Manual de instrucciones de Zenoah PSJ2300

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Zenoah PSJ2300

Aparato: Zenoah PSJ2300
Categoría: Sierra de altura
Fabricante: Zenoah
Tamaño: 1.12 MB
Fecha de añadido: 9/22/2014
Número de páginas: 28
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

848-A57-93A0 (704)
长 柄 锯
• Before using our products,
please read this manual
carefully to understand the
proper use of your unit.
• Keep this manual handy.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

English 中 文 SAFETY FIRST 安全第一 Instructions contained in warnings within this manual marked with a 本说明书上记载的注意事项以及机器上 symbol concern critical points 贴着的带有 的警告标签,是表示有 which must be taken into 发生人身事故危险的重要项目,务请认 consideration to prevent possible 真阅读并严格遵守。 serious bodily injury, and for this reason you are requested to read all such instructions carefully and follow them without fail. ■ WARNINGS IN THE MANUAL ■关于警告标志 警 告 WARNING 表示如不遵守注意事项,便可能导致重 This mark indicates instructions 伤或死亡。 which mus

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

English 中 文 1. Parts location 1. 各部分的名称 1. Loop handle 1. 环形把手 2. Suspension point 2. 悬挂点 3. Stop switch 3. 止动开关 4. Throttle cable 4. 加油钢丝 5. Throttle trigger 5. 加油扳机 6. Shaft tube 6. 轴管 7. Knob bolt 7. 旋钮螺栓 8. Starter knob 8. 起动器旋钮 9. Fuel tank 9. 燃料箱 10. Primer pump 10. 初给泵 11. Choke lever 11. 进气杆 12. Air cleaner cover 12. 空气滤清器盖 13. Guide bar 13. 导板 14. Saw chain 14. 锯链 15. Chain cover 15. 链盖 16. Gear case 16. 齿轮箱 3

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

English 中 文 2. Explanation of pictorials 2. 警告标签及用法 (1) Read owner's manual before (1)阅读使用说明书 operating this machine. (2)戴头盔、防尘眼镜和耳塞 (2)Wear head, eye and ear (3)警告/注意 protection. (4)本机不能防止由于接触到高空电 (3) Warning/Attention 线而导致的触电现象。 (4)The unit has not been designed to provide protection 警 告 from electric shock in the event of contact with overhead 警告标签污损护剥落时,请到购买本品 electric lines. 的商店重新订购,及时更换。 IMPORTANT If warning labels peel off or become 重 要 soiled and impossible to read, you 改造机器非常危险,切勿

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

English 中 文 4. 正确使用须知 4. Safety precautions

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

English 中 文 4. 正确使用须知 4. Safety precautions (6) Hatchet or saw (for removal of obstacles) 3.Do not wear loose clothing, 3. 请勿穿戴宽松的衣物、首饰、短裤、 jewelry, short trousers, sandals, or 便鞋或裸足。请勿佩戴任何可能会被 go barefoot. Do not wear anything 机器运动部件钩住的物品。将头发束 which might be caught by a 起,不得使其过肩。 moving part of the unit. Secure hair so it is above shoulder length. ■工作环境 ■ WORKING CIRCUMSTANCE 1. 切勿在密闭的房间或建筑中启动引擎。 1. Never start the engine inside a 废气中含有有害的一氧化碳。 closed room or building. Exhaust 2. 切勿在以下情况下使用产

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

English 中 文 4. 正确使用须知 4. Safety precautions Repetitive Stress Injury(RSI) could occur. If you feel discomfort, redness and swelling of your fingers or any other part of your body, see a doctor before getting worse. 2. 为了避免工作噪音影响他人,操作 2. To avoid noise complaints, in 本产品的合适时间一般应为工作日的 general, operate product 上午 8 点至下午 5 点以及周末的上 between 8a.m. and 5p.m. on 午 9 点至下午 5 点。 weekdays and 9a.m. to 5p.m. weekends. 补 充 NOTE 关于噪音等级以及工作时间,请查询并 遵守当地的法规。 Check and follow the local regulations as to sound

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

English 中 文 4. 正确使用须知 4. Safety precautions hand can comfortably hold the handlebar grip approximately waist high. ■ STARTING THE ENGINE ■启动引擎 1. Keep bystanders and animals at 1. 旁观者和动物等应远离操作点 15 米 least 15 m away from the 以上。如果有人或动物靠近,应立即 operating point. If you are 关闭引擎。 approached, immediately stop the 2. 本产品配备有离心式离合器机构, engine. 因此在启动引擎时只需将加油柄置于 2. The product is equipped with a 启动位置,切割装置将立即开始旋转。 centrifugal clutch mechanism, so 启动引擎时,请将本产品置于平坦干 the cutting attachment begins to 净的场所,持握到位

