Manual de instrucciones de Pantech P2000

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Pantech P2000

Aparato: Pantech P2000
Categoría: Teléfono móvil
Fabricante: Pantech
Tamaño: 4.47 MB
Fecha de añadido: 7/2/2014
Número de páginas: 88
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

User Guide
Thank you for choosing the Pantech Breeze II P2000, our
latest mobile phone.
The Pantech Breeze II P2000 has many features designed
to enhance your mobile experience. From its EZ to read
menus, to its sleek, stylish design, we know you will enjoy
the entire Breeze II P2000 experience.
This User Guide contains important and useful information
that will maximize your familiarity with all that the
Pantech Breeze II P2000 has to offer.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Melodies Power Management (Performance) Specifications M I D I , i - M e l o d y , M P 3 , A M R , W A V , A A C , Battery Standby Talk Design Capacity A A C + , W M A Type Time Time C l a m s h e l l p h o n e w i t h i n t e r n a l a n d e x t e r n a l Standard Camera display Up to Up to Up to Lithium-Ion I n t e g r a t e d 1 . 3 M C M O S C a m e r a 920mAh 250 hours 3 hours Displays (Li-ion) • R e s o l u t i o n u p t o 1 2 8 0 x 1 0 2 4 (

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

Contents Specifications ................................................ 2 Email .............................................................. 5 7 Breeze Mode 6. Settings Phone overview ............................................ 8 Phone status .................................................. 8 0 1. Calls and address book 3. Multimedia Using Shortcuts ........................................... 10 Sounds & alerts ............................................. 8 0 M a k i n g , r e c e i v i

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Contents S e r v i c e a n d fi x e d d i a l i n g n u m b e r ................. 9 8 Audio ...........................................................122 Timer ...........................................................139 R e s e t ............................................................ 1 5 4 C a l l e r i d e n t i fi c a t i o n .......................................99 M u s i c p l a y e r ................................................123 V o i c e r e c o g n i t i o

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Volume up / Phone overview External Display Camera Speaker down Earpiece EZ Quick Call Keys Internal display Left/Right Soft key Perform the functions shown at the bottom line of the display Navigation key OK key or access Mobile Web Scroll through the menu Press to enter menu system options Voice Command Camera key Send key Power on & off / Menu exit / End key LED Indicators Internal antenna 16 Pin Voicemail Message, Call, area (Ear Mic. & T u r n s p h o n e o n / o ff , e n d

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

note: T h e s t e p s m a y v a r y b y m o d e a n d t h i s Using Shortcuts Menu overview m a n u a l p r o v i d e s i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r b o t h Breeze Numbered menu items, such as menus, M o d e and A d v a n c e d M o d e r e s p e c t i v e l y . Camera Tools Breeze mode menu s u b - m e n u s , a n d o p t i o n s c a n b e q u i c k l y Take a Picture C a l e n d a r accessed by using their shortcut numbers. R e c o r d a V i d e

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

Advanced mode menu Address Messaging IM Mobile Mobile AppCenter AT&T GPS YPmobile My Stuff AT&T Music Online Settings Book Email Web Locker P h o n e M o d e AT&T Software C o n v e r s a t i o n s AT&T Applications M u s i c P l a y e r Profiles Update A l l C o n t a c t s C r e a t e M e s s a g e N a v i g a t o r Audio S h o p M u s i c D i s p l a y R e s e t F a v o r i t e s W h e r e M o b i l e E m a i l Games A T & T R a d i o C a l l TTY Groups AllSport GPS O n l i n

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

Quick & Easy Keys Functions Keys Functions Perform the functions shown at the bottom line of the display by using M a k e o r r e c e i v e a c a l l . S h o w t h e r e c e n t c a l l l i s t i n s t a n d b y m o d e . < > S these soft keys. R e - d i a l t h e l a s t c a l l n u m b e r i f p r e s s e d a n d h e l d i n s t a n d b y m o d e . S c r o l l t h r o u g h t h e m e n u o p t i o n s i n M e n u m o d e . I n s

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

About your battery SIM card and battery Y o u r p h o n e u s e s a L i - I o n b a t t e r y . M a k e s u r e Keys Functions About your SIM card to use an authorized battery and charger W h e n y o u s u b s c r i b e t o y o u r n e t w o r k # C h a n g e v a r i o u s t e x t i n p u t m o d e s i f pressed at the text-editing screen. o n l y . F o r m o r e d e t a i l s , p l e a s e i n q u i r e a t o p e r a t o r , y o u r e c e i

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

Getting started Put the contacts of the 3 . T o r e m o v e t h e b a t t e r y Installing/removing SIM card and battery into the hole push the bottom of the battery located at the bottom of battery to upwards (1) 1 . R e m o v e t h e b a t t e r y the unit and then insert a n d r e m o v e ( 2 ) t h e Correct Incorrect c o v e r f r o m t h e u n i t . T o and press the upper side of the battery battery. fi t t h e b a t t e r y c o v e r , p u

