Manual de instrucciones de Poulan 952711880

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Poulan 952711880

Aparato: Poulan 952711880
Categoría: Desbrozadora
Fabricante: Poulan
Tamaño: 0.39 MB
Fecha de añadido: 10/13/2013
Número de páginas: 21
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

SERVICEANDADJUSTMENTS REPLACINGTHELINE CARBURETORIDLESPEED For unit to operate properly, the cutting line ADJUSTMENT shouldbereplacedwhenlinebecomes wornto less than 3 inches (7.5 cm) in length from the WARNING: Keep others away when edgeofthelineexittunnelsoneachsideofthe making idle speed adjustments. The trimmer cutting head. head, blade or any optional attachment will be 1. Remove and discard worn line before spinning during most of this procedure. Wear installingnew line. yourprotectiveequi

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

STORAGE HELPFULTIP WARNING: Perform the following Duringstorageofyourgas/ steps after eachuse: oilmixture,theoilwillsepa- S Allowenginetocoolbeforestoringortrans- rate from the gas. porting. We recommend that you S Storeunit and fuelinawell ventilatedarea shake the gas can weekly where fuel vapors cannot reach sparks or toinsureproperblendingof open flames from water heaters, electric the gas and oil. motors or switches, furnaces, etc. S Storeunit withallguardsinplace.Position ENGINE unit so tha

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

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Instruction Manual
Manual de Instrucciones
Manuel d’Instructions
Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating Instructions before
using this product. Failure to

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

IDENTIFICATIONOFSAFETYSYMBOLS DANGER: Bladecanthrust violently away frommaterialit does not cut. Blade thrust can cause amputationof arms or legs. Keep peopleandanimals 50feet (15 meters) away. WARNING: The blade continues to spin after the trigger is released or engine is turned off. The coasting blade can throw objects or seriously cut if accidentally touched. Stop the blade by contacting the right hand side of the coasting blade with material already cut. WARNING: This unit canbe dangerous! C

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

TROUBLESHOOTINGTABLE WARNING: Alwaysstopunitanddisconnectsparkplugbeforeperformingallofthe recommended remedies below except remedies that requireoperationof the unit. TROUBLE CAUSE REMEDY Engine will not 1. Engineflooded. 1. See“Startinga Flooded Engine” in start. Operation Section. 2. Fueltank empty. 2. Filltank withcorrect fuel mixture. 3. Spark plugnot firing. 3. Install new spark plug. 4. Fuelnot reaching 4. Check for dirty fuelfilter; replace. carburetor. Check for kinkedor split fuel line

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

LIMITEDWARRANTY PoulanPRO,adivisionofHusqvarnaConsum- In Canada, contact: er Outdoor Products N.A., Inc.,warrants tothe PoulanPRO original consumer purchaser that each new 850 Matheson Blvd. West PoulanPRObrandgasoline toolorattachment Mississauga, Ontario L5V 0B4 is free from defects in material and workman- Giving the model number, serial number and ship and agrees to repair or replace under this dateofpurchaseofyourproductandthename warranty any defective gasoline product or at- and address o

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

IDENTIFICATIONOFSAFETYSYMBOLS Assist handletobepositionedonly below the arrow. Never allow children to operatethis unit. Store unitindoors ina high, dry placeout of the reachof children. Store unitandfuelin areawhere fuelvapors can- not reach sparks or open flames from water heaters, electric motors or switches, furnaces, etc. When servicing unit, use only identical replacement parts. Always stopunit anddisconnect spark plugbefore clean- ingor servicing. WARNING: Fire hazard. Never mix, pour, or

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

theunit.Readthe entireinstruction manualbe- S Throw away blades that are bent, warped, foreassemblingandusingtheunit!Restrictthe cracked, broken, or damaged in any other use of this unit to persons who read, under- way. Replace trimmer head parts that are stand,andfollow thewarnings andinstructions cracked, chipped, broken, or damaged in inthis manualandontheunit.Neverallowchil- any other way beforeusing the unit. dren to operate this unit. S Maintain unit according to recommended procedures. Ke

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

S Alwayskeepengineontheright--handside SAFETY NOTICE: Exposure to vibrations of your body. through prolonged use of gasoline powered S Holdtheunit firmly withboth hands. hand tools could cause blood vessel or nerve S Keepfirmfootingandbalance.Donotover- damage in the fingers, hands, and joints of reach. people prone to circulation disorders or abnor- S Keep blade or trimmer head below waist mal swellings. Prolonged use in cold weather level. Donotraiseengineaboveyourwaist. has been linked to blo

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

4. Positionlocking/releasebuttonofattach- ASSEMBLYOFSHOULDERSTRAP ment intoguide recess of coupler. 5. Pushtheattachmentintothecoupleruntil WARNING: Proper shoulder strap thelocking/releasebuttonsnapsintothe and handlebar adjustments must be made primary hole. with the engine completely stopped before 6. Before using the unit, tighten the knob se- usingunit. curely by turning clockwise. 1. Insert your right arm and head through Primary Hole theshoulder strapandallow it to rest on Coupler GuideRe

