Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1
Agitator 26 RepairService 27
ApplianceRegistration 2 SafetyInstructions 3,4
BleachDispenser 8 SoakSetting 5,9
Careand Cleaning 26 Sorting 4, U
ControlsSettingGuide 6,7 Stains 18
CycleSettirws 5 StainRemovalGuide
Detergents,Other Additives 13-1’7 Storage&VacationTips 26
Energy-Saving Tips 8 UserMaintenanceInstructions26
FabricSoftnerDispenser 9 Warranty BackCover
Filter-Flo@ Pan
Hard Water 16
LimestoneDeposits 14,26
Loadingthe Washer 4, 12
Mini-Basket~ Tub
Modeland Seri
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2
. — e Red thi$bulk downthe serial It is intendedtohelpyouoperate andmaintainyournewwasher You’ll findthemonalabelonthe properly. lowerleftsidenearthefront. Keepit handyforanswerstoyom- Thesenumbersarealsoonthe questions. ConsumerProductOwnership Registration Cardthatcamewith If youdon’tunderstandsomething yourwasher.Beforesendinginthis or needmorehelp,write(include card,pleasewritethesenumbers yourphonenumber): here: ConsumerAffairs GEAppliances M N AppliancePark Louisville,KY40225 S N Ifyouirec
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3
.-, Read! fw hfim! U$ingthis) e ~ rqxxvidon isnecessary reducetheriskof To the fire,ektricslmk, orhjuryto ifthisappliance isusedbym= near oinjury : f children.Donotalbw children p Whmrsing yourf D n mixc b W toplayinside,onor withthis folbwbafkpreemtions,including ammoniaoracidssuchasvinegar appliance many discarded thefollowing: and/orrustremover.Mixingcan appliance.Disposeofdiscarded ~use thisappliance only for kl produceatoxicgaswhichmay appliances andshippingor purposeasdescribedin causedeat
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4
@Thelaundryprocesscan E&’ reducethe fkuneretard~eyof @~fj n@leave~sher h~ up fabrics.Toavoidsucha result, duxingcyde. This will stopthe ~ the garmentmamd%icturer’s care washand spinactionand prevent instructionsshouldbe followed cornpktion of the cycle. very carefully. VVAMYENG-TO reducetheriskoffire.electric s o h @ E , mad! theIND?ORT’ANT SAFETY INSTiWCTION$ beforeofietitin~ t appliance. II / , a 6 -i i W L ~ T A S W w M \ : , e 9 sortin andLoading ~PositiontheFilter-Flo g panon the sett theCb
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5
M- - - - - soaksett i cyde- Pa-mPress& Knits Cyck- ma Automatically providesGentle Usewithmostsoakingaidsto Formostcottons,linens,workand WashSpeedandGentleSpinSpeed. playclothes.Threesoillevel loosenembeddedsoilsandstains. - - Seepage9. settingsareprovided,butyoucan - settheselectorin-between, if — desired.Selectionofthesesettings u automatically providesforNormal cycle — NORMAL - WashSpeed,FastSpin. SPEEO SNIP * I ) Ofs Pu]lCycleSelectorKnObOut Rsguler o C@e tostartthewasher.If youwishto sEED
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6
f W Load ‘Rxm.Bemtut Q&! cycle settin g I m Co aL i t Whit H o WR C( S N o L S S e e N Bright W o C / IR C( S N o L S S e N WCl o o Hs HR C( S N fe s l e No I H f a o l Av s e ~HoR C( S N S e t N PePTCo r r r t BwC ol i H o o s HP P K C e e N S S I( S G Av ol s i e Wm P P K C N S o L S ( S G I Synthet N y i AcK aWF a n o r S W P P K Ct N S S ( S G I De W- l P P K C L S I( S G SWB o S W PP iC o l L S r aW ( S G o I R aA warm P P K c C a L S ( S G I Dow ga im WP P K C a N S S r n e wa irec o s ( S
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7
care Labels Bk?ada special Ihstruction$ Lcht Ic ius u hi w U m o d n r y l o o p 1 Ononb wn el - n W ocol lcht i h y l o Umdr i g o p 1 e e a Non- ononb l c - wne h e W ocol lcht i h y l o S lrw U mdr r i g o p l e e e Non- ononb l c - wne h e W ocol lcht i h y l o Ius u h w U md nr i g oo ee Non- ononbrw l r c - e p 1 S l wne - h e Nb W o ire b tg lm Fi c a c na Sne In u o e e e W i yw o ir b t gm e a a non- bl c e Nb Wfr t f u t d al r tg w W s W e a d g o a o w ma b o g O d w b g i d Th s a w
