85150 85300 85450 TamaSo de la Sala 150 pies cuadrados 300 pies cuadrados 450 pies cuadrados Alimentaci6n AC 120V/60(Hz) ACt 20V!60(Hz) AC 120VI60(Hz) Baja 11W, Tasa de Corrienie Baja 4W, Turbo 40W Beja 4W, Turbo 60W Turbo 110W Velocidades de la 4 Velocidades 4 Velocidades 4 Velocidades Helice Demostraci6n Digital Digital Digital AutolManual Auto/Manual Auto/Manual Tipo de Control st Mo Si Mando a distancia Sensor de Calidad S! SI de Aire Sensor de Luz SI S! S| iCerBficado por la Si Sf si
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Procedimiento de Conflguraci6n 1, Extratga la petfcula protectoradel panel de instrumentos, 2_Extratga el panel delantero tirando suavemente de ta parte inferiordet panel. No Io fuerce: et panel deberla poder salir fdcilmente_ 3. Extraiga e! marco de pldsticode Is unidad. 4. Extratga el Filtm True HEPA y ta envoltura O de pldsticodel fillm, 5oInstate el FiltroTrue HEPA con ta flecha qua indicael =flujo de aira"apuntando a la parte posteriordei limpiadorde aire; tas pestaSas blancas apuntando hac
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85150 85300/85450 R INDICADOR DEL NIVEL DE CALIDAD DE A. SENSOR DE CALIDAD DE AIRE: Suparvtsa AtRE: Muestra la calidad actual del alre, de manera automdttca el nivel de calidaddel G. INDICADOR DE VELOCIDAD DE HI'LICE: aire y ajusla ta velocidad de h_ltce en con Muesira el ajuste de vetocidadde h_lice secuencia. actual. B. INDICADOR DE CHECK FILTER H. VELOCIDAD DE HI'LICE: Una vez qua (COMPROBAR FILTRO): El indicador ta m_quina esl_ conectada yen modo AUTO, seSalar_ cu_ndo hay que sustituir el Fi
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20
SENSOR DECALIDAD DEA|RE:Elsensor irradlarenergta de radiofrecuencia y, si no se tnstalani se usa de acuerdo alas fnstruc- decalidad deairemuestra clncontveles de clones,puede causer interferenclas dafiinas a impurezas enelaire_ Silaunidad espuesta a tascomunicacionespot radio. Sin embargo, no Isopemci6n automdUca, elsensor decalldad hay ningunagarantla de qua no vayan a ocurrir desireajustar& las velocidades de h_lice segun tnterferenciasen una Instalaci6n en particular. la calidad de aim; la ve
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3
Thank you for purchasing a Kenmore air cleaner. Please read this manual carefully before using, This product is for household use only_ , Do not clean unit with benzene or paint IMPORTANT CAUTIONS FOR USING thinner. Do not spray insecticides on the YOUR AIR CLEANER unit. • Do not use the unit where it is humid or WARNING: Follow the instructions in this where the unit may become wet, such as manual to reduce the risk of electric shock, in a bathroom. short circuit, andtor fire: • Do not insert f
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4
,_ CAUTION: Fully assemble air filter before using (See Air Cleaner Set-Up on following page)° Note: Features vary according to model • PlasmaWave TM Technology . Quiet Operation This Kenmore air cleaner has a four- PlasmaWave TM Technology uses a strong corona discharge to attack pollutants at speed fan with quiet operation that is the molecular level. ideal for nighttime. • Sanitized TM Treated Carbon Pro-Filter , Air Quality Sensor The Carbon Pro-Filter collects large This Kenmore air cleaner
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85300 85150 Model 85450 RoomSize 150 sq, ft, 1300 sq, ft. i450 sq, fl, PowerSupply AC 120V!60(Hz) AC 120VI60(Hz) AC 120Vt60(Hz) Low 11W, Power Rate Low 4W, Turbo 40W Low 4W, Turbo 60W Turbo 110W ,L, ......... ..... _,,,,,,, .... 4 Speeds Fan Speeds 4 Speeds 4 Speeds Display Digital Digital Digital AutofManua! AutotManual Auto/Manual Control Type Remote Control No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Air Quality Sensor , ,,, , H ,i,,,,,,i ,,, ,, , , Yes Yes Yes Light Sensor ....... L , ,'1,, " .... '"'' Z .......
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6
Set-Up Procedure 1.Remove protective film from the control panel. 2. Remove the front panel by pulling gently from the lower portion of the panel, Do not force; the panel should remove easily, 3_Remove the plastic frame from the unit. 4, Remove the True HEPA Filter and re- O move the plastic wrapper from the filter,_ 5. Install the True HEPA Filter with the arrow showing °air flow" pointing in toward the back of the air cleaner; the white tabs at the top and bottom of the HEPA filler will poini
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B5150 85300185450 R AIR QUALITY LEVEL INDICATOR: A, AIR QUALITY SENSOR: Automatically Displays the current quality of the air. monitors the air quality level and adjusts G. FAN SPEED INDICATOR: fan speed accordingly+ B. CHECK FILTER INDICATOR: The indi- Displays current fan speed setting. H, FAN SPEED: Once the machine is on cator will signal when to replace the and inAUTO mode, switch to manual True HEPA Filter, C. RESET FILTER: Resets the CHECK operation by pressing FAN SPEED button on the uni
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interference in a residential installation. AIR QUALITYSENSOR:The air quality This equipment generates, uses, and can sensor displays five levels of impurities in the air_If the unit is set to automatic radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the operation, the air quality sensor will adjust instructions, may cause harmful interfer- fan speeds according to the air quality; fan ence to radio communications. However, speed will decrease as air quality impro