Manual de instrucciones de Eizo NanaoCG277

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Eizo NanaoCG277

Aparato: Eizo NanaoCG277
Categoría: Pantalla
Fabricante: Eizo
Tamaño: 5.2 MB
Fecha de añadido: 1/25/2014
Número de páginas: 76
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

Please read PRECAUTIONS, this User’s Manual, and the Setup Guide
(separate volume) carefully to familiarize yourself with safe and
effective usage.
• Please refer to the Setup Guide for basic information ranging from
connection of the monitor to a PC to using the monitor.
• The latest User’s Manual is available for download from our web site:

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Location of Caution Statement This product has been adjusted specifically for use in the region to which it was originally shipped. If operated outside this region, the product may not perform as stated in the specifications. No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of EIZO Corporation. EIZO Corporation is under no obligation to hold any submitt

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

Notice for this monitor Aside from general purposes like creating documents, viewing multimedia content, this product is also suited to applications such as creations of images and graphics, and digital photo processing, where accurate color reproduction is a priority. This product has been adjusted specifically for use in the region to which it was originally shipped. If the product is used outside the region, it may not operate as specified in the specifications. This product may not be cov

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Cleaning Attention • Chemicals such as alcohol and antiseptic solution may cause gloss variation, tarnishing, and fading of the cabinet or panel, and also quality deterioration of the image. • Never use any thinner, benzene, wax, and abrasive cleaner, which may damage the cabinet or panel. If necessary, the stains on the cabinet and panel surface can be removed by using the provided ScreenCleaner. To use the monitor comfortably • An excessively dark or bright screen may affect your eyes. Adjust

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

CONTENTS T o c h a n g e  a d j u s t m e n t  m e n u  d i s p l a y p o s i t i o n  3 1 Cover ...................................................................... 1 ●  3-2. Skipping Unused Display Modes .............. 32 Notice for this monitor ......................................... 3 3-3. Showing and Hiding the EIZO Logo ......... 32 Cleaning .................................................................... 4 3-4. Locking Operation Buttons ....................... 32 To use the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

D i s p l a y i n g s i g n a l i n f o r m at i o n  ...... ................... 5 2 ●  D i s p l a y i n g M o n i t o r I n f o r m at i o n  ...... ................ 5 2 ●  8-4. Specifications ............................................. 53 Chapter 9 Glossary .......................................... 56 Appendix .............................................................. 59 Trademark ............................................................... 59 License / Copyright ...........

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

Chapter 1 Introduction 1-1. Features • 27.0″ wide format LCD • Wide color gamut (Adobe RGB coverage: 99%) • Supports a resolution of 2560 × 1440. • IPS panel with 178˚ horizontal and vertical viewing angles • Frame synchronization mode supported (23.75 - 30.5Hz, 47.5 - 61.0Hz) • 3 signal input terminals (DVI-D × 1, HDMI × 1, DisplayPort × 1) *1 - DisplayPort (applicable to 8 bit and 10 bit) Supports reduced display of 4K signals *1, *2 - HDMI (applicable to 8 bit, 10 bit, and 12 bit) Can handle

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

Attention Be careful of the following points when using the built-in calibration sensor. Do not touch the built-in calibration sensor. I t m a yr e d u c et h em e as ur e m e n t a c c ur a c y  o ft h eb u i l t - i n c a l i b r a t i o ns e ns o r , o rr e s ult in i n j ur y o re q u i p m e n t da m a g e . Attention • A high temperature or high humidity environment may affect the measurement accuracy of the built-in calibration sensor. We suggest storing and using the mo

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

6 1-2. Controls and Functions Front ● * 1 A d j u s t m e n t m e n u 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 1. Built-in calibration sensor E x e c u t e s c a l i b r at i o n  f o r a n i n d e p e n d e n t m o n i t o r . S e l f C a l i b r at i o n  f u n c t i o n  (p a g e 3 5 ) 2. Ambient Light Sensor M e a s u r e s  a m b i e n t  l i g h t . 3. button S w i t c h e si n p u t s i g n a l s  f o r d i s p l a y(p a g e 4 2 ) . 4. button C h a n g e s C o l o rM o d e(p a g e2 0 ) .

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

Rear ● 15 16 17 10 1 1 12 13 14 10. Main power switch T u r n s t h e  m a i n p o w e r o no r o f f . 11. Power connector C o n n e c t s  t h e p o w e r  c o r d . 12. Input signal connectors L e f t : D V I - D c o n n e c t o r  / C e n t e r :H D M I  c o n n e c t o r  / R i g h t :  D i s p l a y P o r t  c o n n e c t o r C o n n e c t s t h eU S B  c a b l e  t ou s e t h es o f t w a r e t h at n e e d s U S B  c o n n e c t i o n ,  o r  t o u s e 

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

1-3. EIZO LCD Utility Disk An “EIZO LCD Utility Disk” (CD-ROM) is supplied with this product. The following table shows the disk contents and the overview of the software programs. Disk contents and software overview ● The disk includes application software programs for adjustment, and User’s Manual. Refer to “Readme.txt” or the “read me” file on the disk for software startup procedures or file access procedures. Contents Overview Windows Macintosh A“ R e a d m e . t x t ” o r “ r e a d m

