Manual de instrucciones de Schumacher 120V

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Schumacher 120V

Aparato: Schumacher 120V
Categoría: Soldadora
Fabricante: Schumacher
Tamaño: 0.53 MB
Fecha de añadido: 1/10/2014
Número de páginas: 24
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

Form 00-99-000377/1003
98026051, 98026052, 98026069, 98026070
© 2003

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

SAFETY INFORMATION The following safety information is provided as a guideline to help you operate your new cutter under the safest possible conditions. Any equipment that uses electrical power can be potentially dangerous to use when safety or safe handling instructions are not known or not followed. The following safety information is provided to give you the information necessary for safe use and operation. When a WARNING precedes a procedure step, it is an indication that the step con

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

• Do not modify any wiring, ground connections, switches, or fuses in this cutting equipment. • Wear welding gloves to help insulate hands from welding circuit. • Keep all liquid containers far enough away from the cutter and work area so that if spilled, the liquid can not possibly come in contact with any part of the cutter or electrical welding circuit. • Replace any cracked or damaged parts that are insulated or act as insulators such as cables, power cord, or torch IMMEDIATELY. EMF I

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

FIRE HAZARDS WARNING FIRE OR EXPLOSION CAN CAUSE DEATH, INJURY, AND PROPERTY DAMAGE! To reduce risk of death, injury, or property damage from fire or explosion, read, understand, and follow the following safety instructions. In addition, make certain that anyone else that uses this cutting equipment, or is a bystander in the cutting area, understands and follows these safety instructions as well. REMEMBER! Plasma arc cutting by nature produces sparks, hot spatter, molten metal drops, hot

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

in ANSI standard #Z49.1. If ventilation is not adequate to exchange all fumes and gasses generated during the cutting process with fresh air, do not cut unless you and all bystanders are wearing air-supplied respirators. • Do not heat or cut metals coated with, or that contain, materials that produce toxic fumes (such as galvanized steel), unless the coating is removed. Make certain the area is well ventilated, and the operator and all bystanders are wearing air-supplied respirators. • Do

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

NOISE HAZARDS WARNING PLASMA ARC CUTTING NOISE CAN DAMAGE HEARING! To reduce the risk of hearing loss from plasma arc cutting noise, read, understand and follow the following safety instructions. In addition, make certain that anyone else that uses this cutting equipment, or is a bystander in the cutting area, understands and follows these safety instructions as well. • Wear hearing protection that meets or exceeds OSHA requirements when cutting. ADDITIONAL SAFETY INFORMATION For ad

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

SOMMAIRE DES CONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ Les consignes de sécurité suivantes vous sont fournies à titre de lignes directrices pour vous aider à utiliser votre nouvelle découpeuse de la manière la plus sure qui soit. Tous les appareils fonctionnant à l’électricité peuvent être dangereux si la personne qui les utilize ignore ou n’observe pas les consignes de sécurité. Les paragraphes suivants contiennent les informations nécessaires pour utiliser la machine en toute sécurité. Une étape précédée du

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

INFORMATION SUR LES CHAMPS ÉLECTROMAGNÉTIQUES AVERTISSEMENT Le courant de soudage, pendant son passage dans les câbles de soudage, causera des champs électromagnétiques. Il y a eu et il y a encore un certain souci à propos de tels champs. En attendant que les conclusions finales de la recherche soient établies, il vous serait souhaitable de réduire votre exposition aux champs électromagnétiques pendant le soudage ou le coupage. Afin de réduire les champs électromagnétiques dans l’environn

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

RISQUES D’INCENDIE AVERTISSEMENT LES INCENDIES OU LES EXPLOSIONS PEUVENT ETRE MORTELS, PROVOQUER DES BLESSURES CORPORELLES, ET CAUSER DES DOMMAGES MATÉRIELS! Afin de réduire les risques d’accidents mortels, de blessures corporelles et de dégâts matériels causés par un incendie ou une explosion, veuillez lire, comprendre et observer ces consignes de sécurité. De plus, assurez-vous que toute personne susceptible d’utiliser cette machine ou de se tenir dans l’aire de découpe comprend et obs

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

• Couvrez les murs, les plafonds et les sols constitutes de matériaux inflammables avec des couvertures ou protections résistantes à la chaleur. • Inspectez l’aire de découpe afin de vous assurer qu’elle ne présente ni étincelles, ni métal ou scories en fusion, ni flammes avant de vous en éloigner. RISQUES DE FUMÉES TOXIQUES AVERTISSEMENT LES FUMÉS, LES GAZ, ET LES VAPEURS PEUVENT VOUS INCOMMODER, VOUS RENDRE MALADE, OU VOUS TUER! Afin de réduire les risques de malaises, de maladies et

