Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1
H b thebestfrom
setting thecontrols jyii
use and careof
Energy-saving tips
Bleach and fdric
sofiener dispensers p8
Sorting and loading
aoosing detergents
Shinremoval plti
YourDirect Line toGenemlEktric
TheGEhwer (’kRtd?800.626.2000
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safetyinstructions. . . . , , . . . .3,4 Read this bookearefuRIy. write downthe model It is intendedtohelpyouoperate and $6X%31 numbers. Howto operateyour andmaintainyournewwasher washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4,5 You’ll findthemona labelonthe properly. lowerleftsidenearthefront. %hxxgy-saving tips . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Keepit handyforanswerstoyour Thesenumbersarealsoonthe Controlssettingguidefor questions. ConsumerProductOwnership differentfabricsandloads . . . .6,7 Registratio
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3
w/mlNG–To rwhcetheriskof lbminimbe the possibility @Close supervision isnecessary fire,electric shock, or injury to iftbisappliance isusedbyornear ofhjwy: persons whenusingyourappliance, children. Donotallow children to e ~~ n~~mix~~~orine b~ea& wi~~ playinside, onorwiththisappliance fol~ow basicprecautions, incMing ammonia oracidssuchasvinegar oranydiscarded appliance. Dispose theMowing: and/orrustremover. Mixing can ofdiscarded appliances andshipping or @ usethisappliance‘only forits produce a
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~ ‘~~]~hm-jry processcanredwe newspeedandpulloutCycle washfind. spin action andprevent theMm3retfldaxcy offabrics. TO completion ofthecycle. Selector Knobtorestart. avoid sucha result,-the gament @ Donotchange SPEED ]llanufac~rer>s cageil]stmctions SAW TmE SBLE~IONwhilewasher is shotdd ‘be Mowedverycarefully. operating. Ifa change inspeedis ms~~uc~~o~s desired,pushinCycleSelector For F’washer operation Knobto“STOP” position andwait fir washer tostop;T&mselectthe @Donot leavewasherlidup duringcyc
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5
youselectsettings Energy-saving Tips .@& RegtlkwfcjJde–– .q. .,-.. . ,*. .. If yourclothesandhouseholditems ., : ‘@?Provideskmger washtimefor Forpermanentpressandknits don’tlookcleanandfreshafter mostcottons,linens,workand loadssuchas shirts,blouses, washing,youwillprobablyre-wash playclothes. dressesandsimilarwearing them. . .andthatmeansyou’llwaste apparelwithnormalsoiling.An energy.Rememberto sortyour extendedcool-downsprayrinseis ) clothescarefi.dly, andloadthem OFF f3egular providedto minim
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6
Washlspinwash water speed TemperattBre* cycle CottonsandLinens Normal Hotor Warm RegularCycle NormalSetting White/Colorfast Normal Warmor Cold RegularCycle Normalor LightSoilSetting Bright/Non-colorfast WorkClothes RegularCycie Normaior LightSoilSetting Heavysoil Normal Hot witilExtraRinse NormalSetting Average soii Normal Hotor Warm ReguiarCycle PermanentPress,TreatedCottons, Biencis withCottons Normaior LightSoiiSetting Heavyor oiiysoii Normai Hot ReguiarCycle withExtraRinse Average or i
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13k?dli special Instructions Liquidchlorinetype. If colorfastisunusuallysoiled,usehotwater.Uscmaximumdetergentrecommended on page14.UseRegularCyclewithExtraRinse,Normalor LightSoilSetting.SeePage5. Onlynon-chlorine bleachwhenneeded. Whiteor colorfast,liquidchlorinetype. Usemaximumdetergentrecommended inchartonpage14. Ncm-coiorfast, onlynon-chlorine bleach whenneeded. Whiteor colorfast,liquidchlorinetype. Smallloadsreducewrinkling.Usemaximumdetergentrecommended inchartonpage14. Non-colorfast, onl
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Hovitousethe FabricSofkner Dkpemer OiF Regular ~oAK ,*.+&@= = Cycle LIGHT - SOIL NORMAL ~ J@ \ 4 I ~ “SOAIC’settingtemperatureis ~Use thisdispenserwithliquid ~PositiontheFabricSoftener DispenserontheFilter-Flopan. controlledbytheRinsetemperature Meach only.If youpreferto use switch.(Ifa warmsoakis desired, powderedbleach,pour it intothe * Pourmanufacturer’s recommended Filter-l?lopanor washbasketalong settheWASH/IUNSE amountoffabricsoftenerintoa withyourdetergent.Donotput TEMPERATURE switchto st
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9
sortbywill JR paystocheckand ‘pE’qMM’e clothes!fQr washing. Separa ~ Emptypockets,brushoutcuffs, zipzippers,snapsnaps,hooks andbuttons. ~ Doanynecessarymending—rips, hmm from hems,tears. Checkallitemsforareasofheavy soilor stain. ~ Removestains.For STAIN IWNKIVAL GUIDE,SEEPAGE17. TurnPolyKnitsinside-outto from LINT PRODUCERS— Suchas minimizefabricsurfacedamage. terrytowelingandcheniHe-give uplint. soakingmidPm-tM?ating— a goodwayto hwxn deepsoils LINT COLLECTORS— suchas andstains. man-madefibers
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special Tecommendatiolls forwashing prnlament press if you do nothavea dryer. If youare machine-washing ? PermanentPressclothesthatyou . planto linedryor drip-dry,use .V extracareto minimizewrinkling inthewashprocess: IR--- , m @ Becarefulnottooverload washer.PermanentPressclothes musthaveampleroomto move freely.A MediumsizePermanent Pressloadis thelargestthatshould be washed. ~Usemorewaterthanyouwould fora regularload.Usea Medium WaterLevelfora SmallLoad;an ExtraLargeWaterLevelfora MediumLoad.
