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WARNING The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to cause cancer, birth de- fects or other reproductive harm.
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WARNING Indicates a potential hazard that could result in serious injury or death.
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We’vecreatedawebsite, justforYOU!! S Technicaltips S Newproductintroductions S Eventschedules S PartsandServiceManualinformation S Excitingdetails aboutTheWayOut Checkitout... 1
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WELCOME ThankyouforchoosingPolaris, andwelcometoourworld-wide familyofPolarisenthusiasts. Polarisproudlyproducesanexcitingline ofrecreational products, includingsnowmobiles, all-terrainvehicles, personal watercraft, utilityvehicles, andVictorymotorcycles. WebelievePolarissetsthestandardofexcellenceforall recreational vehiclesmanufacturedintheworldtoday. Manyyearsofexperiencein engineering, design, anddevelopment havegoneintomakingyour Polaris vehiclethefinest machinewe’veeverproduced. Followthei
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ATTENTION! This is anADULTVEHICLEONLY; not atoy. Operationis prohibitedforanyoneunder16yearsofage. READAND UNDERSTANDWARNINGS ANDOWNER’S MANUALBEFORE OPERATION. KNOWYOURVEHICLEBEFOREYOUBEGINRIDING! Readthismanual thoroughlyreferringtothevariousareaswhichare beingdiscussedonyourmachine. Operatingthisvehiclecarrieswithit responsibilitiesforyourpersonal safety, thesafetyofothers, andthe protectionofourenvironment. SAFETYTRAINING Whenyoupurchasedthisvehicleyourdealerofferedahands-onsafety trainingco
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TABLEOFCONTENTS VehicleIdentificationNumbers .............. 6 Safety ................................. 7 -20 Understanding Warnings ......................... 7 Key Safety Issues ............................... 8 Decals and Locations ........................... 13 Operator Safety ................................ 21 ControlsandFeatures ................. 37 -49 Controls....................................... 37 Features ...................................... 47 Operation............................
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TABLEOFCONTENTS MaintenanceandLubrication.......... 73 -117 Tools ......................................... 73 Periodic Maintenance Schedule .................. 74 Lubrication Recommendations ................... 77 Maintenance Record ........................... 85 Cooling System ................................ 86 Filter Systems ................................. 88 Adjustments ................................... 90 Spark Plugs .................................. 103 Spark Arrestor ................
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VEHICLEIDENTIFICATIONNUMBERS 2 1 Important: Recordthesenumbers from yourvehicleinthespaces provided. 1. Frame VIN 2. Engine Serial Number (Right front side of engine crankcase) Removethesparekey and storein asafeplace. Yourkey can be duplicatedonlybyobtainingakeyblankfrom Polarisandhavingit cutbymatingitwithyourexistingkey. Thevehicleframeandengineserial numbersareimportant formodel identificationwhenregisteringyourvehicle, obtaininginsuranceor wheneverreplacement parts arerequired. Intheevent y
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SAFETY UnderstandingWarnings Thefollowingtwopagesidentifysignal wordsandsymbolsthat appear inthismanual. Yoursafetyisinvolvedwhenthesewordsandsymbols areused. Becomefamiliarwiththeirmeaningsbeforereadingthe manual. The safety alert symbol, on your vehicle or in this manual, alerts you to the potential for personal injury. WARNING Indicates a potential hazard that could result in serious injury or death. CAUTION Indicates a potential hazard that may result in minor personal injury or damage to th
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SAFETY KeySafetyIssues ProtectYourSport Knowall local, state/provinceridinglaws; Respect yourvehicle; Respect theenvironment; and Youwill gaintherespect ofothers. Wealso adviseyou to strictly followtherecommended maintenance program asoutlined. Thispreventivemaintenanceprogram isdesigned toensurethatallcriticalcomponentsonthisvehiclearethoroughly inspected at various intervals. All informationinthismanual isbaseduponthelatest product dataand specificationsavailableatthetimeofprinting. PolarisInd
