Manual de instrucciones de Schumacher 00-99-000985/1009

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Schumacher 00-99-000985/1009

Aparato: Schumacher 00-99-000985/1009
Categoría: Soldadora
Fabricante: Schumacher
Tamaño: 1.04 MB
Fecha de añadido: 1/10/2014
Número de páginas: 36
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Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1


Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE General SaFeTY PrecauTIOnS 1 InTrODucTIOn 6 OPera TIOn 9 General WelDInG InFOrMa TIOn 11 General MaInTenance 14 rePlaceMenT P ar TS lIST 14 lIMITeD W arranTY 14 TABLE DES MATIÈRES PARTIE PAGE Général PrécauTIOnS De SécurITé 16 InTrODucTIOn 23 uTIlISa TIOn 26 l ’InFOrMa TIOn Générale De SOuDure 28 enTreTIen Du POSTe À SOuDer 31 lISTe De PIÈceS DéT acHéeS 32 GaranTIe lIMITée 32 Pursuant to california Proposition 65, this product contains chemicals known t

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

1. GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS The following safety information is provided as a guideline to help you operate your new welder under the safest possible conditions. any equipment that uses electrical power can be potentially dangerous to use when safety or safe handling instructions are not known or not followed. The following safety information is provided to give you the information necessary for safe use and operation. When a WarnInG precedes a procedure step, it is an indication that t

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

• Do not touch welder, attempt to turn welder on or off if any part of the body or clothing is moist or if you are in physical contact with water or moisture. • Do not attempt to plug the welder into the power source if any part of body or clothing is moist, or if you are in physical contact with water or moisture. • Do not connect welder ground clamp to or weld on electrical conduit. • Do not alter power cord or power cord plug in any way. • Do not attempt to plug the welder into the po

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

1.3 FLASH HAZARDS WARNING: arc ra YS can InJure eYeS anD Burn SKIn! To reduce risk of injury from arc rays, read, understand, and follow the following safety instructions. In addition, make certain that anyone else that uses this welding equipment, or is a bystander in the welding area, understands and follows these safety instructions as well. • Do not look at an electric arc without proper protection. a welding arc is extremely bright and intense and, with inadequate or no eye protecti

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

• Do not wear gloves or other clothing that contain oil, grease, or other flammable substances. • Do not wear flammable hair preparations. • Do not weld in an area until it is checked and cleared of combustible and/or flammable materials. BE A W ARE that sparks and slag can fly 35 feet and can pass through small cracks and openings. If work and combustibles cannot be separated by a minimum of 35 feet, protect against ignition with suitable, snug-fitting, fire resistant, covers or shield

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

1.5 FUME HAZARDS WARNING: FuMeS, GaSeS, anD V aPOrS can cauSe DIScOMFOr T, IllneSS, anD Dea TH! To reduce risk of discomfort, illness, or death, read, understand, and follow the following safety instructions. In addition, make certain that anyone else that uses this welding equipment or is a bystander in the welding area, understands and follows these safety instructions as well. • Do not weld in an area until it is checked for adequate ventilation as described in anSI standard #Z49.1.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

• ANSI Standard Z87.1 — SAFE PRACTICE FOR OCCUP A TION AND eDuca TIOnal eYe anD F ace PrOTecTIOn — obtainable from the american national Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd St., new York, nY 10036 T elephone (212) 642-4900, Fax (212) 398-0023 - www • nFPa Standard 51B — cuTTInG anD WelDInG PrOceSS — obtainable from the national Fire Protection association, 1 Batterymarch Park, P .O. Box 9101, Quincy , MA 02269-9101 T elephone (617) 770-3000, Fax (617) 770-0700 - www

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

2.3 SPECIFICATIONS Input Voltage 120 volt 60 Hz. Single Phase Input amps @ rated Output 20 aac Input Plug Style 120 volt 15 amp Power cord length 6-ft. rated Output amps 70 AAC Max Output amps 80 aac rated Output Volts 27 V AC rated Duty cycle 10% Max Open circuit Voltage 40 Vac agency listing culus Output Settings 2 2.4 POWER REQUIREMENTS WARNING: THIS WELDING MACHINE MUST BE CONNECTED TO A POWER SOURCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ELECTRICAL CODES. This welder intermittently draws more

