Manual de instrucciones de Ward's GIL-39012B

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Ward's GIL-39012B

Aparato: Ward's GIL-39012B
Categoría: Palanca de mando
Fabricante: Ward's
Tamaño: 16.72 MB
Fecha de añadido: 3/8/2014
Número de páginas: 23
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Ward's GIL-39012B Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

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Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

GONTENTS Generol Introduction 3 Sofety Tips 3 Initiol Servicing 4 Controls ond Operotion 4 Storting Your Rotory Tiiler 5 Adiustments 6 Seruicing ond Mointenqnce I Storoge 11 Tiller Ports 12 &14 Tiller Ports List r3&15 Chqin Cose Ports 16 Choin Cose Ports List 17 How ports to Order Replocement 20 IMpoRTANT! Record the unit model number ond its seriol number on the bock poge of this monuol for fulure reterence when ordering repoir ports or identificotion if unit is lost

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

GENERAL INTRODUCTION O Inspect work oreo ond cleor ony objects thot ore not eorth or mulch. This Owneis Guide hos been especiolly prepored lo provide the informotion needed to op'eiote your tii o lmproper use of the ler with greoler rotory tiller sotisfoction. con resull Reod this'Owne/i in in_ Guide jury. Give complete ond the ond undivided engine inslrucfions ottention corefully. fo Be sure you the work you know ore doing. whot the controls ore for ond how they o[e

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

INITIAL SERVICING CLUTCH CONTROL LEVER 1. Before storling the engine, refer fo the engine in- sfructions. Be cerloin lhe the engine cronkcose is filled with proper the type oil ond thot oll en- gine service instructions hove been followed com- THROTTLE CONTROL & pletely. ENGINE STOP LEVER 2. Fill fuel tonk wilh o cleon, fresh, leod-free or leod- "regulor'' ed grode of outomotive gosoline. Do HANDLE CONTROL LEVI not mix oil with gosoline. All nuls ond bolts should be checked on

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

When the handle bar is in tnansport location, fhe clufch control lever will only operofe by pulling the lever bock. This engoges the drive to the wheels ond the tiller moves forword of tronsporl speed. When re- leosed, fhe control lever refurns to neulrol. DEPTH CONTROL LEVER GAUTION: Do nor adiust rilling depth wfth rhe tines SHAULOWEST SETTING rotatang. Place clutch control leyer in the neutral position before makhrg adiustments of depth con- trol. The depth conirol lever is

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

ADJUSTMENTS CAUTION: Never ofiempt to moke-odjustments on fhe liller while the engine is running. Alwoys stop ROTATE lhe engine ond disconnecl the wirelrom tn6 spoit plug before ottempling to moke odjustments. CLAMP CAP SCRE\A BELT ADJUSTMENTS TINE DBIVE BELT The tine drive belt, FIG. which is the outer 4 be[, is odjusted by the ctomp cop screws (Figuie 4) onct roto_ l9_9s9ning ang me qnd enflre cose tine ossembly. R6lote cose fonrord to stocken belt ond bock to fidnt

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

HANDLE CONTROL LEVER ADJUSTMENT The hondle (Figure 7) hos been control odjustmenl for proper should not need to set operotion ond be odiusfed. Should the hondle control lever (Figure 7) become loose ofter mony hours of operolion, tighlen NUT ADJUSTMENT the odjustmenl nul only enough lo eliminote ony ex- cess movement in the hondle confrol lever. CAUTION: Do nol overtighlen odjuslmenf nut. This result moy in foilure of hondle bor lotch system lo fully hold hondle in position. engoge ond desir

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

SERVIGING AND MAINTENANGE The besf you ossuronce hove of geiling the mosl de_ pendoble service from your tiller is to keep the unit cleon, free of rust, ond well lubricoted. Check bolts often lo be sure they ore kept tight. When the tiller is not being used, it should be stored in o dry ploce out of lhe weother. LUBRICATION 1. Engine: Refer lo engine operoting instructions ond requirements for oll engine lubricotion. 2. Ghain Gases: Both the wheel drive ond the tine dri

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

4)'. (l .q...-<- ___=/ 4ffi' Y a-\ \', I l*_./ lilll, t Fte.12 fore oiling To odd lubricont ottempt lo cleon off to eilher choin oreo lo be lubri- cose it is necessory coled. to tip liller on its lefi side lo expose tevel ptugs of eocn cose. Add sufficient teod bose (Ep) SAE taO neovy duty oil (Port 4890) to bring to propdr oit tevet. A. The 4 idler pulleys. B. The hondle plunger shofl ond disc. C. The conirol rod swivels. 3. The following poinls D. The hondle should be lubricoted

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

\ | /'/ I -.1 .z I wHEEL puLLEy DRtvE cAsE ).. '/ / /\ TlNi DRTVE BELT /1 -\ / RETAINING RING TINE DRIVE CASE PULLEY \r ptN BELT GUTDE TINE DRIVE ,,.,} 'O'.'* - BELI GUIDE R|N-G/ tl8:g!\|rNG \,, ARM L|NK \_- -__--.---IDLER COTTER PIN Fre.13 BEIT REPLACEMENT 7. Reodjust belt os ouflined under belt odjustments. The bells on this tiller.were specificolly l designed 8. Replqce ond belt guord. provide to long, I trouble_free service. lf belt replocemen