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

Getting started N Turning the phone on/off Inbox is full. External memory card is inserted. C a l l f o r w a r d i n g i s a c t i v e . To turn on A message is being sent. An error occurred on the external Incoming calls set to ring only (Normal). memory card. 1. Press and hold E. A m e s s a g e i s b e i n g r e c e i v e d . Incoming calls set to Vibrate and Ring. T TY i s a c t i v e . To turn off An alarm is set. Incoming calls set to Vibrate Only. A n E D G E s i g

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

Getting started I n t h e B r e e z e m o d e , y o u c a n v i e w a n 2. Select Breeze Mode or Advanced Useful keys A v a i l a b l e , A w a y , I n v i s i b l e S t a t u s o f A I M a b b r e v i a t e d m e n u : Address Book, Mode. * D i s p l a y s y m b o l s . Messaging, Camera, AT&T Services, Tools O n l i n e , A w a y , B u s y , O ffl i n e S t a t u s o f 0 Adding a space. Assigning the menu M S N and Settings. The Advanced Mode allows

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

Getting started 1. Press # to change the mode as p r e d i c t i v e . Key English French Spanish EZ quick call keys multi-tap. 2. Press 2 to 9 to input text. 1 . , - ? ! / ' @ : Getting in touch with those you call most is 2. Press 2 to 9 to input text F o r e x a m p l e , t o w r i t e ‘ h e l l o ’ , p r e s s 2 abc ç à ä á ã ç now as EZ as 1-2-3. r e p e a t e d l y . T o w r i t e t h e l e t t e r “ C ” , p r e s s 43556. 3 def é è

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

Getting started • I n t e r f a c e d e v i c e s s u c h a s U S B o r B l u e t o o t h 3 . I n s e r t t h e m i c r o S D c a r d To send a message using one touch key Memory card for the connection with the phone into the slot. The gold 1. Press x. Y o u c a n u s e a m i c r o S D c a r d a s a m e m o r y c o n t a c t s o f t h e m i c r o S D 2. Press Options > Send Message. c a r d . I t g i v e s y o u m o r e s p a c e t

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

Getting started c a r d . Y o u c a n a l s o m o v e a n d c o p y t h e fi l e s > Delete. computer screen. v i s i t i n g y o u r n e a r e s t d e a l e r . to computer from your phone. note: Select M u s i c P l a y e r when you want to In Advanced Mode , y o u h a v e a c c e s s t o a l l To update the software a d d m u s i c t o t h e p l a y l i s t i n y o u r d e v i c e . W h e n To copy a file to the memory card of the features

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

2. Press Menu > My Stuff > Audio > To view the version of software Answer Tones > Shop Answer Tones. 1. Press Menu > Settings > Phone Information. Shopping Games 2. Scroll down to Software Version. 1. Press Menu > My Stuff > Games > Shop Games. AppCenter 1 Shopping Wallpapers AppCenter 1. Press Menu > My Stuff > Picture > Calls and address book 1. Press Menu > AppCenter. Shop Wallpapers. Mak ing , r ec eiving and ending a c all U sing video shar e Shopping Applications Shopping Videos O ptio

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

Breeze Mode - Calls and address book 2. Press S to dial the second call. The 2. Press Emergency Number, or press SOS Making a call using the call list Making, receiving and ending 01 first call is automatically put on hold. i f y o u r p h o n e d o e s n o t h a v e a S I M c a r d . Y o u r p h o n e l o g s u p t o 3 0 d i a l e d , r e c e i v e d 02 a call 3. Press S. and missed call numbers. Switching between two calls 03 Making a call N 1. Press S to disp

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

Breeze Mode - Calls and address book Making video share call Stopping video share Stopping or ending video share Using video share 01 1. Enter the area code and phone number 1. Press Stop to end. 1. Press Stop t o e n d t h e v i d e o s h a r e . Y o u c a n s h a r e l i v e o r r e c o r d e d v i d e o w h i l e 02 > S. 2. To end a call press E. 2. It will ask you whether you will stop o n a c a l l . Y o u c a n s e n d o r r e c e i v e v i d e o .

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

Breeze Mode - Calls and address book N 2. Press Options > Full Screen to 3. Press Options > Join. participants. Putting a call on hold and returning 01 landscape the screen. 02 Having a private conversation with Putting a call on hold Searching for a number in address 03 one participant 1. Press Options > Hold or press S. book during a call Options during a call 04 1. Press Options > Split. 1. Press Options > View Contacts > All Returning to a held call Microphone off and on 05 2. Press O. C

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

Breeze Mode - Calls and address book Finding a name manually in address Mobile Web Viewing missed calls Deleting call logs 01 book 1. Press Options > Mobile Web. 1. Press Shortcuts in standby mode. 1. Press Shortcuts in standby mode. 02 2. Press Recent Calls > Missed Calls. 2. Press Recent Calls > Delete Call Logs. 1. Press the U/D key. 03 Viewing the calendar during a call 3. Press All Calls > Yes. 04 Viewing the details of highlighted 1. Press Options > View Calendar. Viewing received calls n

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