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Woodburning Stove
Model 1450
Installation and
Operating Manual
Encore N
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Encore 1450 Non-Catalytic Woodburning Stove Welcome Congratulations on your choice of a Vermont Castings Encore. With this purchase you have made a commitment to make the hearth a place of warmth, beauty, and comfort in your home. At CFM Corporation, we share that joy and appreciation for the hearth. You may be assured that your cast-iron Vermont Castings stove has been made with the utmost care and will provide you with many years of service. As you become acquainted with your new stove or fi
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Encore 1450 Non-Catalytic Woodburning Stove Specifications Range of heat output ............ 10,600 to 24,050 BTU/hr* *Under specific conditions used during EPA emissions Maximum heat output ..........................50,000 BTU/hr** testing. EPA emissions ratings, g/hr, non-catalytic ...............0.7* **These values are based on operation in building Area heated*** ............... Up to 1900 sq. ft. (175 sq. m.) code-conforming homes under typical winter climate Fuel size/type ...............
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Encore 1450 Non-Catalytic Woodburning Stove Installation SAFETY NOTICE: IF YOUR ENCORE IS NOT PROP- Outside Air ERLY INSTALLED, A HOUSE FIRE MAY RESULT. In some modern, super-insulated homes, there is TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE, FOLLOW THE inadequate air for combustion because of insufficient INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS. CONTACT LOCAL air infiltration into the building. Such air enters a home BUILDING OR FIRE OFFICIALS ABOUT RESTRIC- through unsealed cracks and openings. Exhaust fans TION
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Encore 1450 Non-Catalytic Woodburning Stove What Kind of Chimney to Use Masonry Chimneys An inspection of the chimney must confirm that it has You must connect the Encore to a code-approved a lining. Do not use an unlined chimney. The chimney masonry chimney with a flue liner, to a relined masonry should have no cracks, loose mortar, other signs of chimney that meets local codes, or to a prefabricated deterioration, and blockage. Repair any defects before metal chimney that complies with th
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Encore 1450 Non-Catalytic Woodburning Stove NOTE: Special slip pipes and thimble sleeves that form Chimney Connector Guidelines telescoping joints between sections of chimney con- A chimney connector is the double-wall or single-wall nector are available to simplify installations. They often pipe that connects the stove to the chimney. The chim- eliminate the need to cut individual connector sections. ney itself is the masonry or prefabricated structure that Consult your local dealer about t
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Encore 1450 Non-Catalytic Woodburning Stove Chimney Flue Thimble Sleeve Flue Elbow Flue Liner Chimney Connector Keep Slip Pipe sleeve end flush Thimble with flue Standard tile Connector Oval to Round Adapter ST243 Flue Collar Fig. 7 The thimble, made of either ceramic or metal, must be cemented securely in place. The thimble sleeve should protrude 1-2” (25-50mm) into the room. (Fig. 7) Use furnace cement and thin gasket- ing to seal the sleeve in place in the thimble. Secure ST243 the
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Encore 1450 Non-Catalytic Woodburning Stove • The fireplace damper must be sealed to prevent room air from escaping up the flue. However, it must be possible to re-open the damper to inspect or clean the chimney. Flexible Connector Chimney * Connector Shields Mantel Shield Fireplace Adapter Kit “Positive Con- nection” * Mantel * Check These Clearances Seal Damper ST245 to Air Flow Fig. 9 In this installation, the chimney connector enters the firepalce opening and then connects to the chimn
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D E F I A T T N Encore 1450 Non-Catalytic Woodburning Stove Wall Stud Floor Protection A tremendous amount of heat radiates from the bottom Chimney plate of your stove. The floor area directly under and Connector around the stove will require protection from radiant heat as well as from stray sparks or embers that may escape the firebox. Heat protection is provided through the bottom heat shield. Spark, ember and thermal protection must be provided by a floor protector constructed with nonco
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Encore 1450 Non-Catalytic Woodburning Stove EXAMPLE: The specified floor protector should be 1/2- C inch thick material with k-factor of 0.84. The proposed alternate is 4” brick with an r-factor of 0.2 over 1/8” mineral board with a k-factor of 0.29 D Step a: Use formula above to convert specification to B 1 1 R-value: R = x T = x 0.5 = 0.59 E k 0.84 E E E Step b: Calculate R of proposed system. 4” brick of r = 0.2, therefore: F F R = 0.2 x 4 = 0.8 brick A A 1/8” mineral board
