Manual de instrucciones de Nokia 81XX

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Nokia 81XX

Aparato: Nokia 81XX
Categoría: Teléfono móvil
Fabricante: Nokia
Tamaño: 0.22 MB
Fecha de añadido: 2/12/2014
Número de páginas: 34
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1


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Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Phone Models and Software versions Notes for 21xx / 31xx / 81xx phones The older phones netmonitor has some differences when compared with the one of newer models, but this manual can be used as a guide, because the overall working method and the display contents are very similar in most cases. Notes for 51xx/61xx/62xx/71xx/88xx/91xx/32xx and other phones This document covers the majority of pages from these phones netmonitor. Some of them may have little differences, like missing/addi

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

Menu Modes There are three Menu Display modes: - the execute mode - the data display mode - the help mode Different modes are marked in this manual as follows: ************** ++++++++++++++ ############## * * + + # # * Execute * +Data display+ # Help # * Mode * + Mode + # Mode # * * + +

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Table of contents Phone Models and Software versions..................................................................................... 2 Notes for 21xx / 31xx / 81xx phones...................................................................... 2 Notes for 51xx/61xx/62xx/71xx/88xx/91xx/32xx and other phones....................... 2 Menu Modes ............................................................................................................................ 3 Reserving SIM ph

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Display 1 – Serving cell info ++++++++++++++ ############## +abbb ccc ddd+ #CH RxL TxPwr# + e ff g mmmm+ #TS TA RQ RLT# + nnn ppp+ # C1 C2 # + oooo + # CHT # ++++++++++++++ ############## a H, if carrier numbers are scrolled when hopping is on. Otherwise ' '. bbb When mobile is on a TCH : DCH carrier number in decimal. When mobile is NOT on a TCH : CH means carrier number in decimal. If h

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

Display 2 – More info about serving cell ++++++++++++++ ############## + aa b c Bdd + #PM RAR Ro BC# + ee f + #RelR QLF # + ggg hh iii + #CRO TO PenT # + H=j mm nn + #H MAIO HSN # ++++++++++++++ ############## aa paging mode NO : normal paging EX : extended paging RO : paging reorganization SB : same as before b maximum number of Random Access retransmission c roaming indicator, values a

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

rd th Display 4 & 5 – 3 to 8 neighbour cell ++++++++++++++ ############## +aaabbbcccddd+ #3CH C1 rx C2# +aaabbbcccddd+ #4CH C1 rx C2# +aaabbbcccddd+ #5CH C1 rx C2# + ef gh ij + # 3N 4N 5N # ++++++++++++++ ############## 1. row: 3./6. neighbour information 2. row: 4./7. neighbour information 3. row: 5./8. neighbour information 4. row, ef: 3./6. neighbour information 4. row, gh: 4./

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

Display 7 – System information bits for serving cell ++++++++++++++ ############## +E A H C I BR+ #Serving Cell# +a b c d e fg+ #System Info # +ECSC 2Ter MB+ #Bits # + h i j+ # # ++++++++++++++ ############## a 1 is shown if emergency calls are supported b 1 is shown if attach-detach-procedure is allowed c 1 is shown if half rate channels are supported d 1 is

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

Display 10 – Paging Repetition Period, TMSI, Location Update Timer, AFC and AGC ++++++++++++++ ############## +TMSIaaaaaaaa+ #TMSI(hex) # +T321:bbb/ccc+ #T3212ctr/tim# +PRP:d ee ff+ #PaRP DSF AGC# + ggggg hhh + # AFC Ch # ++++++++++++++ ############## aaaaaaaa last assigned TMSI value in hex format bbb Current value of T3212 counter (range is 000 - 'ccc'), where 1 means 6 min ti

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

Display 13 – Uplink DTX switching display ************** ############## *aaaaaaaaaa * #DTXMode # *DTX(DEF):bbb* #DefaulDTXSta# *DTX(BS) :ccc* #DTXValFromBS# * * # # ************** ############## With this display it is possible to see whether the MS uses DTX or not. This display must be activated from MENU to change DTX state. When MENU is not active and t

