Manual de instrucciones de Mitel LDP7004N/D

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Mitel LDP7004N/D

Aparato: Mitel LDP7004N/D
Categoría: Teléfono móvil
Fabricante: Mitel
Tamaño: 0.43 MB
Fecha de añadido: 6/23/2014
Número de páginas: 8
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

LDP7004N/D Digital Telephone
Quick User Guide
© Crane Telecommunications Ltd 2004

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Preset Messages Servicing and Safety Precautions Preset Messages • Do not drop or subject the phone to physical shock Pre-set messages are particularly useful for internal users who call your extension when you are away from your desk or out of the office. Callers will see the message in their display • Do not immerse in water when they call your extension. Preset messages that can be left in the display of your handset • Do not disassemble or attempt to modify the phone in any way are as fol

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

Getting to know your 7004N/D User Programming Codes Your digital telephone’s keys (1) OHD User Programming Codes Off Hook Dial - This is for activating the phone’s speaker whilst on hook, however the The two flexible buttons that are not labelled can be assigned as the one of the popular phone’s handset must be lifted to engage in conversation. Useful when using a headset. features below. To programme a button as the code the sequence is: [TRANS/PGM] + [FLEX BUTTON] + Programme Number + [HOLD/

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

General Functions Making and Answering calls Always ensure that external parties are informed if you intend to record a call. Making and Answering an external call Options for calling externally are: 1. Lift the handset and dial 9 followed by the number. 2. Dial 9 followed by the number. 3. Press the [OHD] button and dial 9 followed by the number. For options 2 and 3 you must lift the handset when the called party answers as the 7004N/D does not support full ‘Hands Free’ speech. (Note: It is po

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Menu Tree General Functions This menu tree can be used for programming various advanced features. To enter the menu press the [TRANS/PGM] button. Call Forward 1. Dial 554 from your handset. [1] RING [5] MESSAGE 3. Select a forward option as per below. (Example: Select option 4, Busy/No Answer) 1.1 TYPE 5.1 SET PRESELECTED MSG 4. Select the destination appropriate to the call forward type. (To select the integral messaging 1.2 ANSWER MODE 5.2 SET CUSTOM MSG card for options 1 to 4 press # - Yo

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

General Functions User Programming Call Park This is a way of transferring a caller to a temporary ‘parking bay’ where they can be retrieved by another party. This is useful at busy reception positions as an alternative to placing callers Character Entry Chart on hold. See below for operation. Please follow the chart below when entering characters. Parking a Call Whilst connected to an external party press the [TRANSFER] button, dial a Park Location (See below for location numbers) or press a

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

User Programming General Functions Saving your name to your phone (Allows others to see who is calling them internally). Call Pickup (Directed) – Interception of unanswered calls at an extension or hunt group. 1. Press the [TRANS/PGM] button and dial 74. 1. Dial 7 followed by a hunt group number or the extension number of the station that is 2. Enter your name as per the Character Entry chart ringing 3. Press the [HOLD/SAVE] button to save your name to the system memory 2. You will then be co

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

General Functions Conference Call This feature allows multiple parties to speak simultaneously. You will need a flexible button assigned as [CONFERENCE]. 1. Press the [CONFERENCE] button while on a call. 2. Dial another extension or external number. 3. When the party answers press the CONFERENCE button once to enable you to add another party or twice to set up the conference and allow all parties to converse. Last Number Redial/Redial To use the redial feature you will need a flexible button a

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