Manual de instrucciones de Whistler PRO-3450

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Whistler PRO-3450

Aparato: Whistler PRO-3450
Categoría: Detector de radar
Fabricante: Whistler
Tamaño: 0.59 MB
Fecha de añadido: 7/24/2013
Número de páginas: 16
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

Pro-3450_OwnersManual.qxd 3/15/04 4:30 PM Page 1
13016 N. Walton Blvd.
Bentonville, AR 72712
TEL: 479.273.6012 FX: 479.273.2927
P/N 203065, © The Whistler Group, Inc. 2004

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Pro-3450_OwnersManual.qxd 3/15/04 4:30 PM Page 3 INTRODUCTION If you have questions concerning the Dear Whistler Owner, operation of this Whistler product please call: With the change in time also comes change in technology. Radar gun manufacturers have stepped up to the plate. The new arsenal ™ CuSTOmer SeRVICE they carry is called POP Mode. This new gun is a normal K or Ka band radar gun detectable by most radar detectors made in the ™ ™ 1-800-531-0004 past 30 years, unless the gun is pla

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

Pro-3450_OwnersManual.qxd 3/15/04 4:30 PM Page 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS WHISTLER FEATURES Whistler Pro-3450 Model Features Summary ....................................................3 - 4 Power/Volume Button Operation ............................................................................5 - 14 Speaker • Power On And Self-Test • Memory/Beep Confirmation (Optional) Voice Module • Auto Level Adjustment • Auto Quiet/Quiet Modes • Temperature/Voltage Mode • Engaging/Disengaging VG-2 • City Modes

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Pro-3450_OwnersManual.qxd 3/15/04 4:30 PM Page 7 WHISTLER FEATURES OPERATION • City/City 1/City 2 Mode – Reduces the annoyance of false Power On And Self-Test a l e rts typically encountered in urban driving are a s . Each time your Whistler detector is turned on, an auto- matic self-test sequence confirms that the speaker and • Quiet/Menu Button - P ressing QUIET before a signal is visual displays are functional. detected engages Auto Quiet Mode which automatically • Press P/V or apply Pow

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Pro-3450_OwnersManual.qxd 3/15/04 4:30 PM Page 9 OPERATION OPERATION Memory/Beep Confirmation Auto Quiet Mode All features selected (except Stay Alert and Quiet) are Auto Quiet reduces the selected audio level to level (1) retained in memory. Each time a button is pressed one approximately 5 seconds after a radar or safety radar sig- beep confirms feature “on”, two beeps confirm feature nal is detected. The alert for any new signal within 20 “off”. seconds will resume at level (1). Auto Qui

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

Pro-3450_OwnersManual.qxd 3/15/04 4:30 PM Page 11 OPERATION OPERATION Temperature/Voltage Mode City/City 1/City 2 Mode The unit can be programmed to display either the outside W h i s t l e r’s Three Stage City Mode is designed to reduce the temperature or battery voltage along with Highway/City annoyance of automatic door openers, intrusion alarms and modes. See Option Select Mode. Display reads: other devices which share frequencies with police radar. Generally X band is used for these devi

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

Pro-3450_OwnersManual.qxd 3/15/04 4:30 PM Page 13 OPERATION OPERATION D i m / D a r k / Te m p e r a t u re / Voltage Modes H o r i z o n t a l / Ve rtical V i e w i n g Dim/Dark Mode reduces the illumination of the display. The display can be mounted in 3 diff e rent ways and • P ress D a r k to reduce illumination to a Dim setting. displayed corre c t l y : Display re a d s : • H o r i z o n t a l l y • P ressing D a r k a second time engages Dark Mode. Display re a d s : • Upside Down Dim

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

Pro-3450_OwnersManual.qxd 3/15/04 4:30 PM Page 15 OPERATION OPERATION Option Select Mode Stay Alert™ Feature Entering Option Select Mode allows you to customize The Stay Alert™ Feature is designed to test a driver’s ® options such as Tone Select, Real Voice , Abbreviated alertness. To engage (when unit is not alarming): Power Up Sequence test and VG-2 Mode. When selecting • Press and hold City for 2 seconds. Display reads: options, Dark (D)=yes, City (C)=no, Quiet (Q)=next selection. Any one