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

NOTE: If your unit has aplastic coverover thethreadsonthethreadedshaft,removethe coveringtoexposethethreads.Beforeinstal- lingthetrimmerhead,makesurethedustcup and retaining washer are positioned on the gearbox as shownbelow. 30 inches Bracket (76cm) Slot Wing Nut Gearbox Shield DustCup CONFIGURINGYOURUNIT Youcanconfigureyourunitusingacuttinghead Retaining Washer for grass and light weeds, or a weed blade for cutting grass, weeds, and brush up to 1/2 inch (1cm)indiameter.Toassembleyourunit,goto

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

holes. Thiswillkeeptheshaftfromturningwhile 2. Installthebladeandtheretainingwasher loosening the trimmer head. Remove thetrim- over thethreaded shaft. mer head by turning clockwise. Remove the 3. Makesuretheraisedpartoftheretaining screwdriver. Toremovetheplasticshield,loos- washer is facing the gearbox and the enandremovewingnut. Pivotshieldtorelease raisedareafitsintotheholeinthecenter bracket from slot. See INSTALLATION OF of theblade. THECUTTINGHEADandATTACHINGTHE 4. Slide the blade and ret

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

OPERATION KNOWYOURUNIT READTHISINSTRUCTIONMANUALANDSAFETYRULESBEFOREOPERATINGYOURUNIT. Comparetheillustrationswithyourunittofamiliarizeyourselfwiththelocationofthevariouscontrols and adjustments. Save this manual for future reference. Trimmer Head Muffler Handlebar Coupler Shaft Shield Throttle Trigger LineLimiter Blade Spark Plug Primer Bulb Blade ON/STOP Switch Start Lever Starter Handle ON/STOPSWITCH STARTLEVER The ON/STOP switch is located on the trigger TheSTARTLEVERhelpstosupplyfueltothe h

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

WARNING: Alternativefuels(notgas- Primer Bulb oline)suchas E--15(15%alcohol),E--20(20% alcohol),E--85(85%alcohol)areNOTclassified as gasoline and are NOT approved for use in 2--stroke gasoline engines. Use of alternative fuels will cause problems such as: improper clutch engagements, overheating, vapor lock, power loss, lubrication deficiency, deterioration of fuel lines, gaskets and internal carburetor components, etc. Alternative fuels cause high moisture absorption into the fuel/oil mixture l

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

WARNING: Alwaysstopunitanddis- connectsparkplugbeforeremovingorinstal- ling attachments. REMOVINGTRIMMERATTACH- MENT(OROTHEROPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS) CAUTION: Whenremovingorinstallingat- tachments,placetheunitonaflatsurfacefor stability. Locking/Release 1. Loosen the coupler by turning the knob ButtoninPrimary Hole counterclockwise. Coupler OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Itisrecommendedthat theengine notbe operated for longer than 1 minute at full throttle. Attachment LOOSEN OPERATINGPOSITION ALWAYS WEAR: H

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

Always release the throttle trigger and allow Scalping the engine to return to idle speed when not cutting. Tostopengine: S Release thethrottletrigger. S Push and release the engine ON/STOP switch. CUTTINGMETHODS WARNING: Use minimum speed anddonotcrowdthelinewhencuttingaround hardobjects(rock,gravel,fenceposts,etc.), MOWING -- Yourtrimmer isideal formowing whichcandamagethetrimmerhead,become in places conventional lawn mowers cannot entangled intheline, or be thrown causinga reach. In the mowin

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

more likely to occur in areas where it is S Donotraisetheengineaboveyourwaistas difficult to see the material being cut. By the blade can come dangerously close to using the unit properly, the occurrence of your body. blade thrust will be reduced and the S Do not swing unit with suchforce that you operator willbe less likely tolosecontrol. arein danger of losing your balance. Bring the engine to cutting speed beforeenter- ing the material to be cut.If the blade does not turnwhenyousqueezethethro

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

S Always push the unit slowly over the S Never operate the cultivator without the tine ground. Stay alert for uneven sidewalks, cover in place and properly secured. holes in the terrain, largeroots, etc. S Keepthetines and guard clear of debris. S After striking a foreign object, stop the BLOWER/VACUUMSAFETY engine, disconnect the spark plug and inspect the cultivator for damage. Repair WARNING: Inspect area before before restarting. startingunit. Removealldebrisandhardob- S Disconnectattachment

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

WARNING: A coasting blade/rotat- ingchaincancauseinjurywhileitcontinuesto move after the engine is stopped. Maintain propercontroloftheunituntiltheblade/chain has completely stopped moving. Keep hands, face and feet at a distance from all movingparts. Donotattempttotouchorstop the bladeor chainwhen it is moving. WARNING: Never lean over dis- charge chute. Rocks or debris could be thrownintotheeyesandfaceandcauseseri- ous injury or blindness. WARNING: Inspect the area where the unit is to be used

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

MAINTENANCE 1. Cleanthecoverandtheareaarounditto keep dirt from falling into the carburetor WARNING: Disconnect the spark plug before performing maintenance except chamber whenthecover is removed. for carburetor adjustments. 2. Remove parts by pressing button to re- leaseair filter cover. NOTE: To avoid creating a fire hazard or HELPFULTIP producingharmfulevaporativeemissions,do IMPORTANT: Have all notcleanfilteringasolineorotherflammable repairs other than the rec- solvent. ommended maintenance

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