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8
Ifyourclothesandhousehold items @ Undernormalsoilconditions, don’tlookcleanandfreshafter washinwaterabove80”F.(27°C.). Thisgenerallymeansusingthe . washing,youwillprobablyre-wash them..● nd thatmeansyou’llwaste WarmWashtemperature setting energy.Remember to sortyour onyourwasher—temperatures clothescarefully, andloadthem approximately 90°to I1O”F. or properly,selectcorrectcycles,use handcomfortable. If younotice enoughdetergentandchoosea thatsoilhasaccumulated after wate temperatur r war e enoug
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9
ks%%!t% R A SPEED- 5DAX. MQVA4L1liiAW\ @ PositiontheFabricSoftener @ “SOAK”settingtemperature TheFilter-Flopanhastwo DispenserontheFilter-Flopan. willautomatically becold. functions: @ Pourmanufactunx’s recommended @ If ahotor warmsoakisdesired, @ LINTFILTER—Position the amountoffabricsoftenerintoa settheWASH/RINSE Filter-Flopanontheagitatorafter standardmeasuringcup. TEMPERATURE switchto loadingclothesintothewasher. - “H(X’/COLD” or “WM/COLD” Lintis easilyseenandremoved - ~Addenoughwaterto fill
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10
to the 8. Closelidandsetcontrolsas Th Mini4kasket e ~tub designe , d 4. LoadclothesinMini-Basket follows: forsmal iwd d’regl. l s fabrics w tub.SeepageH forsortinghelp. ordelicatehmd-washabks,can — . Waw3 Leve r l beusedwithmy cycleexceptthe SOAKsetting. L M Typical Wa$h kmd$ M ... S B @$maiiloadsof regularfabrics @ (upto2!4pounds). –Set WaterLevelto “MHW- ~Deticateloadssuchaslingerie, BASKET”position. pantyhose, girdies,blouses, sweaters, 5. Afterloadingclothesin the —Select desiredWash/Rinse s
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11
to It p8ystocbck findpx’’ep”e sor bySOti t w clothe f washing s . Separat e @ Emptypockets,brushoutCuffs, zipzippers,snapsnaps,hooks andbuttons. ~ Doanynecessarymending—rips, hems,tears, fro m fro m @Checkallitemsforareasofheavy soilor stain. @Remove stains.ForSTNN REMOVAL GUIDE,SEEPAGE19. ~ TlwnI?oly Knitsinside-out to minimizefabricsurfacedamage. LINTPRODUCERS— Suchas fro m terrytoweling andchenille—give soaking and Pre”tr@ing– uplint. a goodwayto loosendeepsoils and stains. LINTCOLLECIURS— su
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12
Special for ‘wa$hing press wyodno hav u a odryer t e . If youaremachine-washing PermanentPressclothesthatyou plantolinedryordrip-dry,use extracaretominimizewrinkling inthewashprocess: @ Becarefulnottooverload washer.PermanentPressclothes musthaveampleroomtomove freely.A MediumsizePermanent Pressloadisthelargestthatshould be washed. e Usemorewaterthanyouwould fora regularload.Usea Medium .. WaterLevelfora SmallLoad;a LargeWaterLevelfora Medium Load. @ Removeclothespromptlyas soonaswasherstopsandh
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13
to in Advantage s Disadvantage 0 — Arenotavailable insomeareas. Pk)sphate— Performwellinhardorsoftwater hwkmd Detergents Washalltypesoffabricswell. Canbeusedinhot,warm,or coldwater. Generallydonotcleanwellin Non-Phosphate— Performsatisfactorily insoft hardwater. PowderedDetergents ormoderately hardwater. Maybedifficulttodissolve, Insomeareasonlynon-phosphate especiallyincoldwater. productsareavailable. Shouldnotbeusedincoldwater. Thosecontaining sodium carbonateasaningredient may causeharmfullim
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14
— . . .—. .... .—..——. . --... . .. .. . .... .... .—.. -. =. .- ,,!,, .V - .- — . =.- .- s=..-. - —.—-—.——- .– —.———-— -————.———— -—. .—-————..—— —-——————-.—..-..—. — . -— -- ..——— — -—. — — .- ..,+ L+-- .— .- — -— .- — .- -- ——— us e A (11ormore grains)andifyou wash washersurfaces.Thehardness Isyourwaterhard?Hit is, and just a fewloadsa week,youmay ofyourwaterandyourwashing if youuseacarbonatetypenon- seelimestonebuildupsinjusta few frequency willdeterminehow phosphatedetergent,youwill months.
