Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1
S4 S1
S3 S2
• 30 met er s H2O
• Day/dat e/c al endar
• Compas s with degr ees and dir ection
• Bar omet er with pr es sur e tr end
• A l t i m e t e r w i t h c u m u l a t i v e a s c e n t a n d
desc ent
• 99 lap memory chr onogr aph
• Countdo wn timer
• 5 Alarms
• EL backlight
S1 – St art/split Butt on
S2 – St op/r eset Butt on
S3 – Mode Butt on
S4 – Light/adjus t Butt on
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2
DISPLAY MODES The wat ch has eight display modes: TIME, COMP AS S (COMP), AL TIMETER (AL TI), BAROMETER (BARO), CHRO- NOGRAPH (CHRO), TIMER, ALARM and TEMPERA TURE (TE OPENING SCREEN FOR EACH MODE T o change fr om one display mode t o another, pr es s S3 butt on onc e. The mode description will appear f or ar ound 2 sec onds bef or e the sel ect ed mode is activ at ed. TO USE THE BACKLIGHT Pr es s S4 butt on t o turn on the backlight f or 3-5 sec onds. OTHERS In any setting/vie wing mode, if
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3
TO SET THE TIME AND CALENDAR Day Sea level pressure trend Time Month Date & Year 1. Pr es s S3 butt on t o sel ect TIME mode. 2. Pr es s S4 butt on f or ar ound 3 sec onds.The mes sage “Set-Time” will be display ed. 3. Pr es s S3 butt on onc e, the hour digits will blink. 4. Pr es s S1/S2 butt on t o set the hour digits. Holding do wn the butt on will speed up the pr oc es s. 5. Pr es s S3 butt on onc e, the minut e
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2. Pr es s S1/S2 butt on t o sel ect option mode. The mes sage “OPTION” will be display ed. 3. Pr es s S3 butt on c ontinuousl y t o sel ect among NIGHT, CHIME or BEEP mode. 4. Pr es s S1/S2 butt on t o activ at e or deactiv at e each mode. 5. Aft er finish making all the settings, pr es s S4 butt on t o c onfirm. NO TE: When NIGHT mode is activ at ed, the NIGHT mode ic on will appear . The backlight will turn on f or 3-5 sec- ond
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TO USE THE COMPASS This mo ving dot r epr esents the dir ection of North (N). Direction Degree (0º to 360º) Time 1. Pr es s S3 butt on t o sel ect COMP AS S mode. The dir ection, degr ee and time will be display ed. NO TE: In COMP AS S mode, if ther e is no k e y manipulation f or ar ound 30 sec onds, the c ompas s sensor will be deacti- v at ed f or po w er saving. Pr es s S1/S2/S4 butt on t o r e-activ at e the c ompas s sensor . If the c ompas s sensor is deact
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north, y ou hav e t o c ompensat e it by adjus ting the c ompas s declination. The declination angl e f or y our l oc al ar ea may be f ound bel o w: City Declination Angl e Anchor age 22 E Atlant a 4 W Bombay 1 W Bos t on 16 W Calgary 18 E Chic ago 3 W Denv er 10 E Jerusal em 3 E London 4 W Littl e Rock 3 E Livings t on, MT 14 E Munich 1 E Ne w Y ork City 14 W Orlando 5 W Osl o 2 W P aris 2 W Rio De Janeir o 21 W San F r ancisc o 15 E Seattl e 19 E Shang
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2. Pr es s S1/S2 butt on t o sel ect declination angl e setting mode. The mes sage “DECLIN” will be display ed. 3. Pr es s S3 butt on, E will blink. 4. Pr es s S1/S2 butt on t o t oggl e betw een E (Eas t) & W(W es t). 5. Pr es s S3 butt on. The declination angl e will blink. 6. Pr es s S1/S2 t o set the degr ee fr om 0˚ t o 90˚. 7. Aft er finish making all the settings, pr es s S4 butt on t o r eturn t o COMP AS S mode. TO CALIBRATE THE COMPASS
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8
until the chosen degr ee is display ed, then pr es s S1 butt on t o t ak e a “mark angl e”. A ne w mark will blink t o indic at e the mark ed dir ection and a ne w “mark angl e” (in degr ee) will be display ed. 1. Pr es s S1 butt on t o t ak e another “mark angl e”. 2. Pr es s S2 butt on t o r eturn t o COMP AS S mode. NO TE: Mark angl e helps y ou t o f oll o w a c ert ain dir ection or degr ee. The mark angl e al ways r emember s the las t dir ec- tion or degr ee sel ect ed. T
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9
NO TE: Altitude is measur ed by using an air pr es sur e sensor . Air pr es sur e changes c ons t antl y due t o v arying w eather c onditions. Ther ef or e, measur ed altitudes in the same position may v ary . Pr es sur e v ariations due t o w eather c onditions, or indoor air-c onditioning, may aff ect altitude r eadings. Calibr at e the altimet er at r egular int erv als t o mak e sur e it r emains ac cur at e. NO TE: The pr es sur e sensor r ange is: (-1600Ft) t o (29,500Ft) or (-500M
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USEFUL DEFINITIONS: ASCENT: The cumulativ e asc ent sinc e the Altitude Dat a was cl ear ed. DESCENT: The cumulativ e desc ent sinc e the Altitude Dat a was cl ear ed. DIFFER: It displays the diff er enc e in altitude sinc e the las t r eset of the function. RA TE: It displays the asc ent / desc ent r at e in the sel ect ed unit, it will updat e the v alue 1 time per minut e. L OGD A TE: It displays the time and dat e at las t time Altitude Dat a was cl ear ed. HIGHEST: The highes t altitude,
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11
mode (SET-AL TI), sea l e v el pr es sur e setting mode (SEA- Lv) or units setting mode (UNITS). 3. Pr es s S3 butt on onc e t o ent er int o each setting mode. Pr es s S3 butt on again t o r eturn t o the mode sel ection scr een. 4. In altitude setting mode, pr es s S1/S2 butt on t o set the altitude digits. 5. In sea l e v el pr es sur e setting mode, pr es s S1/S2 butt on t o set the sea l e v el pr es sur e digits. 6.