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Encore 1450 Non-Catalytic Woodburning Stove The Encore 1450 includes a bottom heat shield that is Keep the Stove a Safe Distance needed in most installations. Refer to Page 9 for more from Surrounding Materials information on required floor protection. In addition, top exit installations that do not include wall protection must Both a stove and its chimney connector radiate heat in include a vertical flue collar heat shield. (Consult clear- all directions when operating, and dangerous overhe
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Encore 1450 Non-Catalytic Woodburning Stove Air must be able to flow between the wall and the Fireplace Mantel and Trim Shields shield. At least 50% of the bottom 1" (25 mm) of the shield should be open and the shield must be open at A fireplace installation requires special clearance be- the top. Use metal screening, as in Figure 14, to keep tween the side of the stove and the right and left walls, stray objects from falling behind the shield. between the side of the stove and the decorative
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Encore 1450 Non-Catalytic Woodburning Stove Side 7/16” Durock® Wall (or equivalent) A 36" Use recommended B spaced 1” off Max. floor protection wood studs on noncombustible spacers C C 48" Min. ST502 D Fig. 17 Floor plan. Sheetrock on front face butts to Durock® (or equivalent) alcove lining. ST253b ST502 Fireplace and Mantel Trim Clearances Intrepid Joist Shield Unprotected Protected Alcove floor plan (Supplied 11/10/00 djt A. Mantel 38” (965 mm) 22” (559 mm) by Chimney Manufac-
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Encore 1450 Non-Catalytic Woodburning Stove Ceiling sup- port package extends 2” below Durock® (or equivalent) ceiling 1” air gap, top and bot- tom, on both 60" Min. 63" sides and to Alcove back wall Ceiling ST504 NOTE: From 60” to 63” must be covered by a noncombus- Fig. 19 Cutaway perspective of acolve installation. tible material. ST506 St504 Existing Combus- Alcove cutaway Fig. 21 Front Section; 63” min. clearance from finsihed floor tible Framing 21���" 11/00 surface to combu
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Encore 1450 Non-Catalytic Woodburning Stove Encore NC Clearance Chart For use with either 6” or 8” flue collar/chimney connection Unprotected Surfaces Protected Surfaces Stove Clearance Stove Installed Stove Stove Installed Stove Parallel to Wall in Corner Parallel to Wall in Corner Side Rear Corners Side Rear Corners No stove heat shields, vertical flue collar heat 1,4 1,4 1,4 (A) 17” (B) 29” (C) 28” (D) 8” (E) 15” (F) 8” shield installed (except (432 mm) (737 mm) (711 mm) (203 mm
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Encore 1450 Non-Catalytic Woodburning Stove Encore Clearance Diagrams For use with either 6” or 8” flue collar/chimney connector Unprotected Surfaces Protected Surfaces Stove Installed Stove Installed Stove in Corner Stove in Corner Parallel to Wall Parallel to Wall Top Exit Installations, No Stove Heat Shields, collar heat shield installed. C F B E A C D F Top Exit Installations, vertical collar heat shield, and chimney connector heat shields or double-wall connector. I L H K G J I L Rear Exi
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Encore 1450 Non-Catalytic Woodburning Stove Wall Shield Requirements for Common Installations E A E A = 30” (762 mm) A = 30” (762 mm) B = 48” (1219 mm) B = 44” (1118 mm) A C = 66” (1676 mm) C = 36” (910 mm) B D = 36” (910 mm) D = 66” (1676 mm) B B B D C E = 1” (25 mm) E = 1” (25 mm) D C E E E E ST628 ST629a Fig. 23 Parallel installation, vertical chimney connector, Fig. 22 Parallel installation, vertical chimney connector, with stove, connector and wall shields. Maximum reduction two w
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Encore 1450 Non-Catalytic Woodburning Stove Distance from the Center of the Flue Collar to the Wall in Top-Exit Installations The information on this page is helpful in planning stove placement for top-exiting installations, particularly those in- stallations with chimneys that pass through the ceiling. However, this is not a clearance chart. Final stove clearances must adhere to the guidelines stated in the clearance chart on Page 14. Dimensions indicated are valid for installations with ei
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Encore 1450 Non-Catalytic Woodburning Stove Assembly Adjust the Leg Levellers Set Up Your Stove Lift the stove slightly so there is no weight on the leg Cast iron stoves are heavy, and it will take two to four while making the adjustment. people to move your Encore into position. Wipe the protective Reverse the Flue Collar (If Necessary) coating of oil from Reverse the flue collar by removing the two (2) screws the griddle with a that attach it to the back of the stove. Be sure the gas- c
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Encore 1450 Non-Catalytic Woodburning Stove Fan Kit Installation 1. Remove the sheet metal outer back shown in Figure 32. 2. Attach the fan assembly at the bottom edge of the in- ner back with two (2) 1/4-20 x 3/4” hex head screws and one (1) 1/4” star washer. 3. Attach snapstat to the mounting holes on the un- derside of the bottom with two (2) 1/4-20 pan head screws. Rheostat Knob 4. Attach the rheostat holder, (provided with stove), under the right wing of the bottom heat shield with tw