Manual de instrucciones de LG Electronics PM325 PM-325

Manual de instrucciones del aparato LG Electronics PM325 PM-325

Aparato: LG Electronics PM325 PM-325
Categoría: Teléfono móvil
Fabricante: LG Electronics
Tamaño: 1.29 MB
Fecha de añadido: 7/27/2013
Número de páginas: 8
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LG Electronics PM325 PM-325 Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1




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Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S PM325 H e a d s e t Ja c k S e l f- Po r t r a i t E a r P i e c e M i r r o r Vo i c e D i a l & Vo i c e M e m o Vo l u m e U p / D o w n ® B l u e t o o t h i s a r a d i o t e c h n o l o g y t h a t d e l i v e r s s h o r t- r a n g e w i r e l e s s connectivity for up to 30 feet. I t e n a b l e s f a s t , s e c u r e t r a n s m i s s i o n o f b o t h v o i c e a n d d a t a w i t h o u t w i r e s b e t w e e n m o b i l e I n t e g r a t e d V

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

P M 3 2 5 BLUETOOTH WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY USING YOUR HANDSET FOR DIAL-UP NETWORKING (DUN) Connect a Bluetooth capable PC or handheld device wirelessly to the Internet with the PM325. Additional service required for dial-up networking. Pairing the Devices 1. From the Bluetooth (7) menu, select Enable Bluetooth and press OK. 2. Select Enable Bluetooth again and press OK. 3. Select Add New and press OK. 4. Select Waiting for Pairing and press OK. 5. You will be prompted for a PIN code, which is use

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

PM325 CUSTOMIZING CAMERA SETTINGS The PM325 hosts an array of camera features for taking VGA-quality photographs for viewing, storing or sharing wirelessly. Changing the Resolution The PM325 can store up to 20 high (VGA), 42 medium (QVGA) or 100 low (QQVGA) images. 1. Press the OK/Camera Key or select Pictures (1) from the main menu. 2. Select Camera to initiate the camera mode. 3. While in camera mode, select the Right Soft Key for Options. 4. Select Settings and press OK. 5. Select Resolutio

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

PM325 SM SENDING PICTURES VIA PICTURE MAIL Select In Camera pictures and send to e-mail address, phone book contact, other mobile number or other service. Record a 10-second voice memo, add a text message, and send up to 10 pictures per Picture Mail. 1. From the Messaging (2) menu, select Picture Mail and press OK. 2. Select Send Picture and press OK. 3. Choose either From My Pictures or Take New Picture and press OK. 4. Highlight the pictures you want to send, press OK to select each image, th

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

PM325 CUSTOMIZABLE FEATURES CHANGING THE SOUND SETTINGS Selecting a Ringer 1. From the Settings (9) menu, select Sounds and press OK. 2. Select Ringers and press OK. 3. Select Caller ID, No Caller ID or Roaming and press OK. 4. Choose from the list of 30 available default ringers and press OK or select the list of downloaded or voice memo ringers by selecting the Right Soft Key for More. Adjusting Volume Settings 1. From the Settings (9) menu, select Sounds and press OK. 2. Select Volume and pr

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

PM325 PERSONAL INFORMATION TOOLS Scheduling an Event 1. From the Tools (4) menu, select Scheduler and press OK. 2. Highlight the event date using your Navigation Key and press OK. 3. Select Add Events to create a new event and press OK. 4. Set the appropriate start and end times, title, recurrence (if any), alarm and ringer by scrolling to the corresponding field, entering the desired information, and pressing OK. 5. Select Left Soft Key for Save. Shortcut: Press the left arrow on the Navigation

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

PM325 a 2 D i s p l ay Pictures (1) Tools (4) Bluetooth (7) G re e t i n g 1 C a m e ra ( O p t i o n s ) 1 S c h e d u l e r 1 E n a b l e / D i s a b l e B l u e to o t h B a c k l i g h t S e l f Ti m e r 2 A l a r m C l o c k 2 A d d N ew S c re e n S av e rs C o l o r To n e A l a r m 1 S e a rc h i n g f o r n Incoming Calls N o r m a l A l a r m 2 Pa i r i n g n Contrast S e p i a A l a r m 3 Wa i t i n g f o r n Menu Style B l a c k & W h i te

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