Manual de instrucciones de Roberts Gorden DUAL AIR DAT90

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Roberts Gorden DUAL AIR DAT90

Aparato: Roberts Gorden DUAL AIR DAT90
Categoría: Ventilador
Fabricante: Roberts Gorden
Tamaño: 1.79 MB
Fecha de añadido: 4/28/2013
Número de páginas: 52
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Roberts Gorden DUAL AIR DAT90 Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1





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%. Heating and Cooling Units
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Installation, Commissioning,

Operation & Service Manual


Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1: Heater Safety......................................................2 SECTION 12: User Instructions............................................25 SECTION 2: Installer Responsibility .....................................2 12.1 User Instructions ......................................................25 2.1 Clearances to Combustibles ........................................2 12.2 Heater Operation......................................................25 2.2 Corrosive Chemic

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1: Condense Drain.........................................................3 Figure 2: Installation Clearances and Clearances to Combustibles.............................................................4 Figure 3: Suspension Methods .................................................9 Figure 4: Flue and Roof Detail ................................................ 10 Figure 5: Control Section & Upper Panel ................................ 11 Figure 6: Alternate .............

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

Product Approval * "$%&"'(#$")$     +&        ,   # )  !' -.  )  !' &    +   )   /  )      -0    !              '              & 1        2

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

® DUALAIR HEATING AND COOLING UNITS INSTALLATION OPERATION AND SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 1: HEATER SAFETY Your Safety is Important to Us! 2.1 Clearances to Combustibles This symbol is used throughout the In all situations, clearances to combustibles must be manual to notify you of possible fire, maintained. Caution must be used when running the electrical or burn hazards. Please pay ® DualAir unit near combustible materials such as special attention when reading and wood, paper, rubber, etc.

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

SECTION 3: CRITICAL CONSIDERATIONS SECTION 3: CRITICAL CONSIDERATIONS 3.1 Basic Information 3.7 Electrical Supply The CTUD heater that forms the heating section of A permanent 400v 3ø 50Hz electrical supply is ® the DualAir unit has an automatic ignition burner required at the main electrical terminals. The heater and may be operated as fully modulating or ON/OFF also requires suitable energy controls in accordance operation. with Section 10. The standard unit has the air flow from left to ri

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

® DUALAIR HEATING AND COOLING UNITS INSTALLATION OPERATION AND SERVICE MANUAL   1"2" , '4#  #"#! -  5 ! "# #  !" 9 " -",,"' '4#0 3% " *"% ! 3% "# "" -, ! !" "%  - ! %# #" %  "!0 4%   ","  Figure 2: Installation Clearances and Clearances to Combustibles  "    "     "   % #   $ #  

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

SECTION 4: SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 4: SPECIFICATIONS 4.1 DAT (all models)  "%$% %/% " $$/  $"% +,-    !  $"% /". "# !  -/$ %   5 2  #          &   '  (  $.,. )&  *  $.$/ $",               ) !   ! &  0       !          1     1  

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

® DUALAIR HEATING AND COOLING UNITS INSTALLATION OPERATION AND SERVICE MANUAL 4.2 General Technical Data Table (all models) 75 90 100 115 Model Fan Data 3 Designed Air Flow # with Clean Filters m /sec 2.88 3.7 3 1.66 2.60 Min Air Flow at Coil m /sec 3 3.71 5.34 Max Air Flow at Coil m /sec Fan Unit 457-486 Double Inlet Belt Drive Fan Pulley mm PCD 2A x 180 / 2A x 200 2A x 180 Motor Pulley mm PCD 2A x 100 / 2A x 95 2A x 112 / 2A x 118 2 x A 63 2 x A 64 Vee Belts Electrical Data - All models need 4

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13

SECTION 4: SPECIFICATIONS 4.3 Technical Data Table - Heater Section (all models) Appliance Category II 2H/L 3B/P 75 90 100 115 Model Heat Input kW 95 111 119 134 Gross Calorific Value 324 Btu/h x 1000 379 406 457 86 100 107 121 Heat Input kW Net Calorific Value Btu/h x 1000 293 341 365 413 Approximate kW 78 91 98 111 Max Heat Output Btu/h x 1000 266 311 334 379 Min Heat Input - Low Fire kW 66.5 77.7 83.3 93.8 Gross Calorific Value Btu/h x 1000 227 265 284 320 Min Heat Input - Low Fire kW 60.2

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

® DUALAIR HEATING AND COOLING UNITS INSTALLATION OPERATION AND SERVICE MANUAL ® 4.4 DualAir Performance Data - Graph of Air Flows v Static Pressure 4.4.1 DAT75 and 90 (2.2 kW or 4 kW motor) . )& ) '& ' &  &  ). '' '. '+ '/ ) )'  #  0  1&  !2/  !   !2'  ! 4.4.2 DAT100 and 115 (4 kW motor) . )& ) '& ' &  &  . '/ ) )' ). )+ )/  #  0  /3 ! '3 ! 8  3

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15

SECTION 5: HEATER INSTALLATION SECTION 5: HEATER INSTALLATION 5.3 Shelf Mounting and Suspension 5.1 General  ® DualAir units are designed for installation above 2.5 &%! 1"2" m. When connected to duct delivery systems any suitable location will be acceptable.   ,,    ® For floor mounting, the DualAir unit may stand ,,%, directly on its base. "% - ! % #" %  "!0 4% 5.2 Handling   ","  ® All DualAir units have steel chann

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16

® DUALAIR HEATING AND COOLING UNITS INSTALLATION OPERATION AND SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 6: FLUE INSTALLATION 6.1 Flue Installation Figure 4: Flue and Roof Detail  7 '    1"2" /      , '4#  #"#! -  5 ! "#  " +  #  ! !" # 9 " -",,"' '4#0 3% " *"% ! 3% "# "" -, ! !" # "%  - ! %# #" %  "!0 " 4%  

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17

SECTION 6: FLUE INSTALLATION 5. Refit the air intake spigot to the flexible hose re- using the hose clamp and to the upper panel using the original screws. 6. Align the flues’ inner and outer spigots and attach through the holes in the upper panel re- using the original screws. 7. Refit the lower door. Figure 5: Control Section & Upper Panel #      6 "    )+4  2 6  )   ,3  5  3  4 "  

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18

® DUALAIR HEATING AND COOLING UNITS INSTALLATION OPERATION AND SERVICE MANUAL Figure 7: Vertical and Horizontal Flue Termination - Type B Appliance 22 "'   /   / ( 2          3     7  8  '  + Figure 8: Vertical and Horizontal Flue Termination - Type C C & C Appliances 12 32 62 "'   /   /   8  7 12

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19

SECTION 7: AIR SUPPLY SECTION 7: AIR SUPPLY 7.1 Room Sealed Installation 7.3 Building Ventilation When installed as a room sealed heater the air for Where ventilation is required air must be taken from combustion is drawn in from outside the building. It an outside point where it is not likely to be is important to ensure that there is adequate contaminated or obstructed. ventilation to provide air for the distribution fan/s. Where natural ventilation is used, suitable ventilation with outsid

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20

® DUALAIR HEATING AND COOLING UNITS INSTALLATION OPERATION AND SERVICE MANUAL SECTION 8: OPTIONAL HEATER CONFIGURATIONS 8.1 Distribution Duct ® DualAir units are designed to be connected to The duct must be designed as described on Page distribution and air inlet ducting. 14, Section 8.1 and Figure 10 to ensure that there is a homogenous air flow across the whole heat It is recommended that flexible duct connectors and/ exchanger. Failure to provide a properly distributed or attenuators are

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