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12
TO SHOW THE LOG DATE AND TIME 1. In AL TIMETER mode, pr es s S2 butt on t o display l og dat e and time. 2. Pr es s S3 butt on or l eav e the wat ch idl e f or 5 sec onds t o r eturn t o AL TIMETER mode. TO CLEAR THE DATA 1. In AL TIMETER mode, pr es s and hold S2 butt on f or ar ound 3 sec onds t o cl ear all s t atis tic dat a and gr aphic dat a. NO TE: In the bar chart, aft er cl earing the dat a, the fir s t ne w dat a will be updat ed aft er 2 se
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13
3. Pr es s S1 butt on t o sel ect displaying the dat a of highes t altitude (Highes t), l o w es t altitude (Lo w es t), ac cumulativ e asc ent (ASCENT), ac cumulativ e desc ent (DESCENT), diff er enc e in altitude (DIFFER) or the individual s t atis tic and gr aphic dat a r ec or ded. Pr es s S2 butt on t o cy cl e the sel ection backwar d. 4. When displaying highes t altitude, l o w es t altitude and the individual s t atis ti
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14
Sea l e v el pr es sur e (tr end): A gr aphic al pr esent ation of sea l e v el pr es sur e de v el opment during the las t 23 hour s in 1-hour int erv als. The flashing point on the right of the display is the point of the ne w es t measur ement. The v ertic al axis r epr esents sea l e v el pr es- sur e v alue and one s t ep on the horizont al axis r epr esents 1 hour . By monit oring these changes y ou c an pr edict the w eather with r easonabl e ac cur acy . SEA-Lv: Sea-Lv means that y
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15
MIN: It displays the minimum absolut e air pr es sur e during the period measur ed, time and dat e. NO TE: The bar omet er measur es changes in air pr es sur e, which y ou c an then appl y t o y our o wn w eather pr edictions, it is not int ended f or use as a pr ecision ins trument in official w eather pr ediction or r eporting applic ation. If y ou r emain at the same altitude, changes in air pr es sur e help y ou t o pr edict changes in w eather c onditions. Sudden t emper atur e change
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6. Aft er finish making all the settings, pr es s S4 butt on t o r eturn t o BAROMETER mode. TO SHOW THE LOG DATE AND TIME 1. In BAROMETER mode, pr es s S2 butt on t o display l og dat e and time. 2. Pr es s S3 butt on or l eav e the wat ch idl e f or ar ound 5 sec onds t o r eturn t o BAROMETER mode. NO TE: The sea l e v el bar ometric pr es sur e (SLP) dat a c an be gather ed fr om r el e v ant w ebsit es, w eather s t ations or other so
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17
BAROMETER mode Initial setting (k e y in the “SET-Lv” f or setting sea l e v el pr es sur e) Dat a cl ear Measuring c an s t art NO TE: In the bar chart, aft er cl earing the dat a, ne w dat a will be updat ed aft er 2 sec onds and another will be t ak en in an hour . TO VIEW BAROMETER AND OTHER INFORMATION 1. In BAROMETER mode, pr es s S1 butt on t o sel ect displaying the dat a of sea l e v el pr es sur e (SEA-Lv), sea l e v el pr es sur e change per hour (dP
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18
TO VIEW DATA IN DETAIL 1. In BAROMETER mode, pr es s S4 butt on onc e. The mes- sage “VIEW D A T A ” will be display ed. 2. Aft er ar ound 2 sec onds or by pr es sing S1/S2 butt on, the mes sage “MAX” will be display ed. 3. Pr es s S1 butt on t o sel ect displaying the dat a of maxi- mum absolut e pr es sur e (MAX), minimum absolut e pr es sur e (MIN) or the s t atis tic and gr aphic dat a r e c or ded.
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2. The chr onogr aph will then be display ed in its curr ent sat e – r eset, running or s t opped. 3. T o r esume a c ounting, pr es s S1 butt on t o r esume fr om wher e it l eft off . 4. T o s t art a ne w c ounting, r eset the chr onogr aph t o zer o fir s t. Pr es s S2 butt on t o s t op c ounting, then pr es s and hold S2 butt on f or ar ound 3 sec onds t o r eset the c ount er t o zer o. FOR THE MEASUREMENT OF
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20
r eset the c ount er t o zer o. NO TE: The wat ch c an r ec or d up t o a maximum of 99 laps. During a measur ement of split time and lap time, the mes- sage “FULL ” will be display ed when the memory is full. TO USE THE RECALL FUNCTION 1. Aft er the measur ement of split time, pr es s S4 butt on t o sel ect REC ALL mode when the chr onogr aph is s t opped. 2. Aft er 2 sec onds or by pr es sing S1/S2 butt on, the sum of time of all lap c ounting (T O T AL)