Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1
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¡ Instruction manual
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Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2
Table of contents ...................................EN Índice ......................................................ES Important Safeguards ................................. 2 Medidasdeseguridadimportantes .......... 39 Safetyinstructions ...................................... 3 Instruccionesdeseguridad ....................... 40 Y our T ASSIMOmachineataglance .......... 4 Descripcióngeneraldelamáquina Firstuseofyour T ASSIMOmachine .......... 4 T ASSIMO .......
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8c 8b 8d 8a 3a 14 13 3b 12 7 6b 6a 6c 5 6e 6d 9 2 1 10 4c 4b 11 4a
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4
2 EN ! I mportant Safeguards When using electrical appliances, ! WARNING basic safety precautions should always be followed, including the following: D on otr e m o v es i d ep a n e l so fb r e w e r . 1 ReadallInstructionsbeforeu singthe N ou s e rs e r v i c e a b l ep a r t si n s i d e . T A S S I M Ob r e w e r . Repairmustbedonebyauthorized 2 D o n ot t o u c h h ot s u r f a c e s . U s e h a n d l e s . personnelonly . 3 C l
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EN 3 ! Please read this instruction manual Safety instructions and the cleaning/descaling program short instructions carefully and keep for ! future reference. WARNING This instruction manual describes To reduce risk of fire and electric shock, various models. do not remove the side covers. No user serviceable parts inside. Repair should Thankyouforchoosingthe T ASSIMOhot be done by an authorized service person beveragesystem.With T ASSIMO,you only. Do not imme
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6
max max 4 EN Your TASSIMO machine at a glance Beforereadingfurther ,pleaseopenthe 7 Lid foldeddiagrampageatthestartofthe 8 Brewingunit manualouttotheleft. a T DISCholder 1 Cordstorage compartment bPiercingunit 2 On/of fswitch cDrinkoutlet 3 Removable w atertank dBarcodereadingwindow aLidforwatertank 9 StoragecompartmentforService bFloat T DISCandcleaning/descaling 4 Cupstand programshortinstructions aDriptray 10 Service T D
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EN 5 ► T urntheon/of fswitchon(I). Alldisplayitemswilllightupbrieflyand thena Stand-bystayslit. min. 8 oz. ► Selectalargecup(min.8oz/200ml) 200 ml andplaceitonthecupshelf. ► 1. Openthebrewingunitbyliftingthelid. 1. 3. 2. PlacetheService T DISConthe T DISCholderwiththebarcodefacing down.Makesurethattheflapofthe click T DISCissecuredintheslottothe right. 3. Nowclosethebrewingunitbypushing theliddownfirmly
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max calc 6 EN MAVEA MAXTRA water filtration system Only MAVEA MAXTRA water filtration Y ourmachinecanalsobeoperatedwithout system cartridges may be used. afiltercartridge;simplyremovethefilter TheMA VEA MAXTRA cartridgesmaybe holderandfiltercartridgefromthewater obtainedfromvariousretailersorfrom tank. T ASSIMOC u s t o m e rS e r v i c eD e p a r t m e n t at1 - 8 7 7 - T D I S C S 1o ro n l yi nt h eU S Ao n W h e nu s i n ganewf i l t e rc
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max calc max calc EN 7 ► H o l d i n gi to v e rt h es i n k ,f i l lt h ef i l t e r h o l d e rw i t hf r e s h ,c o l dw at e ra n dl e ti t 2 - 3x f i l t e rt h r o u g h . ► P l e a s er e p e att h i sp r o c e d u r et wot ot h r e e t i m e s . ► N o wp l a c et h ef i l t e rh o l d e rw i t hf i l t e r c a r t r i d g eb a c ki n t ot h ew at e rt a n ka n df i l l t h et a n kw i t hw at e r . Activate MAVEA memo display F o r
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8 EN Controls and displays Controls Power switch Theon/of fswitchturnsyour T ASSIMO machineonstand-byandof f.Whenitis switchedon,all5displayitemslightup briefly . Thestand-bylighta willthen remainonuntiltheapplianceisinuse. i Note: T osaveenergy ,theappliance shouldbeswitchedof faftereachuse. Start /stop button Oncethe T DISCofyourchoiceisproperly securedinyour T ASSIMOmachine,you maystartbrewingitbypressingthestart / stop
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EN 9 6c Manual N 6c N Manualiconlightsup(green)whenthe brewingprocessisalmostcomplete.Ifyou pressandholdthestart /stopbuttonwithin 20secondsofthemanualiconlightingup, youcanextendthebrewingprocessin ordertoadjustthestrengthofyourdrink. Usingthismanualoperationwillresultina mildertastingdrink. N Manualiconflashesduringthistime. 6d 6e ! CAUTION Neveropenthebrewingunitduringthe brewingprocess. 6d Fill tank P P