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

English 中 文 4. 正确使用须知 4. Safety precautions speed of the engine above the level necessary. 3. Never operate the pruner at an 3. 切勿以超过 60 度的角度操作修枝剪, angle greater than 60° in order to 以避免操作时被坠物砸到的危险。 reduce the risk of being struck by 4. 如果本机开始抖动或振动,请关闭 falling objects during operation. 引擎并检查整个机器。在故障被正确 4. If the unit start to shake or vibrate, 排除之前请勿使用。 turn off the engine and check the 5. 请使您身体的所有部位远离旋转的 whole unit. Do not use it until the 切割装置和灼热的切割表面。 trouble has been properly 6. 在引擎运行时或关闭

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

English 中 文 4. 正确使用须知 4. Safety precautions 4. In the event that any part must be 4. 如需更换部件,或执行本手册中未 replaced or any maintenance or 加以说明的检修或维修工作时,则请 repair work not described in this 与最近的 ZENOAH 授权的维修服务 manual must be performed, please 商代表联系以获取帮助。 contact a representative from the 5. 请勿使用未带有 ZENOAH 标记和 store nearest ZENOAH authorized 被推荐的产品以外的其它附件或装置。 servicing dealer for assistance. 6. 在任何情况下都不得以任何方式拆 5. Do not use any accessory or 解本产品或对其进行改装。否则可能 attachment other than those 导致产品在操作中受损或导致产品无

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

English 中 文 4. 正确使用须知 4. Safety precautions and fix the unit by ropes. 4. Never transport the product over 4. 切勿在燃料箱中尚存燃料的情况下 rough roads over long distances 使用车辆在长距离粗糙路面上运输本 by vehicle without removing all fuel 产品。否则燃料可能会在运输时从燃 from the fuel tank. If doing so, fuel 料箱中泄漏。 might leak from the tank during transport. ■ Kickback and Pinching Safety ■有关反弹和卡滞的安全注意事项 Precautions Beware of kickback! 小心反弹! Kickback can occur whenever the tip 电锯运转时,如果导向条的顶端触碰到 of the guide bar touches an object 了物体,则会

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

English 中 文 4. 正确使用须知 4. Safety precautions the manufacturer. WARNING 警 告 • Make sure the chain and ・在操作修枝剪之前请确保链条和链齿 sprocket are correctly adjusted 已正确调整(有关调整步骤请参见第 before operating the pruner (see 14及15页)。切勿在引擎运行时进行 page 14, 15 for adjustment 链条调整! procedures). Never attempt ・在操作之前请务必确保切割装置已正 chain adjustment with the 确安装并紧固。 engine running! ・请勿使用有裂缝或弯曲的导向条。若 • Always make sure the cutting 出现这种情况,请更换为可用的导向 attachment is properly installed 条并确保安装到位。 and firmly tightened before ・如果在切割中锯片被

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

English 中 文 5. Set up 5 安装 ■ MOUNTING ENGINE (SE1) ■安装引擎(SE1) 1.Push the driveshaft housing 1. 将驱动轴罩推向离合器罩,并用手旋 SE1 toward the clutch housing and 转以检查驱动轴是否与齿轮啮合。 rotate it by hand to check that the 2. 将驱动轴罩插入离合器罩直至底部, driveshaft is engaged with the 然后使两个罩上的定位孔对齐,装上 gears. 螺钉。 2. Insert the driveshaft housing into 3. 用2个螺钉紧固夹具。 the clutch housing until it bottoms, and align the positioning holes on the both housings and install the screw. 3. Fasten the clamp securely with 2 screws. ■ CONNECTING

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

English 中 文 5. Set up 5 安装 ■ ATTACHING THE PRUNING ■安装修枝机构(SE6) MECHANISM (SE6) 1. 拆下主管末端的盖子。 1. Remove the cap on the end of the 2. 拆下拧在齿轮箱末端的螺钉。 main pipe. 3. 将齿轮箱的末端插入主管中。 2. Remove the screw screwed into 4. 将齿轮箱上的螺丝孔与主管上的螺 the end of the gear case. 丝孔对齐,插入螺钉然后拧紧。 SE6 (1) 3. Insert the end of the gear case into 5. 使用扳手拧紧随附的螺栓以将修枝 (2) the main pipe. 机构固定到位。 4. Line up the hole on the end of the gear case into which the screw is (1)主管 (3) (4) to be inserted with the hole on the (2)齿轮箱 main pi

