Manual de instrucciones de Epson Stylus NX400

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Epson Stylus NX400

Aparato: Epson Stylus NX400
Categoría: Dispositivo multifunción
Fabricante: Epson
Tamaño: 2.62 MB
Fecha de añadido: 7/29/2014
Número de páginas: 8
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Epson Stylus NX400 Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

9 Press the OK button to charge the ink. Charging takes about 3 Squeeze the edge guide and slide it left.
Install cartridges
2½ minutes.
Note: Do not load paper yet.
Start Here
Epson Stylus NX400 Series
1 Lift up the scanner.

2 Open the cartridge
Caution: Don’t turn off the NX400 Series while it is charging or you’ll
Tip: If the feeder guard is in the way, flip it forward.
waste ink.
3 Shake the ink cartridges,
Change your language
then unpack them.
You can change the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

9 Press the OK button to charge the ink. Charging takes about 3 Squeeze the edge guide and slide it left. 3 Install cartridges 2½ minutes. Note: Do not load paper yet. Start Here ® Epson Stylus NX400 Series 1 Lift up the scanner. 1 Unpack 2 Open the cartridge cover. Caution: Don’t turn off the NX400 Series while it is charging or you’ll Tip: If the feeder guard is in the way, flip it forward. waste ink. 3 Shake the ink cartridges, 4 Change your language then unpack them. You can change the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

9 Press the OK button to charge the ink. Charging takes about 3 Squeeze the edge guide and slide it left. 3 Install cartridges 2½ minutes. Note: Do not load paper yet. Start Here ® Epson Stylus NX400 Series 1 Lift up the scanner. 1 Unpack 2 Open the cartridge cover. Caution: Don’t turn off the NX400 Series while it is charging or you’ll Tip: If the feeder guard is in the way, flip it forward. waste ink. 3 Shake the ink cartridges, 4 Change your language then unpack them. You can change the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

9 Press the OK button to charge the ink. Charging takes about 3 Squeeze the edge guide and slide it left. 3 Install cartridges 2½ minutes. Note: Do not load paper yet. Start Here ® Epson Stylus NX400 Series 1 Lift up the scanner. 1 Unpack 2 Open the cartridge cover. Caution: Don’t turn off the NX400 Series while it is charging or you’ll Tip: If the feeder guard is in the way, flip it forward. waste ink. 3 Shake the ink cartridges, 4 Change your language then unpack them. You can change the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

6 Macintosh Install software Control panel Need paper and ink? 1 Insert the NX400 Series CD. Want great results? Simple. Use genuine Epson paper and ink. For the right ® SM Your software works with Windows 2000, XP, XP Professional x64 Edition, supplies at the right time, you can purchase them at Epson Supplies Central ® ® Windows Vista and Mac OS X 10.3.9, 10.4.x, and 10.5.x. at (U.S. sales) or (Canadian sales). You LCD display screen can also purchase supp

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

6 Macintosh Install software Control panel Need paper and ink? 1 Insert the NX400 Series CD. Want great results? Simple. Use genuine Epson paper and ink. For the right ® SM Your software works with Windows 2000, XP, XP Professional x64 Edition, supplies at the right time, you can purchase them at Epson Supplies Central ® ® Windows Vista and Mac OS X 10.3.9, 10.4.x, and 10.5.x. at (U.S. sales) or (Canadian sales). You LCD display screen can also purchase supp

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

6 Macintosh Install software Control panel Need paper and ink? 1 Insert the NX400 Series CD. Want great results? Simple. Use genuine Epson paper and ink. For the right ® SM Your software works with Windows 2000, XP, XP Professional x64 Edition, supplies at the right time, you can purchase them at Epson Supplies Central ® ® Windows Vista and Mac OS X 10.3.9, 10.4.x, and 10.5.x. at (U.S. sales) or (Canadian sales). You LCD display screen can also purchase supp

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

6 Macintosh Install software Control panel Need paper and ink? 1 Insert the NX400 Series CD. Want great results? Simple. Use genuine Epson paper and ink. For the right ® SM Your software works with Windows 2000, XP, XP Professional x64 Edition, supplies at the right time, you can purchase them at Epson Supplies Central ® ® Windows Vista and Mac OS X 10.3.9, 10.4.x, and 10.5.x. at (U.S. sales) or (Canadian sales). You LCD display screen can also purchase supp

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