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15
Howto use ‘dWwgent--granukw --- Theuseofa sufficientamount If thereco.mrnended amountof ~fdetergent isoneofthemost or powdered: detergent producestoomanysuds, impm=tafit thingsyoucandoto switchtoa lowsudsingdetergent Forbestresults,adddetergentto brand,andfollowinstructions on makesureyourwashcomesout thewashbasketbeforeloading package. c clothes.If Youloadyourclothes first,adddetergent nexttothe AEnount required varies agitator. accordingto: 1.Waterhardness If yourdetergent doesn’tdissolve 2. A
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16
it ? Beforeyoucandecidewhattodo If yourwateris SOFT,youhave abouthardwater,youneedtoknow noproblem.Youcanusesoapo if youhaveit and,ifso,howhard detergentasyoupreferandforget it is. allabouthardwater.If youhave HARDwater-lessthan10grains– e If youliveinamunicipal areaY andyouusephosphate detergent, contactyourwatercompany. youalsohavenoproblem. e I livein a ruralarea,or in somesuburbanareas,contactyour But,if youhavemorethan 10 countyagent, grains,youwillneedto softenyour waterwitheither.., Thean
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17
Laundry product andtype Howtouseit Special! instructions B L ChL U yBDia t i c l l s 1 D n pu l c b d i n s aCbins o p 8 l r u t w o o d c - 2 S o t w f s n b c - b s a 1 cf c l l — — s s w m s l lo n — — c D b b u o a f o - 3 CMa C L f s n in s — . Non-s a — c u Fpdi 1 M u o a k o f a o r — C 2b Pb iw wde l r l a — t 2 I me i h w f — - FABRICSom’mms Rads a i d u U yFSD 1 H m c f a oi s a DBac tin o p 9 o r s c 2R se l e 3 Uc T m m c s o a Fpdi a o r sc l WAds a d a u Ad wc u y 4 D n pd o c i RB
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18
L lly toremovestainsassoonas StainRemoval 13int— possible.Thefresherthestain,the UsingChlorineBleachfor Seenextpagefor easierit istoremove. Whiteand13ieachable Fabrics. StainRemoval Guide. Formorecompleteinformation on 2. Beforeattempting toremove Mix1/4cup(6ml chlorine 0 ) stainremoval,requestgovernment anystain,takethesesteps: bleachwithonegallon(3.8liter)of bulletin,“Removing StainsFrom coolwater-approximately80”E IB Findthefibricandthefinishin Fabrics;’054D.Toobtaina copy @7°C.)–ina sinkorpa
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19
-4#j3&!s t Ivmte mdBkachdMeIhbrics I SeeControlSettingGuide,B o P 7 l other Wmhablewabrics Ad R w i oi i v cw U d t t S ah w a mb f a (CGecareo ma o ga S sdht ujf w as dcf tl l l a Anti- p AunldeR I sr b S a w a b f i pe d t i Deo d ac tSR H oo p I c h e un e b p c o t ch y m b a tr i bs w e p a amRth o m i B S i cw tl i ww I sr l a a e a S o s i c w t l bac tSR H oo pl l e p c a t Cho C S i cwT s w a s dcf r S i c w S wa a s l d c lr IC aMAunldel d Ba c r f A ua i l p c d t i . - tSR H oo pl a
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20
PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE ANDREMEDY *Incomct sortingofclothes,Separate lint-producers (suchasterrytowelsandchenille) LINTORREWIXJE ONCL fkomlint-receivers (suchasman-made fabrics,velveteen, corduroy). O s wastingtoolong,~speci~~y forsmallerloads.Fornormalsoil)washoneminuteper poundofdryclothes. ~Useofnon-phosphate de~rgen~whichcombinewithhardness minerals@ forma ~pi’~pib~w~chcabtistienforfint. Useaphosphateorliquiddeter&mt; use - ~ warmerwashwaterersoftenwaterwithaninstalledmechanical softenerorapa