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

STOBAGE For short lerm storoge, cleon the filler off ond store 3 Run engine until il stops. In o ploce. dry 1 4. Cover exposed metol surfoces with o thin coot lf tiller is not lo be used for on extended period of engine oil. of -dry time, service tiller completely onO Ji"re it' in o ploce. ,,servicing Lub.ricote per insfructions under ond 1 Moinlenonce". 1 to the engine instructions for engine Feler storoge inslructions. I, i Before using the tiller ogoin, chec

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

HANDLE & CONTROLS PARTS q F I c AL-q o.,-@ ,. ^"-?t" 12

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

HANDLE & CONTROLS PARTS LIST REF. PART LET. NO. DESCRIPTION QTY. A I 200469 Tunnel Assembly B 200470 I Handle Assembly C 1'183 Grip.. z D 200612 Slide . 1 E 2001 10 Spring 1 F 200066 Control Rod .. 1 G 2OO473 Pivot Assembly . . . 1 H 200460 Pawl Assembly. . .. . 1 I 200420 Pin .. . 1 J 200074 Lever. 1 K 33580 Grip . . 1 '1 L 2OO075 Shroud M 200323 Link Assembly .... 1 N 200768 Lever. 1 o 2OO179 PlungorAssembly 1 P 200177 RetainerAssembly 1 200195 Cam Assembly ..... 1 R 200196 Bellcran

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

AND DRIUE FRAME PARTS €[--cl .BP ,BQ AZ ,K ./fl- H '-- '/cL a:,t -;^A 9@/---,"u ,fu'"'o BN -6 BO ,i^ J BG BF GJ %c=s: '@ft{ t7"30,-- 6tt cc ==Eg -AO AP l :?g s rr€ 'l:a- ;tr^ffieiSi: " t-ca s_; SPRAY CANS OFTOUCH-UP -BZ,6\}-V BY PAINTARE AVAILABLE 22tgffiD ORDERING: . ......Gray PartNo.13938 #tury 6a-6 . .......Red PartNo.13255 M____-_ N 14

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

FRAME AND DRIVE PARTS LIST Ref. Part Ref. Part Let. No. Description OtV- Let. No. Description oty. A 208139 Frame Assembly - R.H. 1 M Nut,ConeLock5/16-18Plated ....... -70629 I B 2O814O Frame Assembly - L.H. 1 BA Cap Screw, Hex Hd., 5/16-18 x -70177 c 2OOO71 CounterWeight .... ... 30 2t/tPlated 3 D 2OOA78 CounterWeight .... 8 BB '70882 Cap Screw, Hex Hd., 9r 16 x 3 Plated . . z E 200165 Depth ControlAssembly 1 '70649 BC Washer,SpringLock,7ePlated ....... 6 F 208810 SkidAssembly

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

PABTS CASE GHAIN seols choin cose Io reploce oll No. 89428. order Port ond doskets less entile choin cose To reploce Pod No. 89429' lines drder 16 L

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

GHAIN GASE PARTS LIST REF. PART LET. NO. DESCRIPTION QTY. A 208162 Chain Case Ass'y. - R.H. w/Bearings . . . . 1 B 208163 Chain Case Ass'y. - L.H. w/Bearings 1 c 1054 Seal Tine - Shaft. . 2 D 208176 Seal - InputShaft . E 208052 Gasket F 208051 Chain Lcwer . - G 208177 Chain - Upper . H 208186 InputShaftAss'y. ... I 208178 SprocketAss'y.w/Bearings ..... J 4O2O ldler Sleeve K 208181 Tine Shaft Ass'y. . . . L 2O81U SpacerCup {.**t.r*' M 39108 Shim - Gear. . 1-2 N 208141 Retaining Ring

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

ri{/Hff6" OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS MODEL SERIES 100299 100200 to 130200 to 131299 IN THE INTEREST OF SAFETY hazard of personal injury. Operating an engine at excessive speeds increases the DO NOT RUN ENGTNE AT EXCESSIVE SPEEDS. DO NOT TAMPER WITH PARTS WHICH MAY INCREASE THE GOVERNED SPEED. of blade tip speed Mowers specify a maximum For rotary lawnmower safety, A.N.S.l. Safety Specifications for Power Lawn Standard obiects. per per primarily reduce the hazard from thrown

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

BEFORE STARTING READ THE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS OF SPARK PLUG THE EOUIPMENT THIS ENGINE POWERS high quality "For Use a detergent oil classified Service SC, SD, MS." SE or Detergent oils keep the engine ileaner and retard the formation gum varnish of and deposits. Nothing should be added to the recommended oil. TO BATTERY - RECOMMENDED SAE VISCOSITY GRADES VIA STARTER SWITCH ELECTRIC STARTER MOTOR _ TO BATTERY VIA AMMETER IF FURNISHED 'lf not available, a synthetic oil may be used having 5W

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

When engine starts' with choke opened slightly. necessary graduallY. choke open STARTING position. Start, store and fuel engine in a level /_ with either ENGINE Engine may be equipped - controls. Choke-A-Matic or Lever-Trol ,\( Pull as illustrated. MANUAL CHOKE: choke equipped with 12 volt starting Electric Starter. On engines "START" position press starter key to or systems, turn systems equipped with 120 volt starting buiton. On engines "On-Off" integral "On" button ol conductor

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