Manual de instrucciones de Epson RTC-4543SB

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Epson RTC-4543SB

Aparato: Epson RTC-4543SB
Categoría: Reloj
Fabricante: Epson
Tamaño: 0.15 MB
Fecha de añadido: 10/17/2013
Número de páginas: 16
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1


Application Manual

Real Time Clock Module


Model Product Number

RTC-4543SA Q4145435x000200

RTC-4543SB Q4145436x000200

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

In pursuit of "Saving" Technology ,Epson electronic device. Our Lineup of semiconductors, Liquid crystal displays and quartz devices assists in creating the products of our customers' dreams. Epson IS energy savings. NOTICE • The material is subject to change without notice. • Any part of this material may not be reproduced or duplicated in any form or any means

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

RTC - 4543 SA/SB CONTENTS 1. OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................1 2. BLOCK DIAGRAM ...........................................................................................1 3. PIN CONNECTIONS.......................................................................................2 4. PIN FUNCTIONS..............................................................................................2 5. ELECTRICAL C

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

RTC - 4543 SA/SB 32-kHz Output Serial RTC Module RTC - 4543 SA/SB Built-in crystal permits operation without requiring adjustment Built-in time counters (seconds, minutes, hours) and calendar counters (days, days of the week months, years) Operating voltage range: 2.5 V to 5.5 V Supply voltage detection voltage: 1.7 ±0.3 V Low current consumption: 1.0 µ A/2.0 V (Max.) Automatic processing for leap years Output selectable between 32.768 kHz/1 Hz 1. Overview This modul

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

RTC - 4543 SA/SB 3. Pin Connections RTC - 4543SA RTC - 4543SB 14 FOUT 1 GND 1 N.C 18 N.C 1 18 1 14 13 2 N.C 2 N.C 17 N.C N.C 3 N.C 16 N.C 12 N.C 3 CE N.C 4 15 N.C 11 DATA 4 FSEL 5 FOE 14 V DD 6 WR 13 N.C 10 CLK 5 WR 7 12 FSEL CLK 78 9 V DD 6 FOE 910 8 CE 11 DATA 8 N.C 7 N.C 9 GND 10 FOUT SOP - 14pin SOP - 18pin 4. Pin Functions Pin No. Signal SOP-14pin I/O Function (SOP-18pin) 1 GND Connects to negative (-) side (ground) of the power supply. ( 9 ) Chip enable input pin.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

RTC - 4543 SA/SB 5. Electrical Characteristics 5-1. Absolute Maximum Ratings Item Symbol Conditions Min. Max. Unit Supply voltage VDD -0.3 7.0 V Input voltage VI Ta=+25 °C GND-0.3 VDD+0.3 V Output voltage V GND-0.3 V+0.3 V O DD Storage temperature TSTG - -55 +125 °C 5-2. Operating Condition Item Symbol Conditions Min. Max. Unit Operating supply VDD - 2.5 5.5 V voltage Data holding voltage VCLK - 1.4 5.5 V Operating temperature T No condensation -40 +85 OPR °C 5-3.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

RTC - 4543 SA/SB 5-5. AC Characteristics Unless specified otherwise: Ta = - 40 to +85 °C, CL = 50 pF Item Symbol Unit VDD=5 V ± 10 % VDD=3 V ± 10 % Min. Max. Min. Max. CLK clock cycle tCLK 0.75 7800 1.5 7800 µ s CLK low pulse width tCLKL 0.375 3900 0.75 3900 µ s CLK high pulse width tCLKH 0.375 3900 0.75 3900 µ s CLK setup time tCLKS 25 50 ns CE setup time tCES 0.375 3900 0.75 3900 µ s CE hold time tCEH 0.375 0.75 µ s CE enable time tCE 0.9 0.9 s Write dat

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

RTC - 4543 SA/SB 5-6. Timing Charts ( 1 ) Data read tCE WR tWRS tWRH CE CES t tCLK tCEH tRCV CLK t CLKH t t CLKL DZ tCLKS tr1 tf1 DATA tDATD ( 2 ) Data write t CE WR t t WRS WRH CE t t CEH RCV t t CES CLK CLK t t CLKH CLKL t t t r1 f1 CLKS t HD t SD DATA ( 3 ) FOUT output t H t f2 90% FOUT 50% 10% t r2 t t H = × Duty 100 [] % t ( 4 ) Disable/enable VIH Enable FOE Disable VIL t t XZ ZX High impedance FOUT Page - 5 MQ - 252 - 03

