Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1
Split System Heat Pump
(Shipped Without Refrigerant Charge)
• Refer to Service Manual RS6100004 for installation, operation, and troubleshooting information.
• All safety information must be followed as provided in the Service Manual.
• Refer to the appropriate Parts Catalog for part number information.
• Models listed on page 3.
This manual is to be used by qualified, professionally tr
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2
PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION The model number is used for positive identification of component parts used in manufacturing. Please use this number when requesting service or parts information. G S H 13 036 3 A E BRAND: *MINOR ® G: Goodman REVISION: (Standard E: Initial Release Feature Set w/o refrigerant Models) ® SEER S: Goodman RATING: *MAJOR Deluxe REVISION: SEER Rating (High A: Initial Feature Set Release Mode
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PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION The model number is used for positive identification of component parts used in manufacturing. Please use this number when requesting service or parts information. GSH130484AC GSH130603AC GSH130604AC GSH130484AD GSH130484AE GSH130363AE GSH130483AE GSH130363AF GSH130363AG GSH130483BA GSH130483BB * Indicates minor revision & is not used for order entry or inventory management The United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) has issued various regulations re- W WA A
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PRODUCT DESIGN These GSH13 SEER heat pump models are shipped with a These Scroll compressors use white oil which is compatible nitrogen holding charge only and are available in 3, 4 and 5 with 3GS. 3GS oil may be used if additional oil is required. ton sizes for 208/230 volt 3 phase applications and for 4 and GSH13 model heat pumps do not use a reversing relay to 5 tons in 460 volt 3 phase. energize the reversing valve. The reversing valve is energized These units are designed for free air dis
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PRODUCT DIMENSIONS W D H Model Dimensions - W x D x H GSH130363AE/AF 29 x 29 x 38¼ GSH130483AE 29 x 29 x 34¼ GSH130483B* 29 x 29 x 34¼ GSH130603AC 35½ x 35½ x 34¼ GSH130484AC/AD 29 x 29 x 34¼ GSH130604AC 35½ x 35½ x 34¼ 5
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GSH130[36-60]3* HEAT PUMP SPECIFICATIONS GSH130[48-60]4* Cooling Capacity, BTUH 35,000 31,400 45,000 55,500 45,000 55,500 Compressor R.L. Amps 9.0 9.9 12.4 17.3 5.8 6.7 L.R. Amps 65.5 73.0 88.0 123.0 44.0 49.5 Loss of Charge Pressure Switch Open / Close 7 PSIG/25 PSIG 7 PSIG/25 PSIG 7 PSIG/25 PSIG 7 PSIG/25 PSIG 7 PSIG/25 PSIG 7 PSIG/25 PSIG Condenser Fan Motor Horsepower 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/6 1/4 1/6 F.L. Amps 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.1 0.8 0.6 Liquid Line, Inches O.D. 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" Suction Line
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COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA GSH130363AE 7 EXPANDED PERFORMANCE DATA COOLING OPERATION MODEL: GSH130363A* / ARUF49-00*-1* / ARUF36421A* Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65 75 85 95 105 115 Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB* Airflow 5963 677159 6367 715963 6771 596367 7159 6367715963 6771 MBh 34.3 35.5 38.9 - 33.5 34.7 38.0 - 32.7 33.9 37.1 - 31.9 33.1 36.2 - 30.3 31.4 34.4 - 28.1 29.1 31.9 - S/T 0.76 0.64 0.44 - 0.79 0.66 0.46 - 0.81 0.67 0.47 - 0.83 0.70 0.48 - 0.87 0.72 0.50 - 0.87 0.73 0.51 -