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

English 中 文 5. Set up 5 安装 3. Fit the chain tensioner nut into the 3. 将链条张紧螺母装到导板下部的孔 SE9 lower hole of the guide bar, then 中,然后安装链条盖,并将安装螺母 install the chain cover, and fasten 拧紧至手指无法拧松的程度。 the mounting nut to finger (SE8)(SE9) tightness. (SE8) (SE9) (1)孔 (1) Hole (2)运动方向 (2) Moving direction (3)链条张紧螺母 (3) Chain tensioner nut 4. Adjust the chain tension by turning 4. 通过转动张紧螺钉调节链条张力, SE10 the tensioner screw until the tie 直至系带正好碰到板轨的底部。 straps just touch the bottom side (SE10) of the bar ra

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

English 中 文 6. Fuel and chain oil 6. 燃料和链条油 警 告 WARNING •Gasoline is very flammable. ・汽油为易燃品 Avoid smoking or bringing any 不得在燃料附近吸烟或玩弄带有火焰 flame or sparks near fuel. 和火星物。 • Wipe up all spills before ・在启动引擎之前整理好周围的散乱物 starting the engine. 品。 •Make sure to stop the engine ・在加油之前必须确认引擎停止并冷却。 and allow it cool before ・在加油和储油地区必须严禁烟火。 refueling the unit. • Keep open flames away from the area where fuel is handled or stored. 重 要 IMPORTANT ・不能使用4冲程机油,或水冷2冲程 •Never use oil for 4 cycle engine 引擎

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

English 中 文 7. Operation 7. 操作 ■ STARTING ENGINE ■启动引擎 WARNING 警 告 The cutting head will start rotating 引擎启动时切割头将开始旋转。 upon the engine starts. OP1 1. 将燃料和链条油分别加入各自的油箱 1. Feed fuel and chain oil into their 中,然后牢牢地拧紧油箱盖子。 respective tanks and tighten the (OP1) caps securely. (OP1) (1)燃料 (1) Fuel (2)链条油 (2) Chain oil 2. 将机器放置在平坦、坚固的地方。 2. Rest the unit on a flat, firm place. 由于引擎启动时切割头将开始旋转。 Keep the cutting head off the 因此请使其指向地面并保持周围没有 OP2 ground and clear of surrounding 异物。 objects as it w

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

English 中 文 7. Operation 7. 操作 补 充 NOTE 1.When restarting the engine 1. 当停止引擎后立即重新启动时,进气 immediately after stopping it, leave 门仍然开通。 the choke open. 2. 当进气量过大时,由于燃料过量, 2. Overchoking can make the engine 会使引擎难以启动。当多次启动引擎 hard to start due to excess fuel. 失败时,请开通进气门并重复抽拉拉 When the engine failed to start 绳,或拆下火星塞使其干燥。 after several attempts, open the choke and repeat pulling the rope, or remove the spark plug and dry it. ■ STOPPING ENGINE (OP4) ■停止引擎(OP4) 1. Release the throttle lever and run 1

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

English 中 文 7. Operation 7. 操作 check the oil level more frequently than at fuel tank refills. The guide bar and chain are 导板和锯链通过锯链旋转时运转的泵自 lubricated automatically by a pump 动进行润滑。该泵在出厂时设定一个最 that operates whenever the chain 低流量,但在实际操作中可进行调节。 rotates. The pump is set at the 当切割硬木或有很多树脂的木头等材料 factory to deliver a minimum flow 时经常需要临时增大机油流量。 rate, but it can be adjusted in the field. A temporary increase in oil flow is often desirable when cutting things like hardwood or wood with a lot of pit

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

English 中 文 7. Operation 7. 操作 ■ ADJUSTING IDLING SPEED ■调节空转速度(OP9) (OP9) 1. 如果在空转模式中引擎经常趋于停止, OP9 1. When the engine tends stop 请顺时针转动调节螺钉。 frequently at idling mode, turn the 2. 如果在释放扳机之后切割头仍然旋 adjusting screw clockwise. 转,则请逆时针转动调节螺钉。 2. When the cutting head keeps rotating after releasing the trigger, (1)空转调节螺钉 turn the adjusting screw counter- clockwise. 补 充 (1) Idle adjusting screw ・在调节空转速度之前请先预热引擎。 NOTE 警 告 • Warm up the engine before ・使用长柄锯时请务必佩戴由皮革或其 adjusting the idling speed.

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