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11
amdExlap Pkoduds Advanhges Disadvantages P’kx@w@-- Performwellinhardor softwater Arenotavailable insomeareas. PowderedDw?rgents Washalltypesoffabricswell. Canbeusedinhot,warm,or coldwater. Noll”Phosphate— Performsatisfactorily insoft Generallydonotcleanwellin PowderedDekqyi?nts or moderatelyhardwater. hardwater. Insomeareasonlynon-phosphate Maybedifficulttodissolve, productsareavailable. especiallyincoldwater. Shouldnotbeusedincoldwater. Thosecontainingsodium carbonateasaningredientmay causeharm
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12
‘use of Carbonate deteETen& Is yourwater hard?H it is, and washersurfaces.Thehardness (11or moregrains)andif youwash s% ~~g~” d ifyouusea carbonatetypermn- ofyourwaterandyourwashing just a fewloadsa week,youmay -J phosphatedetergent,youwill frequencywilldeterminehow seelimestonebuildupsinjust a few mostprobablynoticelimestone+ rapidlythelimestonewillbuild months. depositson yourclothesand up.If yourwateris VERYHARD IEffedson CMhes Rwomendd methodsto ~Increase useofbleaches, presoaks, packaged wa
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13
r. .... :.-. .. . J+.* Howto Usedetergent—granular ~~~~ Thew of a sufficientamount If therecommended amountof -z’ ofdetergentisoneofthemost detergentproducestoomanysuds, or powdered: importafit thingsyoucandoto switc~toa lowsudsingdete~gent Placedetergentin the filterpanfor makesureyourwashcomesout brand,andfollowinstructions on normalconditions,but, forbest ckm. package. results,putit nextto theagitator Amountrequiredvaries ~fi~i t;-ieuloihes havebeenloaded. amrdingto: If yourdetergentdoesn’tdi
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14
Hkwdv$%?iter— . .$- . do-you. haveit’? Beforeyoucart cleci~e What to clo If yourwateris SOFT,youhave about hard water, you neecl to know noproblem.Youcanusesoapor if you have it and, if so, howhard detergentas youpreferandforget it is. all abouthardwater.If youhave HARDwater—less than10grains— ~If y-cm liveina municipalarea, andyouusephosphatedetergent, Contact ~our water cOKlpany. .~n?~ ~l~nhaw= mnnrnh?wn. ,“- S.-” ------ ..- ~... ...< @ If you livein a nuraiarea, or in But, if youhavemorethan
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15
— LmRdry productand type HOW’ to Raw it specialinstructions BLEACH 1)Donotpourundilutedliquidchlorinebleachdirectlyinto ChlorineLiquid UseyourBleachDispenseraccordingto suchas Cloroxbrand instructions onpage8. washeror ondry clothes. 2) Someoftoday’swashablefabricsshouldnotbechlorine bleachedsuchas: 100!% cottonflame-retardant children’s sleepwear,silk, wool,mohair,spandex,leather,or non-fast colors.Dilutebleachbeforeusingonanyfabric. 3) CheckManufacturers’ CareLabelsforspecial instructions. Non
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Howto remove stiins 1. Trytoremovestainsassoonas stain! RemovalHint— possib!e.The fresherthestain,the using chlorine Mach for Seenextpagefor easierit is to remove. WhiteandBkachabk Fabrics. Shin RemovalGuide. 2. Beforeattemptingto remove Mix 1/4cup (60ml)chlorine Formorecornpieteinformationon anystain,take these steps: bleachwithonegallon(3.8liter)of stainremoval,requestgovernment coolwater—approximately 80”F. bulletin,“RemovingStainsFrom *Findthefabricandthefinishin (fl°C.)-in a sinkor pan. Soa
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17
Stainremovalguide ‘White andBleachabk Fabrics See Control Setting(hide, Bleach on Page7 OtherWashable Ehbkics — Adhesives Rubwithiceor immerseinverycoldwater,Usedulltoolto Same as whiteandbleachablefabrics. (Chewing Gum, etc.) carefillyscrapeo~as muchadhesiveorgumaspossible.Sponge witha safedrycleaningfluid,*thenlaunder. Same as whiteandbleachablefabrics Anti-perspirants, Applyundilutedliquiddetergent.Rinse.If stainremains,bleach Deodorants accordingtoStainRemoval Hinton oppositepage.Ifcolorhas
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18
c I 5 l-= . 4 v-a & R s’ CD Es w. i5- z
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19
. PROBLEM POSSIOBLE CAUSEANDREMEDY I GRAYED * Washeroverloaded.Clothescannotmovefreelyto loosenandremovesoil, causing amTHEs grayappearance.Followcorrectloadingproceduresfor sizeofload. (continued) ~Impropersoakingwithinsufficientdetergent.Usuallya 30-minutesoakis sufficient. However,whenusingextendedsoaksforheavilysoiledgarmentsyoumayneedto use twicetherecommendedamountofdetergent. @ Useof soapin hardwater.Switchtoaphosphatedetergent,or followsixstepsat the bottomofpage 18. * Washingtoolongmayr
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