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A Sierra Monitor Company
Driver Manual
(Supplement to the FieldServer Instruction Manual)
FS-8700-97 Lutron Machine
Effective for all systems manufactured after May 1, 2001
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2
FS-8700-97_Lutron_Machine Manual Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Lutron Machine Description.............................................................................................3 2. Driver Scope of Supply.....................................................................................................4 2.1. Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this driver ...................................................4 rd 2.2. Provided by the Supplier of 3 Party Equipment...
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FS-8700-97_Lutron_Machine Manual Page 3 of 11 1. Lutron Machine Description The Lutron Machine driver allows the FieldServer to transfer data to and from devices over RS- 232 using Lutron eLumen protocol. The FieldServer can emulate either a Server or Client, although the Lutron Machine driver is only available in Client configuration. Any Server drivers are for FieldServer testing purposes only. Max Nodes Supported FieldServer Mode Nodes Comments Only one Lutron Machine driv
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FS-8700-97_Lutron_Machine Manual Page 4 of 11 2. Driver Scope of Supply 2.1. Supplied by FieldServer Technologies for this driver FieldServer Technologies Description PART # FS-8915-10 UTP cable (7 foot) for RS-232 use FS-8917-02 RJ45 to DB9F connector adapter FS-8700-97 Driver Manual. rd 2.2. Provided by the Supplier of 3 Party Equipment 2.2.1. Hardware Part # Description Lutron eLumen Panel rd 2.2.2. Required 3 Party Software An external BACnet IP Client to interface to
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FS-8917-02 FS-8700-97_Lutron_Machine Manual Page 5 of 11 3. Hardware Connections The FieldServer is connected to the Lutron eLumen panel as shown in the connection drawing below: Configure the eLumen panel according to manufacturer’s instructions. FS-8917-02 LUTRON SERIAL RS-232 INTERFACE PART # 470-784 8917-02 WIRE LIST CAT 5 CABLE FS-8915-10 FUNCTION FROM TO COLOUR RX RJ45-01 DB9M-02 WHITE CTS RJ45-02 DB9M-08 BROWN DSR RJ45-03 DB9M-06 YELLOW GND RJ45-04 DB9M-05 GREEN GND RJ45-
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FS-8700-97_Lutron_Machine Manual Page 6 of 11 120V 15A Dedicated Control Feed Wallstation link To control stations Aux Link (RS-485) eLumen Processor User Interface link Dimmer panel link To dimmer panels Inter-processor link Serial Power OK Tx Rx Tx Rx - + EIA232 Ethernet USB EIA485 FS-B2010 (408)-262-2299 LUTRON ELUMEN RS-485 CONNECTION DIAGRAM BASE NAME: DATE: 11/12/04 FILE NAME: FS-T28700-84 .VSD BY: MC FieldServer Technologie
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FS-8700-97_Lutron_Machine Manual Page 7 of 11 4. Configuring the FieldServer as a Lutron Machine Client For a detailed discussion on FieldServer configuration, please refer to the FieldServer instruction manual. The information that follows describes how to expand upon the factory defaults provided in the configuration files included with the FieldServer (See “.csv” sample files provided with the FieldServer). This section documents and describes the parameters necessary for configu
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FS-8700-97_Lutron_Machine Manual Page 8 of 11 4.2. Client Side Connection Descriptions Section Title Connections Column Title Function Legal Values Specify which port the device 1 Port is connected to the P1-P8, R1-R2 FieldServer Protocol Specify protocol used eLumen Baud* Specify baud rate 9600 Parity* Specify parity None Data_Bits* Specify data bits 8 Stop_Bits* Specify stop bits 1 Specify hardware Handshaking* None handshaking Poll _Delay* Time between internal polls 0-
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FS-8700-97_Lutron_Machine Manual Page 9 of 11 4.3. Client Side Node Descriptors Section Title Nodes Column Title Function Legal Values Node_Name Provide name for node Up to 32 alphanumeric characters The eLumen processor address. Only decimal values are allowed: Node_ID 0-255 e.g. 11 hex must be entered as 17. Protocol Specify protocol used eLumen Specify which port the device is 1 Connection P1-P8, R1-R2 connected to the FieldServer Specifies the eLumen command Node_type
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FS-8700-97_Lutron_Machine Manual Page 10 of 11 Column Title Function Legal Values area_status sys_var_val_bin sys_var_val Zone Machine: run_script_AB zone_intensity fade_zone run_script_multi zone_intensity sys_var_val_bin sys_var_val Name of Data Array that contains a DA_Lut_List list of parameters needed to A Data Array name. execute the command. The offset into the DA_Lut_List 0 to the maximum offset DA_Lut_List_Offset Data Array from where the list data into the DA_
