Manual de instrucciones de Mercury Marine 90-830296005

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Mercury Marine 90-830296005

Aparato: Mercury Marine 90-830296005
Categoría: Motor fuera de borda
Fabricante: Mercury Marine
Tamaño: 0.84 MB
Fecha de añadido: 11/30/2014
Número de páginas: 7
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

IMPORTANT: This document guides our dealers, boatbuilders, and company service personnel in the proper installation or
service of our products. If you have not been trained in the recommended servicing or installation procedures for these or similar
Mercury Marine products, have the work performed by an authorized Mercury Marine dealer technician. Improper installation or
servicing of the Mercury product could result in damage to the product or personal in

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

PROPELLER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 3. Install the tab washer, and secure with the nut. Tighten the nut to the specified torque. Bend the tabs on the tab washer onto the nut. b a - Nut b - Tab washer a c - Propeller d - Thrust washer d c 26903 Description Nm lb‑in. lb‑ft 6–15 hp propeller nut 11.3 100 18–25 hp propeller nut 22.6 16.7 30–60 hp propeller nut 74.6 55 4. Rotate the propeller to verify interference or binding does not exist between the gear housing and the propeller. Flo‑Torq II Prop

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

PROPELLER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 4. The drive sleeve must be locked between the forward thrust washer and aft adapter. a b 13340 a - Flo‑Torq III propellers b - Flo‑Torq IV propellers Description Nm lb‑in. lb‑ft Propeller nut 74.6 55 5. Rotate the propeller to verify interference or binding does not exist between the gear housing and the propeller. NOTE: A small amount of rotation play and forward aft play is normal. Flo‑Torq Reflex Drive Hub Installation Installing the Drive Sleeve into the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

PROPELLER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 3. Install the aft washer onto the drive sleeve assembly and lightly tap the drive sleeve assembly into the propeller. The aft washer will contact the propeller when the drive sleeve assembly is properly seated. a - Aft washer a 43668 IMPORTANT: The Flo‑Torq Reflex drive hub requires the use of the thrust washer that is included with the drive hub kit. Mercury Outboard Application 1. Install the thrust washer onto the propeller shaft. 43671 2. Install the pr

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

PROPELLER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 3. Install the aft washer, the tab washer, and secure with the propeller nut included with the outboard. Tighten the nut to the specified torque. Bend the tabs on the tab washer onto the nut. 4. Rotate the propeller to verify interference or binding does not exist between the gear housing and the propeller. NOTE: A small amount of rotation play and forward aft play is normal. c d b Honda outboard application a a - Thrust washer (Honda) b - Propeller c - Aft w

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

PROPELLER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 7. Secure it with the aft propeller nut and tighten to the specified torque. a - Outer propeller shaft b - Inner propeller shaft c - Forward thrust hub d - Forward propeller e - Forward propeller nut f - Aft thrust hub g - Aft propeller h - Aft propeller nut i - Anode g j - Washers k - Screw h a b c j i k d e f 43655 Tube Ref No. Description Where Used Part No. 34 Special Lubricant 101 Propeller shaft splines 92-802865Q02 94 Anti-Corrosion Grease Propeller sha

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

PROPELLER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Propeller Basics Consult the engine's Owners, Operation and Maintenance Manual for the recommended wide‑open throttle (WOT) operating range of the engine. Select a propeller that allows the engine to operate within the WOT RPM operating range. IMPORTANT: Always perform WOT RPM tests with the boat in its normal configuration; i.e. fuel load, passenger load, equipment load, skiers, etc. Use the following information to help select the proper propeller for the

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