Manual de instrucciones de Wells-Gardner D9100

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Wells-Gardner D9100

Aparato: Wells-Gardner D9100
Categoría: Pantalla
Fabricante: Wells-Gardner
Tamaño: 0.42 MB
Fecha de añadido: 1/20/2014
Número de páginas: 25
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Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

Service Manual for
D9100 Series
Digital-Control Color Monitor

Wells-Gardner Electronics
9500 W. 55 Street, Suite A
McCook, IL 60525-3605
(708) 290-2100


Revision: A / E01023
Date: 7-27-00

Printed on 02/11/04

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

INDEX 1. SAFETY PRECAUTION……………………………… 1 2. SPECIFICATION……………………………………… 2 3. TECHNCIAL FEATURES……………………………. 3 4. TIMING CHART………………………………………. 4 5. SET UP………………………………………………….. 6 6. CONTROLS AND ADJUSTMENT…………………... 7 7. ADJUSTMENT SPECIFICATION…………………… 10 8. DESCRIPTION OF CIRCUIT OPERATION………...13 9. TROUBLE SHOOTING……………………………….. 18 ii

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

1. SAFETY PRECAUTION: WARNING: Service should not be attempted by anyone unfamiliar with the necessary precautions on this unit. The following precautions are necessary during servicing. 1-1 Some parts, such as a picture tube in this unit, have special safety-related characteristics for X-RAY RADIATION protection. For continued safety, the parts replacement should be undertaken referring to below article (1-2 and 1-5). 1-2 Many electrical mechanical parts in this

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

2. SPECIFICATION: 2-1.1 Picture Tube. • Size: 14”, 15”, 17”, 19”(18V) • Dot Pitch: 14” : 0.26 – 0.28mm 15” : 0.26 – 0.28mm 17” : 0.26 – 0.28mm 19” (18V): 0.25mm 2-1.2 Signal Input. • Video Input: Analog, Positive Signal (0.7V p-p) • Horizontal Sync: TTL Level, Positive or Negative Pulse • Scanning : 28 KHz-70KHz • Vertical Input: TTL Level, Positive or Negative pulse • Scanning : 40-160Hz 2-1.3 Power Supply. • Power Input : 120-240 VAC, 50/

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

3. TECHNICAL FEATURES: 3.-1 Microprocessor control with OSD (On screen display menu). Microprocessor recognizes the input computer signal and signal output from the customer control board connected to the main board by a flat cable. 3-2 Universal AC Input Voltage. Power supply operates on 120-240 VAC at 60/50Hz for use all over the world. 3-3. Protection Circuit for over-current. When an over-current condition occurs in the circuit, the protection circuit operates

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

4. TIMING CHART: Factory Pre-Set Timing Modes. Horizontal and Vertical Timing Diagram for Table 1. TABLE 1 : MODE 1MODE 2MODE 3 MODE 4 DESCRIPTION VGA 720*400 VGA 640*480 8514/A 1024*768 S-VGA 680*480 FH 31.469KHz 31.469KHz 35.552KHz 37.500KHz A 31.778µs 31.778µs 28.251µs 26.667µs B 3.813µs 3.813µs 3.920µs 2.032µs HC 1.907µs 1.589µs 1.247µs 3.810µs D 25.422µs 25.422µs 22.806µs 20.317µs E 0.636µs 0.318µs 0.170µs 0.508µs POL. NEGATIVE NEGATIVE POSITIVE NEGATIVE FV 70.087

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

TABLE 1 (CONTINUED) : MODE 5, S-VGA MODE 6 MODE 7 VGA MODE 8 DESCRIPTION VESA 800*600 VGA 800*600 VESA 800*600 VESA 1024*768 FH 37.879KHz 46.875KHz 48.077KHz 48.363KHz A 26.400µs 21.333µs 20.800µs 20.677µs B 3.200µs 1.616µs 2.400µs2.231µs HC 2.200µs 3.232µs 1.280µs 1.615µs D µs µs µs µs 20.000 16.162 16.000 15.754 E 1.000µs 0.323µs 1.119µs 0.998µs POL. POSITIVE POSITIVE POSITIVE NEGATIVE FV 60.317Hz 75.000Hz 72.188Hz 60.004Hz A 16.579ms 13.333ms 13.853ms 16.666ms B 0.106ms 0

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

5. SET UP: Setting up your monitor is easy. All you have to do is make a few simple connections and adjustments. The procedure is as follows: 5.1 Start Up. Your monitor starts up automatically when you insert the power plug to power source. 5-2. Single Cable Connection. Connect the 15pin signal cable to the source and lock both screws to ensure that the monitor is properly grounded. D type 15pin connector: PIN NO. DESCRIPTION PIN NO. DESCRIPTION 1 VI