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COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA GSH130363AE 8 COOLING OPERATION EXPANDED PERFORMANCE DATA MODEL: GSH130363A* / ARUF49-00*-1* / ARUF36421A* Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65 75 85 95 105 115 Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB* Airflow 59636771 59 6367 71 5963 67 71 596367715963677159 636771 MBh 35.5 36.3 38.8 41.4 34.7 35.4 37.9 40.5 33.8 34.6 37.0 39.5 33.0 33.7 36.1 38.5 31.4 32.1 34.2 36.6 29.1 29.7 31.7 33.9 S/T 0.950.890.720.54 1.00 0.920.75 0.56 1.000.94 0.77 0.571.001.000.79 0.59
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COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA GSH130363AF 9 COOLING OPERATION EXPANDED PERFORMANCE DATA MODEL: GSH130363A* / ARUF49-00*-1* / ARUF36421A* Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65 75 85 95 105 115 Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB* Airflow 59 63 677159 63 67 715963 67 715963 67 71 5963 67 71596367 71 MBh 30.3 31.4 34.4 - 29.6 30.7 33.6 - 28.9 30.0 32.8 - 28.2 29.2 32.0 - 26.8 27.8 30.4 - 24.8 25.7 28.2 - S/T 0.79 0.66 0.46 - 0.82 0.68 0.47 - 0.84 0.70 0.49 - 0.87 0.72 0.50 - 0.90 0.75 0.52 - 0.91 0.76 0
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COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA GSH130363AF 10 COOLING OPERATION EXPANDED PERFORMANCE DATA MODEL: GSH130363A* / ARUF49-00*-1* / ARUF36421A* Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65 75 85 95 105 115 Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB* Airflow 59 63 677159 63 67 715963 67 715963 67 71 5963 67 71596367 71 MBh 31.4 32.134.336.630.731.3 33.535.829.930.632.7 34.929.229.8 31.934.1 27.728.330.3 32.425.726.328.030.0 S/T 1.00 0.920.750.561.000.96 0.780.581.000.980.80 0.601.001.00 0.830.62 0.641.001.00
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COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA GSH130483AE 11 COOLING OPERATION EXPANDED PERFORMANCE DATA MODEL: GSH130483A* / ARUF61-00*-1* / ARUF48601A* Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65 75 85 95 105 115 Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB* Airflow 59 6367715963 6771596367 7159 63 67715963 677159 6367 71 MBh 44.1 45.7 50.1 - 43.1 44.6 48.9 - 42.0 43.6 47.7 - 41.0 42.5 46.6 - 39.0 40.4 44.3 - 36.1 37.4 41.0 - S/T 0.76 0.63 0.44 - 0.79 0.66 0.46 - 0.81 0.67 0.47 - 0.83 0.70 0.48 - 0.86 0.72 0.50 - 0.87 0.73 0.50
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COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA GSH130483AE 12 COOLING OPERATION EXPANDED PERFORMANCE DATA MODEL: GSH130483A* / ARUF61-00*-1* / ARUF48601A* Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65 75 85 95 105 115 Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB* Airflow 59 6367715963 6771596367 7159 63 67715963 677159 6367 71 MBh 45.6 46.649.853.344.645.6 48.752.043.544.547.5 50.842.5 43.4 46.449.540.341.2 43.6 S/T 0.95 0.890.720.541.000.92 0.750.561.000.940.77 0.571.00 1.00 0.790.591.001.00 0.820.611.001.000.83
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COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA GSH130603AC 13 COOLING OPERATION EXPANDED PERFORMANCE DATA MODEL: GSH130603A* / ARUF61-00*-1* / ARUF48601A* Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65 75 85 95 105 115 Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 54.4 56.4 61.8 - 53.1 55.1 60.3 - 51.9 53.7 58.9 - 50.6 52.4 57.5 - 48.1 49.8 54.6 - 44.5 46.1 50.6 - S/T 0.72 0.60 0.42 - 0.75 0.63 0.43 - 0.77 0.64 0.45 - 0.79 0.66 0.46 - 0.82 0.69 0.48 - 0
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COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA GSH130603AC 14 COOLING OPERATION EXPANDED PERFORMANCE DATA MODEL: GSH130603A* / ARUF61-00*-1* / ARUF48601A* Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65 75 85 95 105 115 Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB* Airflow 59 63 6771 5963 67715963 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 6367 7159 6367 71 MBh 56.29 57.52 61.45 65.69 54.98 56.18 60.02 64.16 53.67 54.84 58.59 62.64 52.36 53.51 57.17 61.11 49.74 50.83 54.31 58.05 46.08 47.09 50.31 53.78 S/T 0.90 0.850.690.510.940.88 0.710.530.96 0.900.73 0.5