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

Pro-3450_OwnersManual.qxd 3/15/04 4:30 PM Page 17 OPERATION RADAR ALERT Speed Radar Audio/Visual Alerts 10th time Ka ON D = ON Turns Ka Band ON C = OFF Turns Ka Band OFF When X, K or Ka is detected the band ID and signal strength is displayed. The audio alert is continuous and 11th time Laser ON D = ON Turns Laser ON has a geiger counter-like pattern. The faster the beep the C = OFF Turns Laser OFF closer or stronger the radar source. Example: ® 12th time

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

Pro-3450_OwnersManual.qxd 3/15/04 4:30 PM Page 19 SAFETY RADAR ALERTS LASER/VG-2 ALERTS VG-2 Audio/Visual Alerts Safety Warning System™ Text Note: You must turn POP feature OFF in option select mode Example: Poor Road Surface: before it will detect VG-2. When a VG-2 signal is detected, the detector “hides” its own radiated signal and becomes undetectable by the VG-2. Text message confirms detection of VG-2. E v e ry 30 seconds, the detector checks for a VG-2 signal. If a VG-2 signal is still

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

Pro-3450_OwnersManual.qxd 3/15/04 4:30 PM Page 21 RESET FEATURES/CARE & MAINTENANCE COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWN Communication Breakdown Reset Features All user features can be reset to factory settings. If a problem arises between the inside control panel and the outside antenna, the unit will give a unique audio tone. • Remove Power from unit. The display reads: • Press and hold P/V and Quiet. • Apply power to the unit. • Wait for 2 beeps. • Release P/V and Quiet. Unit is now reset. If a R error

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

Pro-3450_OwnersManual.qxd 3/15/04 4:30 PM Page 23 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE ARE DETECTORS LEGAL? Your Whistler detector is expertly engineered and designed to In Most States YES! exacting quality standards to provide you with reliable, tro u b l e - f re e Laser detectors are completely legal in every state, (with the operation. If your unit has been correctly installed following the guidelines in this manual, but is not operating optimally, please exception of Virginia and Washington, D.C., whic

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Pro-3450_OwnersManual.qxd 3/15/04 4:30 PM Page 25 SPEED MONITORING TECHNOLOGIES SPEED MONITORING TECHNOLOGIES Radar Facts of the laser gun’s narrow beam. A radar transmission can cover more than a four-lane highway at a distance of 1,000 feet, comp a re d A radar gun operates by transmitting radio waves at certain with a laser transmission which covers about 3 feet at the s a m e frequencies which reflect off objects and are then picked up distance. For best protection, keep these points in

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

Pro-3450_OwnersManual.qxd 3/15/04 4:30 PM Page 27 WARRANTY INFORMATION WARRANTY INFORMATION detectors are illegal, (see page 21), drivers risk losing their When returning a unit for service under warranty, please follow these instructions: radar detector and receiving a fine. In addition, instant-on r a d a r 1. Ship both the control panel and antenna (CAUTION: DO NOT is almost always used in combination with a RDD, leaving u n s u s p e c t i n g CUT WIRES when removing the antenna as this w

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

Pro-3450_OwnersManual.qxd 3/15/04 4:30 PM Page 29 WARRANTY INFORMATION SPECIFICATIONS • Dimensions: Antenna: 1.4"H x 4"W x3.6"L Service Out Of Warranty Units will be repaired at “out of warranty” service rates when: Control Panel: .8” L x 2.8” W x 2.3” H Laser: 1.9”H x .9”W x .7”L • The unit’s original warranty has expired. • Dated store receipt is not supplied. • The unit has been returned without its serial number. • Weight: Antenna: 7.5 oz. • The unit has been abused, modified, install

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

Pro-3450_OwnersManual.qxd 3/15/04 4:30 PM Page 31 ACCESSORIES ACCESSORY ORDER FORM PLEASE SHIP TO: Name: __________________________________________ These, and other accessories, can be ordered directly from Whistler by calling 1-800-531-0004 or visit our online store Street: __________________________________________ at City: ________________ State: ______ Zip:________ Telephone Number: (______) ______________________ Order Description Price Code Order Code/

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