Manual de instrucciones de LG Electronics B016222

Manual de instrucciones del aparato LG Electronics B016222

Aparato: LG Electronics B016222
Categoría: Teléfono móvil
Fabricante: LG Electronics
Tamaño: 10.67 MB
Fecha de añadido: 7/27/2014
Número de páginas: 122
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Bluetooth QD ID B016222

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

Congratulations on your purchase of the advanced and compact phone by LG, designed to operate with the latest digital mobile communication technology. Some of the contents in this manual may differ from your phone depending on the software of the phone or your service provider. User Guide

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Contents For Your Safety ..............3 Audio Postcard........... 87 Getting to know your Multimedia ..................88 phone.............................41 Social Buzz ..................96 Open view ....................43 Organizer ..................... 97 Installing the SIM and The web ......................104 battery ..........................44 Settings ......................108 Memory card ..............46 Software Update ....... 116 Using your touch screen ..........................

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

For Your Safety • Only use the battery Safety Information for the system for which it is specified. Please read and observe • Only use the battery the following information with a charging for safe and proper use system that has of your phone and to been qualified with prevent damage. the system per this standard. Use of an Violation of the unqualified battery or instructions may cause charger may present a minor or serious damage risk of fire, explosion, to the product. lea

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

For Your Safety • Improper battery use • Replace the battery only with another may result in a fire, explosion or other battery that has been qualified with hazard. • For those host devices the system per this standard, IEEE-Std- that utilize a USB port as a charging source, 1725-200x. Use of an unqualified battery the host device’s user manual shall may present a risk of fire, explosion, leakage include a statement that the phone shall or other hazard. • Promptly dispose on

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

Charger and Adapter Battery Information Safety and Care • The charger and • Please read the adapter are intended manual of proper for indoor use only. installation and • Insert the battery pack removal of the battery. charger vertically into • Please read the the wall power socket. manual of specified • Unplug the power charger about cord and charger charging method. during lightning • Do not damage storms to avoid the power cord by electric shock or fire. bending, twisting, • U

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

For Your Safety • Unplug the power • Recharge the battery cord prior to cleaning after long periods of non-use to maximize your phone, and clean the power plug pin battery life. Battery life will vary due when it’s dirty. When using the power to usage pattern and environmental plug, ensure that it’s firmly connected. conditions. • Never store your If not, it may cause excessive heat or phone in temperature less than -4 °F or fire. If you put your phone in a pocket or greater th

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

• When using the characteristics and cycle life. battery for the first time, if it emits a bad • Do not use or leave the battery under smell, you see rust on it, or anything else the blazing sun or in heated car by abnormal, do not use the equipment and sunshine. The battery may generate heat, bring the battery to the shop which it was smoke or flame. And also, it might cause bought. • Keep batteries away the deterioration of battery’s from babies and small children. If char

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

For Your Safety • If liquid from the • Do not handle the battery rubs against phone with wet hands skin or clothing, wash while it is being with fresh water. It charged. It may cause may cause the skin an electric shock or inflammation. Remove seriously damage your and do not use the phone. battery. Be careful • Do not place or answer calls while that children do not swallow any parts charging the phone as it may short-circuit (such as earphone, connection parts the phone and/or

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

period time, store General Notice it in a safe place • An emergency call with the power cord can be made only unplugged. within a service area. • Using the phone in For an emergency call, proximity to receiving make sure that you equipment (i.e., TV are within a service or radio) may cause area and that the interference to the phone is turned on. phone. • Do not place items • Do not use the containing magnetic phone if the antenna components such as is damaged. If a a

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

For Your Safety important phone FCC Part 15 Class B Compliance numbers. (Ringtones, This device and its text messages, voice accessories comply messages, pictures, with part 15 of FCC and videos could rules. Operation is also be deleted.) The subject to the following manufacturer is not two conditions: (1) liable for damage due This device and its to the loss of data. accessories may • When you use the not cause harmful phone in public interference, and (2) places, set the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

equipment does cause Part 15.105 statement harmful interference This equipment has or television reception, been tested and which can be found to comply determined by turning with the limits for a the equipment off class B digital device, and on, the user is pursuant to Part 15 of encouraged to try to the FCC Rules. These correct the interference limits are designed by one or more of the to provide reasonable following measures: protection against • Reorient or relocate har

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

For Your Safety FCC RF Exposure international standards. Information Bodily Contact During WARNING! Read this Operation information before This device was tested operating the phone. for typical use with In August 1996, the the back of the phone Federal Communications kept 0.79 inches (2 Commission (FCC) of cm) from the body. To the United States, with comply with FCC RF its action in Report and exposure requirements, Order FCC 96-326, a minimum separation adopted an updated di

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

between the user’s Caution body and the back of Use only the supplied the phone and have antenna. Use of not been tested for unauthorized antennas compliance with FCC RF (or modifications to the exposure limits. antenna) could impair call quality, damage Vehicle-Mounted External Antenna the phone, void your warranty and/or violate (Optional, if available.) To satisfy FCC RF FCC regulations. Don’t use the phone with exposure requirements, keep 8 inches (20 cm) a damaged antenna. A

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

For Your Safety the Food and Drug Consumer Administration (“FDA”) Information About and the Federal Radio Frequency Communications Commission (“FCC”) set Emissions policies and procedures for wireless phones. Your wireless phone, The FDA issued a which contains a website publication on radio transmitter and health issues related receiver, emits radio to cell phone usage frequency energy during where it states, “The use. The following scientific community consumer informatio

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

to cancer or a variety conducted around the world and FDA of other problems, including headaches, continues to monitor developments in this dizziness or memory loss.” This publication field. You can access the joint FDA/FCC website is available at http:// at (under “c” or through the FCC at (888) 225-5322 or in the subject index, select Cell Phones > (888) CALL-FCC. Research). You can also What does “SAR” contact the FDA toll-free mea

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

For Your Safety the SAR value may limits established by the FCC. One of these vary from call to call, depending on factors limits is expressed as a Specific Absorption such as proximity to a cell site, the proximity of Rate, or “SAR.” SAR is a measure of the rate of the phone to the body while in use, and the use absorption of RF energy in the body. Tests for of hands-free devices. Before a phone model is SAR are conducted with the phone transmitting available for sale to the pub

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

Grant section of http:// the body, as described in this user guide, is fccid/ after searching on 0.79 W/kg (body-worn measurements differ FCC ID BEJGS505. For more information among phone models, depending upon about SARs, see the FCC’s OET Bulletins available accessories and FCC requirements). 56 and 65 at http:// While there may be differences between Engineering_Technology/ Documents/bulletins SAR levels of various phones and at various or

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

For Your Safety Can I minimize my RF head. On the other exposure? hand, if the phone is If you are concerned mounted against the about RF, there are waist or other part of the several simple steps you body during use, then can take to minimize that part of the body your RF exposure. You will absorb more RF can, of course, reduce energy. Wireless phones your talk time. You can marketed in the U.S. are place more distance required to meet safety between your body and requirements re

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