Instruction d'utilisation Muratec MFX-2570

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Muratec MFX-2570

Dispositif: Muratec MFX-2570
Catégorie: Dispositif multifonctionnel
Fabricant: Muratec
Dimension: 14.36 MB
Date d'addition: 5/10/2014
Nombre des pages: 279
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Muratec MFX-2570 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Plain-paper digital Fax/Copier/Printer/Scanner
OfficeBridge Guide
Please read this guide before operating this machine.
After you finish reading this guide, keep it handy for easy reference.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Chapter 1 Overview of OfficeBridge 1 Chapter 2 Operating the Various Functions 2 Chapter 3 OfficeBridge Administrator Settings 3 Chapter 4 Operating Utilities 4

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

How to Read This Manual Operational and Safety Information In this manual, the following symbols are used with the items where important operational and safety information must be observed. Symbol Meaning Describes warnings to protect yourself and others from serious or potentially fatal injury if you handle the machine incorrectly. For safe operation, please Warning follow instructions carefully. Notes a caution to protect yourself and others from personal injury or damage to properties if

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Contents How to Read This Manual .......................................................................................... ii 1 Operational and Safety Information .........................................................................ii About the screens .......................................................................................................ii Chapter 1 Overview of OfficeBridge Introduction to OfficeBridge .......................................................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Checking / Canceling Print Jobs in Progress .......................................................2-42 Checking the Communication History .................................................................2-44 Checking the Print Job History ............................................................................2-47 Forwarding Documents ..........................................................................................2-48 Forwarding Received Documents .................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Auto Distribution Function ..................................................................................3-83 Setting Auto Distribution (General Settings) ......................................................3-84 Setting Auto Distribution (Individual Settings) ..................................................3-87 Specifying Distribution Destinations ...................................................................3-90 Performing an Auto Distribution Test..................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

vi Contents

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Chapter 1 Overview of OfficeBridge Introduction to OfficeBridge ...................................................................................1-2 Managing Faxes as “Digital Documents” ...............................................................1-2 Using Faxes on Computers .....................................................................................1-3 Sharing Information ...............................................................................................1-3 Checking/Ch

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Introduction to OfficeBridge OfficeBridge is a management system that enables highly functional document management by connecting with computers on the network. Managing Faxes as “Digital Documents” OfficeBridge can manage received faxes as “digital documents”, in a similar manner to e-mail. Normally, the content of faxes is checked by printing them out to paper, but OfficeBridge enables the content of faxes to be checked as images on a computer. Order form Destination Fax Network Order form

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Using Faxes on Computers Received faxes can be re-used on a computer. For example, received order forms and invoices can be forwarded to other employees in the same company without printing them to paper (paperless reception). 1 Network Forward received document Sharing Information Information can be shared by distributing scanned documents to specific members. Distribute as shared document Network Introduction to OfficeBridge 1-3 Overview of OfficeBridge

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Checking/Changing Machine Functions The functions of the machine can be registered and edited directly from a computer. 1-4 Introduction to OfficeBridge

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

OfficeBridge Usage Environment An environment such as the one indicated below is required to use OfficeBridge. 1 1) Connect the machine to a general public network 2) Connect to the internet to use e-mail, etc. 3) Connect the machine and the computer for each user to the network 4) Install browser software to the computer for each user General public network Internet Network Browser Browser software software Browser Browser software software OfficeBridge Usage Environment 1-5 Overvie

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Screens Used in OfficeBridge This section describes the basic operation screens used for OfficeBridge. Login Screen This screen is used for logging in to OfficeBridge. For details, refer to “Logging In / Logging Out”. (See page 2-2.) 4 5 6 1 2 3 „ User ID Entry Box Manually enter the user ID and password. Item Description 1 User ID Enter the ID for the user to log in as. If the user ID selection is displayed, you can automatically enter the user ID by selecting a name. 2 Password Enter th