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

2.5 EXTENSION CORD USE For optimum welder performance, an extension cord should not be used unless absolutely necessary. If necessary, care must be taken in selecting an extension cord appropriate for use with your specific welder . Select a properly grounded extension cord that will mate the ac power cord of the welder with the ac power source receptacle directly, without the use of adapters. Make sure the extension cord is properly wired and in good electrical condition. For an extensi

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

2.7 INSTALLING THE GROUND CLAMP attach the ground clamp to the ground cable according to the following steps. 1. remove the rubber grip from ground clamp. 2. Push the cable through the grip as illustrated. 3. attach cable lug to the ground clamp with lockwasher and screw. 4. Slide grip back up over ground clamp. 3. OPERATION 3.1 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR NEW WELDER Whether or not you have welded before, it is important that you become familiar with your welder, its controls, and the r

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

On-OFF – THerMal InDIca TOr To turn the power on to the welder, push the main switch to On. Your welder has a lighted main switch. This light will come on if the welder has overheated. The light indicates that a thermostat has shut off the power within the welder. Once the welder has cooled, the thermostat will turn the welder back on and the light will go out. Over heating is usually caused by exceeding the welder duty cycle. DuTY cYcle The duty cycle rating of a welder is a measure

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

4. GENERAL WELDING INFORMATION 4.1 PREPARATIONS FOR WELDING an important factor in making a satisfactory weld is preparation. This includes studying the process and equipment and then practice welding before attempting to weld finished product. An organized, safe, convenient, comfortable, well lighted work area should be available to the operator . The work area should specifically be free of all flammables with both a fire extinguisher and bucket of sand available. To properly prepare

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

During the welding, the work pieces will become hot and will tend to expand. The expansion may cause the pieces to shift from the regular position. If possible, the work pieces should be clamped into the position they are to occupy when the welding is completed. 4.3 Selecting The Proper Electrode The welding electrode is a rod, or wire, of electrically conductive metal, coated with a layer of flux. When welding, electrical current flows between the electrode (rod) and the grounded metal

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

Low vs High Voltage Welding Electrodes Make certain you have the best electrode for the welding job you intend to do. electrode manufacturers make most of the standard welding electrodes in two basic types. One type has been designed to run on welders with high Open circuit Voltage. The other type electrode is designed to run on welders with low Open circuit Voltage. Most of your welding will probably be done with low open circuit voltage ac rods such as E-6013 or E-7014 general purpose r

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

Striking a proper arc and maintaining the gap between the electrode and the base metal takes practice. a beginner may expect to extinguish any number of arcs and freeze more than a few electrodes before acquiring the necessary skill. Knowing when the arc is just right is a matter of experience. a crisp, cracking sound, accompanies a good arc. The sound is similar to that made by eggs frying. To lay a weld bead, only 2 movements are required; downward and in the direction the weld is to be

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

of the purchaser to forward the unit, along with mailing charges prepaid to the Manufacturer or its authorized representatives in order for repair or replacement to occur. Manufacturer does not provide any warranty for any accessories used with this product that are not manufactured by Schumacher electric corporation and approved for use with this product. This limited Warranty is void if the product is misused, subjected to careless handling, repaired, or modified by anyone other than M

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

1. GéNéRAL PRéCAUTIONS DE SéCURITé les consignes de sécurité ci-après sont fournies pour vous permettre d’utiliser votre nouveau poste à souder en toute sécurité. Tout appareil électrique comporte des dangers potentiels si on l’utilise sans connaître ou respecter les consignes de sécurité le concernant. les informations qui suivent indiquent à l’opérateur comment utiliser cet appareil en toute sécurité. une étape précédée du terme aVer TISSeMenT indique que l’étape en question contient

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

• n’essayez pas de souder si tout ou partie de votre corps ou de vos vêtements est mouillée. • n’exposez pas cet à l’eau ou de l’humidité. • ne laissez ni les câbles de soudage, ni la porte electrode, ni l’enrouleur du câble, ni le cable d’alimentation du poste à souder traîner dans l’eau ou dans une zone meme humide. ne les laissez pas entrer en contact avec de tel zones. • n’essayez ni de toucher le poste à souder, ni de l’allumer, ni de l’éteindre si tout ou partie de votre corps ou d

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