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COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA GSH130484AC 15 COOLING OPERATION EXPANDED PERFORMANCE DATA MODEL: GSH130484A* / AR*f486016B Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65 75 85 95 105 115 Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 54.4 56.4 61.8 - 53.1 55.1 60.3 - 51.9 53.7 58.9 - 50.6 52.4 57.5 - 48.1 49.8 54.6 - 44.5 46.1 50.6 - S/T 0.72 0.60 0.42 - 0.75 0.63 0.43 - 0.77 0.64 0.45 - 0.79 0.66 0.46 - 0.82 0.69 0.48 - 0.83 0.69 0.48 -
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COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA GSH130484AC 16 COOLING OPERATION EXPANDED PERFORMANCE DATA MODEL: GSH130484A* / AR*f486016B Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65 75 85 95 105 115 Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB* Airflow 59 6367715963 6771596367 71 59 63 67 71 596367 71 59 636771 MBh 56.29 57.52 61.45 65.69 54.98 56.18 60.02 64.16 53.67 54.84 58.59 62.64 52.36 53.51 57.17 61.11 49.74 50.83 54.31 58.05 46.08 47.09 50.31 53.78 S/T 0.90 0.850.69 0.510.940.88 0.710.530.960.900.73 0.551.00 0.93 0.76 0.56
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COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA GSH130484AD 17 EXPANDED PERFORMANCE DATA COOLING OPERATION MODEL: GSH130484A* / AR*F486016B* Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65 75 85 95 105 115 Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 43.5 45.1 49.4 - 42.5 44.1 48.3 - 41.5 43.0 47.1 - 40.5 42.0 46.0 - 38.5 39.9 43.7 - 35.6 36.9 40.5 - S/T 0.69 0.57 0.40 - 0.71 0.60 0.41 - 0.73 0.61 0.42 - 0.75 0.63 0.44 - 0.78 0.65 0.45 - 0.79 0.66 0.46 -
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COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA GSH130484AD 18 EXPANDED PERFORMANCE DATA COOLING OPERATION MODEL: GSH130484A* / AR*F486016B* Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65 75 85 95 105 115 Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB* Airflow 5963677159 636771596367 7159 63 67 715963677159 636771 MBh 45.0 46.0 49.2 52.6 44.0 45.0 48.0 51.3 43.0 43.9 46.9 50.1 41.9 42.8 45.7 48.9 39.8 40.7 43.5 46.5 36.9 37.7 40.3 43.0 S/T 0.86 0.80 0.65 0.49 0.89 0.83 0.68 0.51 0.91 0.86 0.70 0.52 0.94 0.88 0.72 0.54 0.98 0.92 0.75 0.56
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COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA GSH130604AC 19 COOLING OPERATION EXPANDED PERFORMANCE DATA MODEL: GSH130604A* / AR*F486016B* Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65 75 85 95 105 115 Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB Airflow 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 59 63 67 71 MBh 52.3 54.2 59.4 - 51.1 52.9 58.0 - 49.8 51.7 56.6 - 48.6 50.4 55.2 - 46.2 47.9 52.5 - 42.8 44.4 48.6 - S/T 0.70 0.58 0.40 - 0.72 0.60 0.42 - 0.74 0.62 0.43 - 0.77 0.64 0.44 - 0.79 0.66 0.46 - 0.80 0.67 0.46 -
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COOLING PERFORMANCE DATA GSH130604AC 20 COOLING OPERATION EXPANDED PERFORMANCE DATA MODEL: GSH130604A* / AR*F486016B* Outdoor Ambient Temperature 65 75 85 95 105 115 Entering Indoor Wet Bulb Temperature IDB* Airflow 59 6367715963 6771596367 71 59 63 67 71 596367 71 59 636771 MBh 54.10 55.29 59.07 63.14 52.85 54.00 57.69 61.67 51.59 52.71 56.32 60.20 50.33 51.43 54.95 58.74 47.81 48.86 52.20 55.80 44.29 45.26 48.35 51.69 S/T 0.87 0.820.66 0.500.900.85 0.690.510.920.870.71 0.530.95 0.90 0.73 0.5