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

RTC - 4543 SA/SB 6. Timer Data Organization • The counter data is BCD code. • The timer automatically adjusts for different month lengths and for leap year. • The time is indicated in 24-hour format. • Writes and reads are both performed on an LSB-first basis. MSB LSB Second FDT s40 s20 s10 s8 s4 s2 s1 ( 0 to 59 ) Minutes * mi40 mi20 mi10 mi8 mi4 mi2 mi1 ( 0 to 59 ) Hour ( 0 to 23 ) * * h20 h10 h8 h4 h2 h1

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

RTC - 4543 SA/SB 7. Description of Operation 7-1.Data reads 1 2 52 53 54 54+n CLK CE WR s1 s2 s4 s8 s10 s20 s40 FDT y8 y10 y20 y40 y80 DATA Sec Year Output data does not change 1) When the WR pin is low and the CE pin is high, the RTC enters data output mode. 2) At the first rising edge of the CLK signal, the clock and calendar data are loaded into the shift register and the LSB of the seconds digits is output from the DATA pin. 3) The remaining seconds, minutes, hour, d

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

RTC - 4543 SA/SB 7-3. Data writes (Divider Reset) CE WR 1 2 52 CLK N Seconds DATA s1 s2 s4 s8 s10 s20 s40 y8 y10 y20 y40 y80 Timer,counter N seconds 0 seconds N seconds Divider reset Pulse Carry stop Pulse After the counter is reset, carries to the seconds digit are halted.After the data write operation, the prohibition on carries to the seconds counter is lifted by setting the CE pin low. Complete data write operations within tCE (Max.) = 0.9 seconds, as described earlier.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

RTC - 4543 SA/SB 8. Examples of External Circuits • Example 1. When used as an RTC + clock source VDD Power supply Switching circuit VDD Power supply RTC 4543 Detection circuit VDD CE WR DATA 0.1 µ F CLK FOUT *1 FSEL *2 FOE GND *1: FOUT output frequency setting (High: 1 Hz; low: 32.768 kHz) *2: Prohibits FOUT output during back up, reducing current consumption. • Example 2. When used as a clock source (oscillator) VDD RTC-4543 VDD CE WR VDD VDD DATA 0.1 µ F

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

RTC - 4543 SA/SB 9. External Dimensions RTC - 4543 SA ( SOP-14pin ) 10.1 ± 0.2 5.0 7.4 ± 0.2 0.05 3.2 ± 0.1 Min. 0.15 0 - 10° 0.35 1.27 1.2 0.6 ∗ The cylinder of the crystal oscillator can be seen in this area ( front ), but it has no affect on the performance of the device. RTC - 4543 SB ( SOP-18pin ) ± 0.2 11.4 ± 0.2 7.8 5.4 0.15 1.8 2.0 Max. 0.4 1.27 0 Min. ± 0.2 0 - 10 0.6 0.12 0.1 10. Layout of Package Markings Model RTC - 4543 S

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

RTC - 4543 SA/SB 11. Reference Data (1) Example of Frequency-Temperature Characteristics T = +25 °C Typ. Determining the frequency stability (clock accuracy) θ -6 2 α = -0.035 × 10 / °C Typ. -6 1.The frequency-temperature characteristics can be × 10 +10 0 approximated by the following equation: -10 -20 2 ∆ fT = α( T- X) θ θ -30 -40 fT : Frequency deviation at any given temperature ∆ -50 2 α( /°C ) : Second-order temperature -60 ∆ -6 2 ((-0.035 0.005) 10 / C ) ± × ° -70 -80

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

RTC - 4543 SA/SB 12. Application notes 12-1. Notes on handling This module uses a C-MOS IC to realize low power consumption. Carefully note the following cautions when handling. (1) Static electricity While this module has built-in circuitry designed to protect it against electrostatic discharge, the chip could still be damaged by a large discharge of static electricity. Containers used for packing and transport should be constructed of conductive materials. In addition, only sol

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

Application Manual Distributor AMERICA EPSON ELECTRONICS AMERICA, INC. HEADQUARTER 150 River Oaks Parkway, San Jose, CA 95134, U.S.A. Phone: (1)800-228-3964 (Toll free) : (1)408-922-0200 (Main) Fax: (1)408-922-0238 Atlanta Office 3010 Royal Blvd. South, Ste. 170, Alpharetta, GA 30005, U.S.A. Phone: (1)877-332-

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