Manual de instrucciones de Roper X05002W0

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Roper X05002W0

Aparato: Roper X05002W0
Categoría: Aparato de aire acondicionado
Fabricante: Roper
Tamaño: 0.48 MB
Fecha de añadido: 5/30/2014
Número de páginas: 6
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Roper X05002W0 Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

No.1158931 Part
bathing. and laundry doing cooking, load. cooling the to add attic the
while fans venting exhaust Use in temperatures High attic. Ventilate m
closed. returns furniture.
cool-air and registers heat Keep or drapes with flow air block Not Do .
needed. not clean. filter air Keep m
when appliances and lights Turn . awnings. window Add house. of
day. the side sunny on drapes or blinds Close
of part hottest the during a

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

off, Using special corn time. same the at cooling and air room exhausting only cooling ‘Closed when decreased is efficiency Energy Note: ‘Closed air room Circulate desire. you control air of type the for select ‘Open’ air rOOm Exhaust to settings what determine to chart the See retting room. Roomairdesir~ Exhaust the in air circulate to or room the from air smoky or stale draw to feature this Use Control Exhaust Control Exhaust . features.. instructions. these follow Not Do

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

Off” Off” off n number label serial motor. the of end each into plugs Replace oil. nondetergent X20 SA.E use can you or centers service local from available is capsule oil easy-to-use An oil. add to motor the of end each at plug hole oil the Remove motor. the on instructed as motor fan the Oil 10. oiling. needs never and sealed is compressor The oil. and inspect - motor Fan I inspect. - Fan m n h clean. and inspect - passages water condensate and Coils parts. electrical in

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

What n Wart off n sounds. n operating: concerned. is conditioner air your when sounds conditioner. air be not should you so components, following the hear to expect can You harm not does rainfall or operation the for mounting or construction wall by caused be can sounds Vibration normal from Water sound. ‘clicking’ settings. fan-speed high at especially or ‘pinging’ a causing condenser operating Normal occurs fan the from movement Air . the hitting water of Droplets . room. coo

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Changing I Off” a cabinet. in place into tabs panel front Snap unit. toward panel push and panel front of edge top on down Press clips. cabinet. spring into panel front of bottom Put . the from releases it until panel 7 front of edge top the on down Press 1. band. elastic Replace panel. front of back in filter Place . 6 cloth. dry soft a with area control the Clean dry. and panel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ setting ‘CooY a Select front the Rinse panel. front the clean to detergent

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

assistance, service BETWEEN Corporation Whirlpool 01989 U.S.A. in Printed Friday. thru Monday - Time Eastern Appliances 4:30 - 8:00 [l-(800)447-6737] 44-ROPER l-(800) Phone . -OR- R area. your in servicer authorized the for dealer selling your Contact m appliance: brand Roper your for service need you If I 1975. OF ACT MAGNUSON-MOSS THE IN DEFINED AS TERM THAT OF MEANING THE WITHIN WARRANTY LIMITED A IS THIS state. to state from vary may which rights other have may you and rights,

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