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SAFETY KeySafetyIssues SERIOUSINJURYORDEATHcan result if you do not followtheseinstructions: S Read this manual and all labels carefully and followtheoperating proceduresdescribed. S Neveroperatethisvehiclewithout properinstruction. Take a trainingcourse. Beginnersshouldreceivetrainingfrom acerti- fied instructor. Contact an authorized Polaris dealerorcall Polaris at 1-800-342-3764tofindout about thetrainingcoursesnearest you. S Neverallowanyoneunder16yearsofagetooperatethisvehicle. S Neverpermi
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SAFETY KeySafetyIssues S Neveroperatethevehicleonhillstoosteepforthevehicleorfor yourabilities. Practiceonsmallerhillsbeforeattemptinglarger hills. S Alwaysfollowproperproceduresforclimbinghillsasdescribedin thismanual. Checktheterraincarefullybeforeyoustartupany hill. Neverclimbhillswithexcessivelyslipperyorloosesurfaces. Shift yourweight forward. Neveropenthethrottlesuddenlyor makesuddengearchanges. Nevergooverthetopofanyhill at highspeed. S Alwaysfollowproperproceduresforgoingdownhillsandforb
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SAFETY KeySafetyIssues S Wet brakesmayhavereducedstoppingability. Test yourbrakes afterleavingwater. Ifnecessaryapplythemlightlyseveraltimes toletfrictiondryoutthepads. S Alwaysbesuretherearenoobstaclesorpeoplebehindyouwhen you operatein reverse. When it is safeto proceed in reverse, go slowly. Avoidturningat sharpanglesinreverse. S Alwaysusethesizeandtypetiresspecifiedinthismanual. Always maintainpropertirepressureasdescribedinthismanual. S Nevermodifythisvehiclethroughimproperinstallationoruse
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SAFETY SafeRidingGear Alwayswearclothingsuitedtothetypeofridingyouaredoing. Ridingthisvehiclerequiresspecial protectiveclothingwhichwill makeyoufeel morecomfortableandreducechancesofinjury. 1. Helmet Yourhelmet isthemost important pieceofprotectivegearforsafe riding. Ahelmet can prevent a seriousheadinjury. Select an approved helmet which meets orexceeds yourstate’s 1 safetystandardsandbearseither theDepartmentofTransportation (DOT)label, theAmerican NationalStandardsInstitutelabel (ANSIZ90.1),
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SAFETY SafetyDecalsandLocations NOTE: Warningdecals havebeenplacedonthevehicleforyourprotection. Read and followtheinstructions on each decal carefully. In theevent any decal becomesillegibleorcomesoff, contactyourPolarisdealer forareplacement. Any safety decal needing replacement will be providedbyPolarisat nocharge. Thepart numberisprintedonthe decal. Theadditionofcertainaccessories including, but notlimitedto: mowers, blades, tires, sprayers, orlargeracks may changethehandling characteristics
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SAFETY SafetyDecalsandLocations 1 WARNING DO NOT TOW FROM RACK OR BUMPER. Vehicle damage or tipover may result causing severe injury or death. Tow only from tow hooks or hitch Maximum Front Rack Load 75 lbs. 2 WARNING IMPROPER TIRE PRESSURE OR OVERLOADING can cause loss of control resulting in SEVERE INJURY OR DEATH. TIRE PRESSURE (PSI): FRONT 5 CENTER 5 REAR 5 MAXIMUM WEIGHT CAPACITY (Gross Vehicle Weight INCLUDING MACHINE, DRIVER AND CARGO IS 1965 LBS.) Reduce speed and allow greater distance
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SAFETY SafetyDecalsandLocations 3 15
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SAFETY SafetyDecalsandLocations 3 WARNING Improper vehicle use can result in SEVERE INJURY or DEATH. NEVER: D Operateonpublicroads.Acollisioncanoccurwithanothervehicle. D Carry passengers. Passengers affect balance andsteering andin- crease risk of losing control. D USE ALCOHOL or DRUGS before or while operating this vehicle. D Operate at speeds too fast for your skills or the conditions. D Operate this vehicle on HILLS steeper than15 degrees 15 °. D Topreventflipoveronhillyterrain,usethrottlean
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SAFETY SafetyDecalsandLocations 5 7 8 4 6 17