Manual de instrucciones de Electrolux POULAN PRO 295

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Electrolux POULAN PRO 295

Aparato: Electrolux POULAN PRO 295
Categoría: Motosierra
Fabricante: Electrolux
Tamaño: 0.54 MB
Fecha de añadido: 2/21/2014
Número de páginas: 15
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Electrolux POULAN PRO 295 Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

Operator’s Manual
Manual del Operador
Manuel de L’utilisateur
Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating Instructions before
using this product. Failure to do so can result in serious injury.
Lea el manual del operador y siga todas las advertencias e enstruc-
ciones deseguridad. El nohacerlopuede resultar en lesiones graves.
Lirelemanueldel’utilisateur etbienrespectertous lesavertissements

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

cal condition and mentally alert. Chain sawworkisstrenuous. If youhave any SAFETY RULES condition that might be aggravated by strenuous work, check with yourdoctor before operating a chain saw. S Carefully plan your sawing operation in WARNING: Always disconnect advance. Do not start cutting until you spark plug wireand place wirewhere itcan- have a clear work area, secure footing, notcontact sparkplugtoprevent accidental and,ifyouarefelling trees,aplannedre- starting when setting up, transporti

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

S Move at least 10 feet (3 meters) from HANDLE FUEL WITH CAUTION fueling site before starting engine. S Do not smoke while handling fuel or S Turnthe engine offand let sawcool ina while operating the saw. non-combustible area, not on dry S Eliminate all sources of sparks orflame leaves, straw, paper, etc. Slowly re- in the areas where fuel is mixed or move fuel cap and refuel unit. poured. There should be no smoking, S Store the unit and fuel inan area where open flames, or work that could cause

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

thewood. Thissudden stopping ofthechain the engine stopped, never with the en- resultsinareversalofthechainforceusedto gine running. Make sure the bar clamp cutwoodandcausesthesawtomoveinthe nuts are securely tightened after ten- opposite direction of the chain rotation. sioning the chain. Pinch-Kickback drivesthesawstraight back S Begin andcontinue cutting at full speed. toward the operator. Pull-In pulls the saw Ifthechainismovingataslowerspeed, away from the operator. Either reaction can ther

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

S Stand with yourweight evenly balanced Contoured Depth Gauge on both feet. S Standslightlytotheleftsideofthesawto Elongated Guard Link keepyourbodyfrombeinginadirectline with the cutting chain. Deflects Kickback Force S Do not overreach. You could be drawn And Allows Wood orthrownoffbalance andlose control of To Gradually Low---Kickback the saw. Ride Into Cutter Chain S Do not cut above shoulder height. It is difficult tomaintain control of sawabove shoulder height. KICKBACKSAFETYFEATURES Can O

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

S Pinching the saw chain along the The following guide barand chain combina- top of the guide bar may push the tions meet kickback requirements of CSA guide bar rapidly back toward the Z62.1, Z62.3, &ANSI B175.1 when usedon operator. saws listed in this manual. Use of bar and S Either of these reactions may cause chaincombinations otherthanthoselistedis you to lose control of the saw which not recommended and may not meet the could result in serious injury.Do not CKA requirements per standard. r

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

Inside view of CHAIN TENSION Chain Brake NOTE:Whenadjusting chain tension, make sure the bar nuts are finger tight only. At- tempting to tension the chain when the bar nuts are tight can cause damage. Checking the tension: Adjustment located on Chain Brake S Turn the adjusting screw counterclock- Use the screwdriver end of the combination wisetomovetheadjusting pinalmostas screwdriver/wrench tool to move the chain farasitwillgototherear.Thisshouldal- around thebar.Ifthechaindoesnotrotate, it low

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

FUELING &LUBRICATION STARTING FUELING ENGINE WARNING: The chain must not This engine is certified to operate on unleaded gasoline. Before operation, move when the engine runs at idle speed. If gasoline must be mixed with a good quality the chain moves at idle speed refer to CAR- 2-cycle air-cooled engine oil. We BURETOR ADJUSTMENT within this manual. recommend FRIGIDAIRE HOME Avoid contact with the muffler. A hot muffler PRODUCTSbrandoil. Ifyoudonot usethis can cause serious burns. oil, use a go