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

„ User ID Selection Select the user to log in as from the displayed list of users. If you select a user, the user ID is automatically entered in the User ID entry box. Item Description 1 4 Number Displays the numbers provided when users were registered. 5 Name Displays the registered user names. If a user name has not been set, the user ID is displayed. 6 Group Displays the name of the group that the user belongs to. You can filter users by group name. Note • You can specify to not display the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Document List Screen Login to OfficeBridge, and press [Document Boxes] to display this screen. This screen displays a list of documents by their type such as “Received (Rx)” and “Transmitted (Tx)”. Operations such as transmitting, forwarding, and printing documents are also performed on this screen. Header Function buttons Footer „ Header Names and Functions 1 2 3 Item Description 1 Login name The information displayed here differs according to the screen. display Before login: Nothing is di

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Item Description 3 [Admin Login] or The button displayed here differs according to the screen. [Logout] button If you click [Admin Login], the administrator screen is displayed. (The login screen for the administrator screen may be displayed, depending on the security settings.) 1 If you click [Logout], the logout process is performed, and the display returns to the login screen. Before login: [Admin Login] is displayed. After login: [Logout] is displayed. Note If you perform a logout on the

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Item Description 9 Auto distribution Displays the current auto distribution settings status. settings switch If the auto distribution settings are enabled, “ON” is displayed; if they are disabled, “OFF” is displayed. You can click the (auto distribution switch) button to enable/disable the auto distribution settings. Note If the “Auto Distribution” is disabled in the user policy settings, the auto distribution settings status is not displayed. (See page 3-123.) 10 Change font size There are

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Type Description Delete Deletes the document selected in the document list. If you click this, a confirmation message is displayed. Deleted documents are moved to the “Deleted Documents Box” document list. (See page 2-38.) Note 1 If you click this button after selecting a document in the “Deleted Documents Box” document list, the document is permanently deleted from OfficeBridge. Restore Returns a document selected in the “Deleted Documents Box” document list to its original document list. (

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Click to display a document list in thumbnail format. „ “Unread” and “Deleted Documents box” Document Lists Unread Documents Displays a list of all unread documents, regardless of whether they were sent to a personal or shared destination. Documents are removed from this document list as soon as they are read. 1-12 Screens Used in OfficeBridge

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Deleted Documents Box Displays a list of all deleted documents, regardless of whether they are personal or shared. This document list is shared with other registered users. The displayed documents are the same for all users. 1 Note • Documents in the “Deleted Documents Box” document list have not been permanently deleted. To delete a document permanently, select it and click . • You can enable/disable the “Deleted Documents Box” document list in “Enable the deleted document box” in “Document

Instructions pareilles
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1 Muratec BUSINESS-CLASS DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS MFX-2590 Manuel d'utilisation Dispositif multifonctionnel 2
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3 Muratec F-525D Manuel d'utilisation Dispositif multifonctionnel 1
4 Muratec PLAIN-PAPER DIGITAL FAX/COPIER/PRINTER/SCANNER MFX-1330 Manuel d'utilisation Dispositif multifonctionnel 1
5 Muratec OFFICEBRIDGE MFX-2830 Manuel d'utilisation Dispositif multifonctionnel 1
6 Muratec QUADACCESS MFX-2590 Manuel d'utilisation Dispositif multifonctionnel 2
7 Muratec QUADACCESS MFX-2550 Manuel d'utilisation Dispositif multifonctionnel 15
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9 Muratec Multi Functional Printer MFX-C2500 Manuel d'utilisation Dispositif multifonctionnel 1
10 Muratec F-112 Manuel d'utilisation Dispositif multifonctionnel 2
11 Muratec F-525 Manuel d'utilisation Dispositif multifonctionnel 4
12 Muratec F-112P Manuel d'utilisation Dispositif multifonctionnel 0
13 Muratec MFX-1200 Manuel d'utilisation Dispositif multifonctionnel 2
14 Muratec MFX-1300/1700 Manuel d'utilisation Dispositif multifonctionnel 1
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16 Sony HK-PSU01 Manuel d'utilisation Dispositif multifonctionnel 4
17 Sony FO-2080 Manuel d'utilisation Dispositif multifonctionnel 2
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20 Sony UP-D23MD Manuel d'utilisation Dispositif multifonctionnel 59