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FS-8700-97_Lutron_Machine Manual Page 11 of 24 4.4.4. Map Descriptor Example 1 - Binary Output (Zone and Area Machine) A write to the Binary Output Data Array which is shared by a BACNet IP Map Descriptor will execute one of two scripts on the eLumen panel. The script numbers corresponding to binary inactive (0) and active (1) are specified in the Data Array specified by “DA_Lut_List” from offset specified by “DA_Lut_List_Offset”. Script numbers range from 0 to 65535. BACnet IP Map Descr
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FS-8700-97_Lutron_Machine Manual Page 12 of 24 4.4.5. Map Descriptor Example 2 - Binary Input (Zone Machine) A read from the Binary Input Data Array which is shared by a BACNet IP Map Descriptor will return the relay state for the given zone. The Lutron Machine Map Descriptor regularly polls the eLumen panel to retrieve the value of zone intensity. The value of each BACNet object presenting Binary Output is inactive if the intensity is zero and active if the intensity is non-zero. Zone nu
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FS-8700-97_Lutron_Machine Manual Page 13 of 24 4.4.6. Map Descriptor Example 3 - Binary Input (Area Machine) A read from the Binary Input Data Array which is shared by a BACNet IP Map Descriptor will return the scene-on state for the given area. The Lutron Machine Map Descriptor regularly polls the eLumen panel to retrieve the scene-on state for the given area. The value returned by the BACNet object is inactive (0) if the off scene is selected and active (1) if any other scene is selecte
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FS-8700-97_Lutron_Machine Manual Page 14 of 24 4.4.7. Map Descriptor Example 4 - Analog Output 1 (Area Machine) A write to the Analog Output Data Array which is shared by a BACNet IP Map Descriptor will command an area to a preset scene on the Lutron eLumen panel. Scenes range from 0 to 65535 and area numbers range from 0 to 511 BACNet IP Map Descriptor // Client Side Map Descriptors Map_Descriptors Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Functi
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FS-8700-97_Lutron_Machine Manual Page 15 of 24 4.4.8. Map Descriptor Example 5 - Analog Output 1 (Zone Machine) A write to the Analog Output Data Array which is shared by a BACNet IP Map Descriptor will command a zone on the Lutron eLumen panel to the written intensity. Intensities are written as a percentage value (0 to 100%). BACNet IP Map Descriptor // Client Side Map Descriptors Map_Descriptors Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function,
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FS-8700-97_Lutron_Machine Manual Page 16 of 24 4.4.9. Map Descriptor Example 6 - Analog Output 2 (Zone and Area Machine) A write to the Analog Output Data Array which is shared by a BACNet IP Map Descriptor will execute one of multiple scripts on the Lutron eLumen panel. The value written into the Analog Output Data Array is used as an offset into the Data Array defined under “DA_Lut_List” to retrieve a script number. Script numbers range from 0 to 65535. BACNet IP Map Descriptor //
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FS-8700-97_Lutron_Machine Manual Page 17 of 24 The script numbers per BACNet object element need to be preloaded into the Data Arrays defined under “DA_Lut_List”. //==================================================================== // Analog Output2 Settings Setup // // All values are in decimal ( 0 - 65535 ) // Specify up to 10 scripts for each Object ID by editing Preload_Data_Value Preloads Data_Array_Name , Preload_Data_Format , Preload_Data_Value , Location // Analog Out
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FS-8700-97_Lutron_Machine Manual Page 18 of 24 4.4.10. Map Descriptor Example 7 - Analog Input (Area Machine) A read from the Analog Input Data Array which is shared by a BACNet IP Map Descriptor will return the last scene selected in a given area on the Lutron eLumen panel. The Lutron Machine Map Descriptor regularly polls the Lutron eLumen panel to retrieve the scene numbers. BACNet IP Map Descriptor // Client Side Map Descriptors Map_Descriptors Map_De
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FS-8700-97_Lutron_Machine Manual Page 19 of 24 4.4.11. Map Descriptor Example 8 - Analog Input (Zone Machine) A read from the Analog Input Data Array which is shared by a BACNet IP Map Descriptor will return the intensity to which a given zone is set on the Lutron eLumen panel. The Lutron Machine Map Descriptor regularly polls the Lutron eLumen panel to retrieve the zone intensities. The intensity value returned is scaled to a percentage value (0 to 100%). Zone numbers range from 0 to 51
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FS-8700-97_Lutron_Machine Manual Page 20 of 24 4.4.12. Map Descriptor Example 9 - Multistate Output (Zone and Area Machine) A write to the Multistate Output Data Array which is shared by a BACNet IP Map Descriptor will execute one of multiple scripts. The multiple scripts are specified in the Data Array defined under “DA_Lut_List”. The value written into the Multistate Output Data Array is used as the offset into the Data Array defined under “DA_Lut_List” to retrieve a script number from