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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 40 Version 1.0 Table of contents 1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................................4 1.1 References .............................................................................................................................................................................. 4 1.2 Contact information .........................
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 40 Version 1.0 Change history 13-03-02 Version 1.0 Document added into Forum Nokia Disclaimer: Nokia Corporation disclaims all liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to the implementation of information presented in this document. Nokia Corporation does not warrant or represent that such use will not infringe such rights. Nokia Corporation retains the right to make changes to this specification at any tim
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 40 Version 1.0 1 INTRODUCTION This WAP Service Developer's Guide provides information and practical examples for developers who want to optimise their existing WAP services for the Series 40 phones. Series 40 is a UI category for Nokia 128 x128 pixel screen resolution. It comprises a passive matrix colour screen with two soft keys. The current Nokia handsets that belong to this category are introduced in Chapter 3. This document highlights the possi
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 40 Version 1.0 2 GENERAL USABILITY ISSUES – GUIDELINES FOR DESIGN Nokia phones are renowned for their simple-to-use and intuitive user interface. In order to create a service that will be perceived as usable and easy to understand, Nokia Mobile Phones provides some general guidelines to help service providers develop their applications. 2.1 Mobile applications for mobile use When deciding what information to include in the different applications on
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 40 Version 1.0 2.3.3 Usability tips for WAP over GPRS service development Round-trips in a network always cause a minimum of a two 2-second delay to the response time. Therefore, the number of round-trips should be minimised. For example, bitmaps cause additional round-trips. The response time can also be minimised by keeping the size of a WAP deck as compact as possible; this is especially important for pages that require an instant response. The
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 40 Version 1.0 2.4.4 Choose descriptive card titles It is very useful to give a descriptive name for the card. It might be a good idea to start the title with your service’s name and to keep the total length of the title short. It also pays to use meaningful URL addresses since the user sees the URL of the currently selected link on the screen and can use it as a navigational help, especially when images have not been loaded. 2.4.5 Pay attention to
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 40 Version 1.0 2.6 Take care of backward navigation Due to the differences between WAP and the Web in regard to the processing of the history, only the history processing described in the WML specifications is followed. This means that the service provider must be responsible for navigation as a whole. 2.7 Use of card titles and element labels Card titles describe the content of the display and their use is recommended. They help the user to navigat
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 40 Version 1.0 3 INTRODUCTION TO THE USER INTERFACE This chapter gives a short overview of the user interface type of Series 40 phones. Main focus is on the WAP services element (WAP browser) of the phone. The WAP browser user interface is designed to comply with the user interaction handling, known from other applications in the phone. The user interface is a combination of specific user interface hardware like keys and display, user interaction co
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 40 Version 1.0 3.2 User interface – display and keys 3.2.1 Two soft key display The display is a high-resolution passive matrix colour display, 4096 colours, with a display resolution of 128 pixels (horizontal) and 128 pixels (vertical). The display consists of the application area, header area and the area used for the soft keys. Figure 3-2 Structure of the browser screen The application area is 122 pixels (horizontal) and 96 pixels (vertical), it
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 40 Version 1.0 -Scrolling left/right allows the user to scroll the images in the current display in horizontal direction. 3.3 Display fonts All fonts are proportional fonts. Proportional fonts give a dynamic and minimised width for each character, give improved readability of the display texts, and generally allow more characters to be displayed per line. On the other hand, having proportional fonts means that it is difficult to tell how many charac
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 40 Version 1.0 3.7 Picture viewer The picture viewer offers the user a possibility to perform horizontal and vertical scrolling of pictures/animations that are too wide/high for the display. The picture viewer can only be activated by selecting the options list item View Picture if the currently active page contains at least one picture/animation. In the picture viewer, pictures/animations are displayed similarly to the way pictures/animations are d
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 40 Version 1.0 4 WML ELEMENTS FOR THE NOKIA USER INTERFACE This chapter is a guide for using WML 1.3 in designing services for Series 40 phones. It is an overview of general graphical user interface elements, that is, the WML elements that are critical from the point of view of rendering and the WML capabilities supported by the browser. All the elements introduced here are supported in every Series 40 Nokia phone introduced in this document. Howeve
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 40 Version 1.0 Example 4-2 table element
T °C
M 6/7
T 6/8
element is a short form of the anchor element, and is bound to a go task without variables. In gen
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 40 Version 1.0 4.5.1 Prev task The author of the WAP service is always responsible for the working navigation model within its own service. If there is a need for back functionality, it should be explicitly defined with the type element. The WAP browser does not have any implicit back functionality. 4.5.2 Card-wide and deck-wide scope The do element can be expressed in two ways: in card-wide scope or in deck-wide scope in a template. Do
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 40 Version 1.0
$(username), thank you for registering.
4.6 WML input processing Input processing enables the user to input requested information to the service.