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

Display 17 – Switch 'BTS Test' Status ************** ************** ############## * * * * #Use menu to # * BTS TEST * * BTS TEST * #toggle BTS # * ON * * OFF * #test ON/OFF # * * * * # # ************** ************** ############## This display is used to toggle the BTS_TEST flag in EEPROM. If BTS_TEST is set then each time the mobile sends a sea

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

Display 20 – Charging state ************** ############## * aaa bbbbb * #BatVol ChMod# * Tccc dddd * #Btemp ChTime# * Ceee Wfff * #ChrgVol Pwm # * gggg hhhh * # Btyp BFDC # ************** ############## aaa Battery voltage in decimal, range is 0.00 - 9.99 V, decimal point is not shown; e.g. 7.19 V is shown as 719 on the display bbbbb Charging mode 5 digit symbol: xxxxx : Charg

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

Display 21 – Constant voltage charging display ************** ############## * aaaa bbbb * #MTDif MPDif # * cccc dddd * #BupV BDownV# * eeee ffff * #AverV SumMF # * * # # ************** ############## aaaa Difference between measured voltage and goal voltage, decimal point is not shown. bbbb Difference between measured voltage and result of previous measureme

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

Display 23 – Battery and phone state monitor ************** ############## * aaaa bbbb * #TxOn TxOff# * cccc dddd * #ChCur Stdby# *eee fff gggg* #Age CAP Curr# *hhh iiiijjjj* #Tmp CmAhTarg# ************** ############## aaaa TXon voltage (expected voltage with transmitter switched on), decimal point not shown ( mV) bbbb TXoff voltage (expected voltage with transmitter swit

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

Display 34 – FBUS display ************** ############## *aabbccdd * #CM LD LM NM # *eeefff - ggg* #PEC FEC OEC # *hhh iii jjj * #ACC RXS TXS # *k-- * #Mod # ************** ############## aa current fbus media in hex bb last sender dev in hex cc last sender media in hex dd Next media to be connected. Same as aa if the connection is not pending. eee fbus parity erro

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

Display 39 – Information about reasons for call clearing ++++++++++++++ ############## + CC: aaaa + #CC CauseValu# + MM: bbbb + #MM CauseValu# + RR: cccc + #RR CauseValu# + + # # ++++++++++++++ ############## aaaa, bbbb, cccc cause code value, see section 10.5/GSM 04.08, '*' is shown if the cause code is made up by the respective layer in MS CC 1 unas

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

Display 40 – Reset handover counters ************** ############## * RESET * # Use menu # * HANDOVER * # to reset # * COUNTERS * # handover # * * # counters # ************** ############## With this display all counters of the handover displays can be reset. Display 41 (singleband) – Handover display ++++++++++++++ ##############

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

Display 42 (dualband) – Handover display, INTRA CELL ++++++++++++++ ############## + aaaa bbbb + #G>G IntraD>D# + cccc dddd + #G>D OK D>G# +eeefffggghhh+ #IntraHoFail # +iiijjjkkklll+ # BackToPrev # ++++++++++++++ ############## aaa counter of successful INTRACELL handovers (max 9999) from GSM900 to GSM900 bbb counter of successful INTRACELL handovers (max 9999) from GSM1800 to GSM1

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

Display 45 – Toggle transmitter functionality ************** * * *TRANSMITTER * * XXXXXXXX * XXXXXXXX ENABLED or DISABLED * * ************** This display has no effect in 7110 phone, irrespective of the displayed status the transmitter is always switched on. When selected, this display disables transmitter functionality if enabled and vice versa. New setting is valid until next pow

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

Display 55 – Block display 2 ++++++++++++++ ############## +aa bb aa bb+ #ResF9 ResF10# +aa bb aa bb+ #ResF11ResF12# +aa bb aa bb+ #ResF13ResF14# +aa bb aa bb+ #ResF15ResF16# ++++++++++++++ ############## 1. row: Block set 9, block set 10 2. row: Block set 11, block set 12 3. row: Block set 13, block set 14 4. row: Block set 15, block set 16 aa Number of reserved blocks bb Numb

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