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

6. CONTROLS AND ADJUSTMENTS: There are four switches on the control panel. Adjustable controls allow the best display status for individual requirements. 6-1. Key Function. ① MODE/EXIT MODE – Call the Main-Menu OSD ② SEL SEL – Call the Sub-Menu OSD ③ DOWN/UP When the Main-Menu is displayed, you can select each function using these keys. When the Sub-Menu is displayed, you can change the amplitude of the selected function of the s

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10


Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

6-3 OSD Controls (continued): 11. COLOR ADJUST 9

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

7. ADJUSTMENT SPECIFICATION: 7-1. Adjustment Sequence: The monitor requires a minimum of 15 minutes of warm up time before adjustment. 7-2. Adjustment Sequence: FBT B+ Voltage → G2 Voltage → Hor. Center → Hor. Size → Hor. Position → Ver. Size → Ver. Position → Side-pin → Trapezoid → Focus → White Balance → Convergence 7-3. Adjustment Procedure. How to enter the Factory Mode: Press Menu and Down simultaneously and hold down for three seconds. Adjust BRIGHTNESS and C

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

7-3.5 Pre-adjustment. 1. Warm up monitor for 15 minutes. 2. Input the small window pattern with 31KHz 640*480 mode. 3. Degauss the screen with Manual degaussing coil. 7-3.6 White Balance adjustment (background raster). 1. Remove the video signal. 2. Adjust the sub-brightness of background raster to be just out of cutoff (black) to be 0.7FtL +/- 0.2FtL with SUB BRIGHTNESS control VR501. 7-3.7 White Balance adjustment (video). 1. Input the window pattern with 31KHz

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

7-3.8 Purity and Convergence Adjustment (continued) ⑧ Check the purity of the red and blue raster by adjusting the bias controls. ⑨ Obtain a white raster, referring to “CRT GRAY SCALE ADJUSTMENT” ⑩ Proceed with convergence adjustment. 2. Convergence adjustment: ① Change to a crosshatch pattern with a color signal generator. ② Adjust the BRIGHTNESS and CONTRAST controls for well defined pattern. ③ Adjust two tabs of the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

1. DESCRIPTION OF CIRCUIT OPERATION: 8-1. Mode Control. 8-1.1 H-Sync is inputted to pin 30 of IC601, V-Sync to pin 29 of IC601 for each mode and pin 27, 26 of IC601 output always positive polarity sync. 8-1.2 The outputs from IC601 are as below (See table 1) Frequency Range of Frequency OUTPUT (MCU PIN) No. Resolution Hf Vf (CS3) (CS2) (CS1) OFF ST-BY SUS-P LED Hf (KHz) Vf (Hz) 38 39 40 5 3 4 6 KHz Hz 1 31 70 720x400 28 ~32.9 68 ~ 72 L L L L H L L 2 31 60 6

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

8-2 Deflection Processor (IC301): 8-2.1 Horizontal section. 8-2.1.2 Horizontal Oscillation. Horizontal free frequency is set to 48KHz by R314 and C347. Auto- sync processing can be done from 28KHz to 70KHz by means of IC301 without any adjustment. 8-2.1.3 Phase Shift. Horizontal phase shift is controlled by IC601 using I²C BUS control. 8-2.1.4 Horizontal driver output. The output pulse which has the duty-cycle of 47% is available at p

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

8-2.2 Vertical section: 8-2.2.1 Vertical oscillation. The free running frequency of the vertical oscillator is determined by the capacitor C342 at pin VCAP (pin22) of IC301. 8-2.2.2 Vertical amplitude. Vertical amplitude is controlled by IC601 using I²C bus control. 8-2.2.3 Vertical position. Vertical position is controlled by IC601 using I²C bus control. 8-2.2.4 East-west parabola. A parabola wave-form is available on pin 24 of IC301 for driving t

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

8-5 Horizontal deflection output stage: 8-5.1 Line driver stage. As a driver device, small MOSFET Q307(IRF630A) is used. The driver transformer T302 is equipped with a snubber circuit (R327/C309) at the primary side to damp excessive ringing. 8-5.2 Horizontal power output stage. The horizontal power output stage is a conventional one with a diode modulator. As a deflection transistor, the Q302 (KSC5802/3) is used. To compensate for horizontal linearity, T301 is

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

8-8.1. Video pre-amplifier(IC401). Input video signals are amplified by means of IC401, and the amplified signals drive the video output stage (IC402). Video gain is adjusted by DC voltage at pin 12 for ABL control. 8-8.2. Video output stage (IC402). The video output signals from IC401 are amplified again by IC402, and IC402 applies video signals to each cathode of the CRT. Cutoff voltages are adjusted by Q405, Q406, and Q407 which is operated by I²C

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

9.0 TROUBLESHOOTING 9.1 No Power 18

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