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

1-4. Basic Operations and Functions Basic Adjustment menu operations ● Displaying Adjustment Menu 1. 1. Press . The Adjustment menu appears. M e n u t i t l e C u r r e n tm o d e I t e m S e t t i n g M e n u Adjusting/Setting 2. 1. Choose a menu to adjust/set with , and then press . 2. Choose an item to adjust/set with , and then press . 3. Adjust/set the selected item with , and then press . Exiting 3. 1. Press a few times. The Adjustment menu finishes. Chapter1 Introduction 12

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

Showing Button Guide ● When you press the front buttons (except the button), the button guide appears next to the button. Note • The button guide will continue to appear while the Adjustment menu or Mode menu is showing. • The contents of the button guide will differ depending on the selected menu or status. • In CAL mode, the brightness cannot be adjusted even though the button guide is displayed above the and buttons. Functions ● The following table shows the menus for adjustment and set

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

S e l f C a l i b r at i o n “ 4 - 5 . E x e c u t i n g  S e l f C a l i b r at i o n ” (p a g e 3 9 ) E x e c u t e “ 4 - 1 . S e t t i n g t h e  C o l o r  M o d e f o r  E x e c u t i n g S t a n d a r dM o d e S e l f C a l i b r at i o n S e l f C a l i b r at i o n ” (p a g e3 5 ) “ 4 - 6 . C h e c k i n g A d j u s t m e n t  R e s u l t s ” (p a g e4 0 ) R e s u l t “ 4 - 3 . S e t t i n gC a l i b r at i o n  S c h e d u l e ”  (p a g e3 6 ) S e t t i n g s S c

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

Chapter 2 Adjusting Screens 2-1. Setting Resolution Compatible Resolutions/Formats ● The monitor supports the following resolutions and signal format Digital Input (DVI-D, DisplayPort, HDMI: PC signal) Vertical scan DVI-D DVI-D *1 Resolution DisplayPort HDMI frequency (Single Link) (Dual Link) 6 4 0 x4 8 0 6 0H z √ √ √ √ 7 2 0x4 0 0 7 0 H z √ √ √ √ 8 0 0x6 0 0 6 0H z √ √ √ √ 1 0 2 4 x7 6 8 6 0H z √ √ √ √ 1 2 8 0 x9 6 0 6 0H z √ √ √ √ 1 2 8 0  x1 0 2 4 6 0 H z √ √ √ √ 1 6 0 0 

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

To switch signal formats ● The monitor’s displayable resolution can be changed. Use this function in the following cases. • DVI: When displaying a dedicated resolution and vertical scan frequency for Single Link • HDMI: When displaying PC signals Adjustable Range • DVI: Dual Link / Single Link • HDMI : Video / PC Procedure 1. Press to turn off the monitor. 2. Holding down, press for at least two seconds to turn on the monitor. The “Optional Settings” menu appears. 3. Choose “Signal Selection

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

To set the display resolution for the OS ● When you connect the monitor to the PC and find that the resolution is improper, or when you want to change the resolution, follow the procedure below. Windows 8 / Windows 7 1. For Windows 8, click the “Desktop” tile on the Start Screen to display the desktop. 2. Right-click the mouse anywhere on the desktop except for icons. 3. From the displayed menu, click “Screen resolution”. 4. On the “Screen Resolution” dialog box, select the monitor. 5. Click “

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

To select screen size ● The image with the resolution other than the recommended resolution is displayed in full screen automatically. You can change the screen size by using the “Screen Size” function from “Screen”. DVI, DisplayPort, HDMI (PC signal) input Settings Function F u l l D i s p l a y sa n i m a g e i nf u l l s c r e e n .I m a g e s a r e d i s t o r t e d i n  s o m e  c a s e sb e c a u s et h e v e r t i c a l r at ei sn ote q u a l  t ot h eh o r i z o n

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

HDMI (SD signal) input Settings Function A u t o T h e m o n i t o r a u t o m at i c a l l y  c h a n g e s t h e  s c r e e n s i z e a c c o r d i n g t o t h e  a s p e c t  r at i o s e n tf r o m  t h ea u t o i n p u t s i g n a l . 4 : 3 D i s p l a y si m a g e s i n a4 : 3f o r m at s c r e e n .  B l a c kb a r s a p p e a r o n b ot h s i d e s o f  t h e s c r e e n . 1 6 : 9 i m a g e s a r e h o r i z o n t a l l y c o m p r e s s e d . Le t t e

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

2-2. Selecting the display mode (color mode) This function allows easy selection of a desired mode according to monitor application. Display Modes Mode Purpose S t a n d a r d M o d e A d j u s t c o l o r u s i n gt h em o n i t o r ’ sA d j u s t m e n t m e n u . 1 - C u s t o m A v a i l a b l e f o r t h ec o l o r s e t t i n g sa c c o r d i n gt o y o u rp r e f e r e n c e . ® ® 2 - A d o b e R G B S u i t a b l ef o r c o l o r  m at c h i n g w i t hA d o b e R G B

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