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CA ARCserve Backup for
Agent for IBM Informix Guide
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This documentation and any related computer software help programs (hereinafter referred to as the “Documentation”) is for the end user’s informational purposes only and is subject to change or withdrawal by CA at any time. This Documentation may not be copied, transferred, reproduced, disclosed, modified or duplicated, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of CA. This Documentation is confidential and proprietary information of CA and protected by the copyright laws of t
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CA Product References This documentation set references the following CA products: ® ® ■ BrightStor ARCserve Backup for Laptops and Desktops ® ® ■ BrightStor CA-Dynam /TLMS Tape Management ® ■ BrightStor CA-Vtape™ Virtual Tape System ® ■ BrightStor Enterprise Backup ® ■ BrightStor High Availability ® ■ BrightStor Storage Resource Manager ■ CA Antivirus ® ® ■ CA ARCserve Backup Agent for Advantage™ Ingres ® ■ CA ARCserve Backup Agent for Novell Open Enterprise Server for Linu
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® ■ CA ARCserve Backup for Windows Disaster Recovery Option ® ■ CA ARCserve Backup for Windows Disk to Disk to Tape Option ® ■ CA ARCserve Backup for Windows Enterprise Module ® ■ CA ARCserve Backup for Windows Enterprise Option for IBM 3494 ® ■ CA ARCserve Backup for Windows Enterprise Option for SAP R/3 for Oracle ® ■ CA ARCserve Backup for Windows Enterprise Option for StorageTek ACSLS ® ■ CA ARCserve Backup for Windows Image Option ® ■ CA ARCserve Backup for Windows Micr
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Contact CA Contact Technical Support For your convenience, CA provides one site where you can access the information you need for your Home Office, Small Business, and Enterprise CA products. At, you can access the following: ■ Online and telephone contact information for technical assistance and customer services ■ Information about user communities and forums ■ Product and documentation downloads ■ CA Support policies and guidelines ■ Other helpful resource
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Contents Chapter 1: Introducing the Agent for IBM Informix 9 How the Agent for IBM Informix Works .......................................................... 9 Remote Procedure Call Service ............................................................ 10 Agent Parameters ......................................................................... 10 Full Offline Backups ....................................................................... 11 Access Control Lists ..........................
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Cannot find the Backup Agent home subdirectory \TAPEINFO from the CA ARCserve Backup Restore Manager Tree View ........................................................ 37 A restore job from CA ARCserve Backup failed but BAR_.LOG on the Informix Server indicated it as successful ................................................... 38 A rescheduled backup or restore job stops responding ....................................... 38 A job from the Informix Backup or Restore Ut
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Chapter 1: Introducing the Agent for IBM Informix CA ARCserve Backup is a comprehensive, distributed storage solution for applications, databases, distributed servers, and file systems. It provides backup and restore capabilities for databases, business-critical applications, and network clients. The CA ARCserve Backup Agent for IBM Informix provides backup and restore capabilities for the IBM Informix Dynamic Server (IDS). The types of data that can be backed up include both critica
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How the Agent for IBM Informix Works Remote Procedure Call Service With Remote Procedure Call (RPC) enabled, the agent operates as a Windows service and can be configured to start automatically through standard Windows setup or through the Services feature of the Control Panel. This configuration lets you run the agent without logging in. Agent Parameters You can customize the agent by modifying settings in the Windows registry, using the Windows REGEDT32 utility. Agent settings are
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How the Agent for IBM Informix Works Full Offline Backups You should keep at least one recent offline backup of your IDS databases. When performing a full offline backup, you must select the appropriate directories (in particular, the Informix home directory and Informix data files) from the Backup Manager window. Access Control Lists Access Control Lists (ACLs) let you to specify the CA ARCserve Backup servers permitted to back up the IDS database. In a Windows environment, you can
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Chapter 2: Installing the Agent for IBM Informix This chapter describes how you can install and configure the Agent for IBM Informix. The chapter also explains the post-installation tasks you must perform before performing the first backup and restore operation. This section contains the following topics: Installation Prerequisites (see page 13) Preinstallation Tasks (see page 14) Install the Agent for IBM Informix (see page 15) Post-Installation Tasks (see page 15) Uninstall the A
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Preinstallation Tasks Preinstallation Tasks Before installing the agent on computers running IDS, modify the Windows environment as described in the following sections. Modify the Windows Environment for ISM Systems on IDS Versions You must modify the Windows environment for computers running Informix Storage Manager (ISM) with IDS Versions 9.40, 10.0, and 11.10. To modify the Windows environment 1. Select System in the Control Panel. The System Properties dialog opens. 2. Select t
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Install the Agent for IBM Informix Install the Agent for IBM Informix The Agent for IBM Informix follows the standard installation procedure for CA ARCserve Backup system components, agents, and options. For detailed procedures about how to install CA ARCserve Backup, see the Implementation Guide. Note: After you complete the installation procedure, restart your computer when prompted. Post-Installation Tasks After you install the agent, you must complete some tasks before you can
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Post-Installation Tasks Set the IDS ONCONFIG File The installation program updates the ONCONFIG file in the IBM Informixdir\etc directory so that the agent can operate properly. Note: If you do not update the ONCONFIG file during installation, you must use a text editor to manually enter the changes in the ONCONFIG file before you install and deploy the agent in your network. Skip this procedure if you modified the ONCONFIG file during installation. To manually modify the ONCONFIG fil
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Post-Installation Tasks Communication with ON-Bar CA ARCserve Backup lets you configure batch jobs. Using CA ARCserve Backup, you can configure one IDS instance at a time. You can use the Informix Agent Batch Job Configuration dialog to submit backup and restore jobs using the ON-Bar command line on the IDS. However, if the agent server is hosting multiple instances of IDS, you must reconfigure the batch job configuration for each backup or restore job submitted through the ON-Bar comm
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Uninstall the Agent 3. Enter the requested information in the fields provided for each unique instance of IDS operation. 4. Click Finish. The agent is configured for ON-Bar interaction. Prepare the Agent for Operation After you install and configure the Agent for IBM Informix, perform the following steps before you run backup and restore jobs for IDS. To prepare the agent for operation 1. On the server where IDS is running, start the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service from the Ser
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Chapter 3: Using the Agent You can use the Agent for IBM Informix to back up IDS objects such as dbspaces, blobspaces, and logical logs. Command line options associated with the ON-Bar utility are also available. For more information about using ON-Bar, see the Informix ON-Bar documentation. This section contains the following topics: Recommendations for Backing Up IDS Database (see page 19) Back Up an IDS Database (see page 20) Unsupported Backup Functions (see page 26) Recommenda
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Back Up an IDS Database ■ Before submitting jobs using the Backup Manager, ensure that the following CA ARCserve Backup services are running: – Job Engine – Tape Engine – Database Engine Back Up an IDS Database When you submit a backup job, ON-Bar evaluates your backup privileges and IDS status, and submits the job to CA ARCserve Backup. You can view one (or more) job per dbspace, blobspace, or logical log being backed up. To back up an IDS database 1. Verify that IDS is online.