Manual de instrucciones de Kingston Technology DTPV-M

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Kingston Technology DTPV-M

Aparato: Kingston Technology DTPV-M
Categoría: Lector CD
Fabricante: Kingston Technology
Tamaño: 0.46 MB
Fecha de añadido: 9/15/2013
Número de páginas: 6
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Kingston Technology DTPV-M Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1


Help for DTVP-M Users

System Requirements
• Pentium III Processor or equivalent (or faster)
• 15MB free disk space
DTVP-M Login
• USB 2.0
Password Criteria
• Windows XP SP2/SP3, Vista SP1/SP2, & 7
Device Lockout
• Two consecutive drive letters after the last physical
Forgot Password
disk drive
Change Password
Reset Option
About DTVP-M
Drive Letter Conflict

Introduction [Back to top]

This document covers the DataTravele

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Initialization [Back to top] After plugging the DTVP-M device into a USB port, if you receive the following warning message, “Kingston DataTraveler requires an active SafeConsole server to make it operational” (see Figure 1.3), please contact your helpdesk or SafeConsole Administrator. Figure 1.3 – Warning Message The DTVP-M must be able to communicate with a SafeConsole server in order to initialize prior to first use and/or function properly after a device reset. If y

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

Once a connection to the server is confirmed, you will be asked to create a password that will be used to unlock the secure data partition each time you log into the DTVP-M. 1. Once you’ve decided on a password, enter it into the ‘Select password’ field, and re-enter it in the ‘Confirm password’ field, as seen in Figure 1.6. The password you create must meet the following criteria before the initialization process will allow you to continue: • Passwords must contain at least 8

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

DTVP-M Login [Back to top] You must supply your DTVP-M password each time you wish to log into the device. During the login process, if an incorrect password is entered, you will be given another opportunity to enter the correct password; however, there is a built-in security feature that tracks the number of failed login attempts. If this number reaches the pre-configured value of 10 failed attempts, the DTVP-M will lock and require a device reset of the secure data partition prior

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Forgot Password [Back to top] The ‘Remote Password Reset’ is a feature in SafeConsole that allows DTVP-M users to change/create passwords without resetting the device, thus saving all data stored on the DTVP-M. The ‘Forgot Password’ menu option is available on the DTVP-M ONLY when ‘Remote Password Reset’ is enabled on the SafeConsole Management Server (consult your helpdesk or administrator for details.) (Note: Remote Password Reset needs to be enabled on the SafeConsole Management

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

Drive Letter Conflict [Back to top] The DTVP-M requires two consecutive drive letters AFTER the last physical disk that appears before the ‘gap’ in drive letter assignments. This does NOT pertain to network shares because they are specific to user-profiles and not the system hardware profile itself, thus appearing available to the OS. What this means is, Windows may assign the DTVP-M a drive letter that’s already in use by a network share or Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path, ca

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