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10 EN Y our T ASSIMOmachineisreadyforuse. How to use your TASSIMO Whenready ,thea stand-byiconislit. machine ► Placeasuitablecupsizeonthestand Important:Fillthewatertankonlywith accordingtothetypeofdrinkrequired. cool,fresh,uncarbonatedwatereachday A d j u s t t h e h e i g h t o f t h e s t a n d i f n e c e s s a r y , foroptimumflavorresults. orremoveitaltogetherforlargecupsor glasses.Makesurethedistancebetween theto
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13
EN 11 b. Foramilder flavorandalarger drink: Startthebrewingprocessbypressing thestart /stopbutton.O Automaticicon flashes.Whentheautomaticbrewing processiscomplete,N Manualicon lightsup.Ifyoupressandholdthestart / stopbuttonwithin20seconds,youcan extendthebrewingprocesstogetyour desireddrinkstrength. 20 sec. ► Donotopenthebrewingunittoremove the T DISCuntiltheorangestand-bylight ison. ► Openthebrewingunitandremov
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max 12 EN Cleanyour T ASSIMOmachineregularlyto Maintenance and day to ensurethatitcontinuestoproduceoptimal day care qualitydrinks.Iftheappliancehasbeen unusedforalongtime,alwaysrunthe ! cleaningprocesswiththeService T DISC WARNING severaltimestoensurethatthedrinksit To reduce risk of fire and electric shock: producesareofitsnormalhighquality(see Switch off and unplug the appliance “Firstuseofyour T ASSIMOmachine“).Do bef
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EN 13 Important: A f t e r u s e , w e r e c o m m e n d t h a t t h e Descaling S e r v i c e T D I S C b e s t o r e d i n i t s c o m p a r t m e n t a t t h e b a c k o f t h e a p p l i a n c e ( 9 ) . Y our T ASSIMOmachinehasanautomatic descalingprogram.IfQ Descaleiconlights Note: Afterdispensingamilkydrinkor upwhiletheapplianceison,thedescaling hotchocolatedrink,werecommendthat programmustberunimmediately .Ifth
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14 EN ► Theprogramnowproceedsautomati cally andQ DescaleandO Automaticlights flash.(Durationapprox.20minutes). The descalingsolutionispumpedthrough theapplianceatintervalsandthenruns intothecontaineruntilthewatertankis almostempty . A littleliquidisalwaysleft inthetank. ►a Stand-byiconwilllightupafterapprox. 17 oz. 20minutesofrunningdescalingprogram. 500 ml ► Emptythecontainerandreplaceitunder thedrinkoutlet. ► Rinset
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EN 15 Troubleshooting Thefollowingtableprovidessolutionsforproblemsand glitchesthatmayariseasyouuseyour T ASSIMOmachine. Ifyoudonotfindasolutionforyourspecificproblem,orthe problempersistsaftertroubleshootingpleasecontactTASSIMO Customer Service at 1-877-TDISCS1 (1-877-834-7271) . ! Note: I fp i e r c i n gu n i tismissing, itmaybepurchasedfrom T ASSIMO o rB o s c hC u s t o m e rS e r v i c eD e p a r t m e n t at1 - 8 7 7 - T D I S C S 1o
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18
16 EN Problem Possible cause Solution T h eq u a l i t yo f T h ed r i n ko u t l e ti sc l o g g e d R e m o v et h ed r i n ko u t l e t t h ec r e m ah a s o rd i r t y . f r o mt h eb r e w i n gu n i ta n d d e t e r i o r at e d . d e t a c ht h ep i e r c i n gu n i t .A f t e r c l e a n i n ge v e r y t h i n gt h o r o u g h l y , r e a s s e m b l et h ep a r t sa n d r e p l a c et h e mi nt h eb r e w i n g u n i t . Brewingunitcannotbe Pier
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EN 17 Problem Possible cause Solution T DISCleakedor BrewingUnitopenedwhilein W aitforbrewingtocomplete burst. AutomaticorManualmode andmachinetoreturntostand- beforereturningtostand-by bymodebeforeopening. mode. Blockedfilterin T DISCdue Checkthatthewaterisnot touseofchemicallysoftened treatedwithsodiumbased water . softener .Ifwaterischemically softened,discardwaterintank, rinsethreetimeswithnon- chemicallysoftenedwaterand re
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20
18 EN STATEMENT OF LIMITED PRODUCT WARRANTY Tassimo by Bosch What this Warranty Covers & Who it Applies to: T h e l i m i t e d w a r r a n t y p r o v i d e d b y B S H H o m e A p p l i a n c e s B o s c h i n t h i s S t a t e m e n t o f L i m i t e d P r o d u c t W a r r a n t y a p p l i e s o n l y t o t h e T a s s i m o b y B o s c h ( “ B o s c h ” ) s o l d t o y o u , t h e f i r s t u s i n g p u r c h a s e r , p r o