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

• N’exposez pas les bouteilles à une chaleur excessive, des étincelles, des particules en fusion, des flammes, etc. Les bouteilles de gaz soumises à une temperature supérieure à 130°F (55°C) doivent être refroidies par vaporisation d’eau. • N’exposez pas les bouteilles à une forme d’électricité quelle qu’elle soit. • N’utilisez pas une bouteille ou son contenu dans un but autre que celui prévu. Ne l’employez pas comme support ou rouleau. • N’entreposez pas les bouteilles de gaz dans un pas

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

RISQUES DE PERTE AUDITIVE AVERTISSEMENT LE BRUIT RÉSULTANT DE LA DÉCOUPE AU PLASMA PEUT CAUSER UNE PERTE AUDITIVE ! Afin de réduire les risques de surdité à la suite de la découpe au plasma, lisez attentivement les consignes de sécurité suivantes pour bien les comprendre et observez-les. De plus, assurez-vous que toute autre personne susceptible d’utiliser cette machine ou de se tenir dans l’aire de découpe comprend et observe également ces consignes de sécurité. • Portez une protection

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

INTRODUCTION DESCRIPTION Your new plasma arc cutter has been designed to cut any electrically conductive material in applications such as maintenance shops, service stations, van conversion shops, auto restoration and salvage operations, etc. On steel, all models can cut thicknesses of less than 26 gauge but the 120V model can cut up to 5/16” inch steel, and the 230V model can cut up to 3/8” inch steel. Your plasma arc cutter comes complete and ready to cut. All you need to provide is a

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK CAN KILL! FIRE CAN KILL, INJURE, AND CAUSE PROPERTY DAMAGE! • To reduce the risk of electric shock and fire, connect only to properly grounded and fused outlets. • Never alter the AC power cord provided on the welder. Never alter an extension cord or extension cord plugs. EXTENSION CORD USE For optimum welder performance, an extension cord should not be used unless absolutely necessary. If necessary, care must be taken in selecting an extension cord appropriate

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

CONTROLS & THEIR FUNCTIONS 1. POWER OUTPUT INDICATOR When lit, this LED indicates that power is available for cutting. 2. ALARM INDICATOR When lit, this LED indicates that one of the alarms has triggered. At the same time the digital display (Ref. 3) shows the type of alarm, as shown in the table below, with instructions\for correcting the problem. In this condition the unit does not supply current. 3. DIGITAL DISPLAY This display operates in a number of ways: Display Volts or Amps

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

DISPLAY ERROR or PROBLEM CORRECTION/RESET LHF Inverter error/malfunction Turn the unit OFF and then ON again. If this condition persists, contact Technical Service 4. Digital Display Function LED This LED indicates what function the digital display is indicating – Volts, Amps, or Air Pressure (bar) 5. V/A Button By pressing this button, the digital display will indicate Volts or Amps. The display will stay on for a few seconds and then shut off. 6. Air Button (bar) By pressing t

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

PLASMA TORCH CONSUMABLE PARTS During the cutting process, the parts on the end of the torch are slowly consumed. To prevent premature consumption of some torch parts and to prevent damage to the torch itself, it is necessary to replace the consumable parts in a timely manner. When the cutting arc seems to be weaker than normal or sputters, inspect all torch consumables for wear and damage and replace as needed. Standard Electrode (03) Long Electrode – optional 04) Air Diffuser (05) St

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

CONNECT WELDER GROUND Attach the ground clamp to the work piece making sure that the work piece is cleaned of dirt, oil, rust, scale, oxidation, and paint at the point of connection. It is best to connect the ground clamp directly to the work piece and as close to the cut as possible. If it is impractical to connect the ground clamp directly to the work piece, connect it to metal that is securely attached to the work piece, but not electrically insulated from it. It is possible to cut un

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

TROUBLESHOOTING The following TROUBLESHOOTING information and tables are provided as a guide to help resolve some of the more common problems that could be encountered. Should you or qualified repair personnel be unable to resolve a problem or determine which of the possible solutions will remedy a specific problem, contact WELDER SERVICE for over-the-phone diagnostic assistance at: (800) 458- 6447. FRONT PANEL – TROUBLESHOOTING ERROR CODES In some cases, error codes may appear on the digi

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20


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