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

IGNITION SWITCH ducethehazardof kickbackand arerecom- mended. If the brake band is worntoo thin it maybreakwhenthechainbrakeistriggered. (START) OFF (STOP) With a broken brake band, the chain brake ON will not stop the chain. Repairs on a chain brake should be made by an Authorized POULAN PRO Service Dealer. Take your CHOKE/FASTIDLE unit to the place of purchase if purchased (SIDE VIEW) fromaServicingDealer,ortothenearestAu- thorized Master Service Dealer. S Thissawisequipped withachainbrake. Th

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

jects. Enginenoisecandrownoutawarning CUTTING METHODS call. Remove dirt, stones, loose bark, nails, sta- ples,andwirefromthetreewherecutsareto be made. IMPORTANT POINTS S Cut wood only. Donotcut metal, plastics, Plan aclear retreat path masonry, non-wood building materials, etc. S Stop the saw if the chain strikes a foreign object. Inspectthesawandrepairpartsas Direction of Fall necessary. S Keepthechainoutofdirtandsand. Evena 45_ smallamountofdirtwillquicklydullachain and increase the possibili

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

NOTE: Before felling cut is complete, use wedges to open the cut when necessary to Overcutting Undercutting control the direction of fall. Use wood or plastic wedges, but never steel or iron, to avoid kickback and chain damage. S Be alert to signs that the tree is ready to fall: cracking sounds, widening of the fell- ing cut, or movement in the upper branches. S Astreestartstofall, stop saw,put itdown, and get away quickly on your planned re- Undercutting involvescuttingontheunder- treat path. s

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

st 1 Cut Second cut Third cut nd Collar 2 Cut First cut Pruning technique SERVICE LIMBING AND PRUNING WARNING: Never climb into a tree Werecommend allservice andadjustments to limb or prune. Do not stand on ladders, not listed in this manual beperformed byan platforms, alog, orinanyposition whichcan Authorized Service Dealer. cause youtolose yourbalance or control of MAINTENANCESCHEDULE the saw. Check For: Fuel Mixture Level. Before each use IMPORTANT POINTS Bar Lubrication ... Before each use C

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

electric motors or switches, furnaces, etc. BAR MAINTENANCE Storeunitwithallguardsinplace.Positionso Ifyoursawcutstooneside, hastobeforced that any sharp object cannot accidentally throughthecut,orbeenrunwithanimproper cause injury topassersby.Storethe unit out amount of bar lubrication it may be neces- of reach of children. sarytoserviceyourbar. Awornbarwilldam- S Before storing, drain all fuel from the age your chain and make cutting unit. Start engine andallow torununtil it difficult. stops.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

and require replacement with reasonable useduringthewarrantyperiod. Thiswarran- LIMITED WARRANTY tydoesnotcoverpredelivery set--up, instal- lation ofguide barandchain,andnormalad- FRIGIDAIRE HOME PRODUCTS Division justments explained in the operator’s WCIOutdoor Products, Inc., warrants tothe manual suchascarburetor adjustments and original purchaser that each new Poulan or chain tension adjustments. This warranty Poulan Probrandgasoline chainsawisfree does not cover transportation costs. from d

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

begins on the date the lawn and garden IS NOT COVERED: All failures caused by equipment engine is purchased. LENGTH abuse, neglect, or improper maintenance OFCOVERAGE: This warranty shall befor are not covered. ADD--ON OR MODIFIED a period of two years from the initial date of PARTS: Theuseof add--onor modifiedparts purchase. WHAT IS COVERED: REPAIR can be grounds for disallowing a warranty ORREPLACEMENT OFPARTS.Repairor claim.POULAN/WEEDEATERisnotliableto replacement of any warranted part will

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