Manual de instrucciones de GE 68K System

Manual de instrucciones del aparato GE 68K System

Aparato: GE 68K System
Categoría: Pantalla
Fabricante: GE
Tamaño: 0.67 MB
Fecha de añadido: 8/30/2014
Número de páginas: 112
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Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

GE Energy Systems
68K System Monitor
User's Guide
Document Number : SWM0023
Version : 1.00
Revision : 2
Date : 20-Mar-2002
Classification : General, Full Release

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

NOTICE OF © 2002, General Electric Canada Inc. All rights reserved. COPYRIGHT & The contents of this manual are the property of General Electric Canada Inc. No PROPRIETARY part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, RIGHTS except as permitted in written license agreement with General Electric Canada Inc. General Electric Canada Inc. has made every reasonable attempt to ensure the completeness and accuracy of this document. However, the information contained i

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

68K System Monitor User's Guide GE Energy Services Modification Record VERSION REVISION DATE INITIALS COMMENT 1.00 1 28-Feb-2002 RFN Created 2 20-Mar-2002 RFN Corrected errors as per review General SWM0023-1.00 -2 Full Release iii

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

68K System Monitor User's Guide GE Energy Services SWM0023 1.00 2 General Full Release iv

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Table of Contents About This Document Purpose and Audience of this User’s Guide................................................................................. viii Support Services and Training ........................................................................................................ix Chapter 1: Connecting and Using the 68K Monitor Connecting to the 68K Monitor ...................................................................................................1-2 Command Input an

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

68K System Monitor User's Guide GE Energy Services DSTAT - Decompression Status ............................................................................... 3-29 E - Edit Memory.............................................................................................. 3-30 ECHO - Echo Toggle............................................................................................... 3-32 EL - Error Log ......................................................................................

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

About This Document Overview Introduction The 68K Monitor is a feature of all GE Energy Services products that use a variant of the Motorola 68000 series of microprocessor. Since the introduction of the first D20 products, the commands that are available in the 68K Monitor have changed, been added to, and enhanced to address the requirements of the newer products and their software components. This guide summarizes all of the commands that you will find in any of GE Energy Services’ products to-

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

68K System Monitor User's Guide GE Energy Services Purpose and Audience of this User’s Guide Job Titles While only experienced programmers should use many of the commands found in this guide, maintenance technicians and other support personnel will also find this guide useful. Experience & GE Energy Services’ customers and employees who wish to view detailed Abilities information about the software and hardware should use this guide. Prerequisites This document assumes that you are familiar with

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

68K System Monitor User's Guide GE Energy Services Support Services and Training General GE Energy Services provides professional assistance in the use of all of its software and hardware products. Need Help? If you feel that the information provided in this document is unclear or in error, please contact GE Energy Services for assistance. Website Unlimited access is available to a wide variety of information and company services including: • product inform

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

68K System Monitor User's Guide GE Energy Services SWM0023 1.00 2 General Full Release x

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

Chapter 1: Connecting and Using the 68K Monitor Overview Connect Defined An application interface provides an input to and output from the 68K Monitor. This allows the 68K Monitor to ‘connect’ to any application or subsystem, and to any type of hardware (capable of stream or block transfers). As examples: • WESMAINT or the Login Process can connect the 68K Monitor to a serial port. • WESMAINT and the TELNET application can connect it to the TELNET session. The 68K Monitor can also be ‘connected’

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

68K System Monitor User's Guide GE Energy Services Connecting to the 68K Monitor One 68K While any application running in the system can activate the 68K Monitor, only one Monitor At-A- instance of the monitor can be active at any one time. Time If a second application attempts to start the 68K Monitor, it will refuse the second application’s request. 68K Monitor The prompt produced by the 68K Monitor depends on the hardware platform and Prompts the mode the device is in. As examples: Examples T

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

68K System Monitor User's Guide GE Energy Services Command Input and Response Input to the 68K Input to the 68K Monitor is read from the ‘connected’ application / subsystem. The Monitor input takes the form of user-entered commands. Command Line The 68K Monitor accepts a command line: Limitations • that is no longer than 80 characters, and • consists of no more than 16 separate words or symbols. − The definition of a word or string is one or more characters separated by one or more spaces. − In

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

68K System Monitor User's Guide GE Energy Services Command Input and Response, Continued Possible By entering a command at the prompt and pressing ENTER, one of the following Responses responses will happen. If you enter and then a recognized it does not require the system will execute the command. command special parameters a recognized required parameters the system will execute the command. command are provided a recognized parameters are a reminder line showing the correct command missing or

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

68K System Monitor User's Guide GE Energy Services Command Input and Response, Continued Regular Keyboard Input (continued) Special Control You can use these special control characters to perform advanced editing and screen Characters navigation functions. Command Characters Description Abort CTRL-C returns the Monitor to the command line prompt and aborts most commands being processed. Note: a CTRL-C command does not work in a TELNET connection. Delete CTRL-D deletes the current character of th

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

68K System Monitor User's Guide GE Energy Services 68K Monitor Display Output from the The 68K Monitor’s output is a stream of ASCII characters written back to the 68K Monitor ‘connected’ application / subsystem. The command executed determines the exact contents of the output. When encountering a system exception error, or a defined breakpoint, exception and breakpoint handling routines will generate additional output. Display Output While most output to the monitor port is a direct result of c

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

68K System Monitor User's Guide GE Energy Services Error Messages Introduction 68K Monitor returns several general error messages resulting from input or syntax errors in the command input, or system or test failures during execution. These error messages are identified below: Message The most general error is an incorrect number of arguments for the command Summary defined. This error causes a display of the correct use of the specified function. Other possible error messages are listed below:

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

68K System Monitor User's Guide GE Energy Services Error Messages, Continued Message Summary (continued) This Message is displayed when… NVRAM invalid! the query RAM (QR) command specified NVRAM is but it is corrupt. Protected process! attempting to suspend (SP) a critical system process. Record error! an invalid record is detected during the download function (DL). Suspend all processes attempting a download without suspending all processes first! first. Test failed! a system error is detected.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

Chapter 2: Command Grouping Overview Seven Groups The 68K Monitor commands are grouped into seven groups. The following pages list the commands in each of the groups, and provide a functional cross-reference to help you locate them in this guide. In This Chapter This Chapter of the document contains the following topics Topic See Page General System Commands 2-2 Diagnostic Commands 2-3 Memory Commands 2-4 Process Commands 2-5 Exchange Commands 2-6 Breakpoint Commands 2-7 Configuration Maintenanc

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

68K System Monitor User's Guide GE Energy Services General System Commands Description This group of commands is essentially a list of unrelated commands that do not logically fit into the other command groups. List of This list shows the General System commands, in alphabetical order: Commands Command Description See Page AL Change Auto-logout Timer 3-4 BAUD Set Baud Rate 3-5 BOOT Boot 3-7 CF Copy File 3-15 CLS Clear Screen 3-16 DF Display File Data 3-23 DHW Display Hardware Data 3-24 DIR Direc

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