Manual de instrucciones de Epson EPL-6000

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Epson EPL-6000

Aparato: Epson EPL-6000
Categoría: Dispositivo multifunción
Fabricante: Epson
Tamaño: 0.25 MB
Fecha de añadido: 4/22/2014
Número de páginas: 9
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

1 Assembling the Printer 1
Before you can use the printer, you need to install a few important
Paper and paper delivery
parts. Before proceeding, familiarize yourself with the components
Epson does not recommend or guarantee
shown below. The basket is inside the printer and must be removed
the use of any particular brand of paper.
when you install certain parts. The other parts shown were shipped
change by individual manufacturers, it is
the user's responsibility to

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

EPL-6000 LASER PRINTER Mechanical 1 1 Dimensions and weight: Height: 8.3 inches (210 mm) Pin assignments for the parallel interface Width: 16.1 inches (410 mm) excluding output and The parallel interface connector pin assignments and a description input trays. Depth: 15.4 inches (390 mm) Signal Return Weight: Approx. 36 lb. (16 kg) Pin Pin Signal Direction Description including paper cassette, 19 Signal to read data I ” drum unit, and toner These signals represent 20 DATA 1 information of me 1st

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

EPL-6000 LASER PRINTER Interface timing l When the printer is not ready to receive data, it sends an XOFF interface. -A l The printer is ready to receive data when it is on line, no error conditions exist, and the buffer is not tilled above the overload 4 DATA STROBE ke.T l The printer is not ready to receive data when it is off line or when it is on line but the remaining capacity of the data buffer is less than the overload buffer value. ACK Serial interface pin assignments The serial interfa

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

EPL-6000 LASER PRINTER - You can press this button before printing for thin SPEClAL butto n or light-weight paper or for heat-sensitive media which may require ) Switch Settings ) a lower fuser temperature to avoid curling. I I The following table shows recommended settings for different print. The DIP switches are located at the back of your printer and are media. (If you wish to try other settings, be sure to test print a few numbered 1 through 8. sheets before regular use.) Paper feed and pap

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

EPL-6000 LASER PRINTER To take advantage of HP emulation, simply choose a printer driver from the list below. They are listed in order of priority. 1 1 HP LaserJet series II HP LaserJet Successful completion of the self test indicates that you have set up HP your printer correctly and that you are ready to connect the printer to your computer. If you are unable to print this test, see Chapter 7 The application program’s menu may list a number of more specific for troubleshooting information. T

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

EPL-6000 LASER PRINTER 2. Locate the density control knob, which is in the front right Follow the steps below to perform the status print test: comer inside the printer. 1. Be sure that your printer is plugged in and the power is on. 2 Be sure that your printer is off line. (OFF LINE appears on off Tine. 3. Press the A and V buttons at the same time. 4. When you release the buttons, STATUS PRINT appears on 3. To make the print darker, turn the knob clockwise as shown the display and the printer

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

EPL-6000 LASER PRINTER If the message remains, the drum unit and the drum replacement Note: If you are using a non-standard paper size (one that is not cartridge must be replaced. See the section on replacing the drum listed on the PAPER SIZE menu in the SelecType), manual unit in Chapter 6. COVER OPEN After clearing the error, you have two options: The printer cover is open. Close the cover and press the ON LINE button to set the printer on line and begin normal printing. 1. Change the paper in

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

EPL-6000 LASER PRINTER Cleaning the laser beam lens Cleaning the transfer charger and discharge wires Follow the steps below to clean the transfer charger wire and discharge wire. (the same interval as for changing the drum). If you wish, you can clean the lens when you change the drum and skip this procedure Note: Locate some isopropyl alcohol to use for cleaning purposes when you change the toner cartridge. If you plan to skip this before proceeding procedure. go to step 3 for information on r

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

EPL-6000 LASER PRINTER 2 Insert the hooked edge of the developer cleaner about a half inch the brass shown below. unit several times, discarding excess toner. Then reinstall the developer unit in the basket. Set up 1. fhr ol the Manual prior to 2. tor prior to Toner Cartridges two typw of The initial whloh the EPL8ooo brand and 1 ISO Characters 1 unil holds enough for for at othU hold6 The numbers in the show enough for about prints. from Roman-8 for each of the

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