Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2
Sears, Roebuck and Co. Dear Homemaker: You have just invested in a very fine stretch stitch sewing machine Be- fore using your new Kenmore machine, please pause for a moment and carefully read this booklet wllich contains instructions on how to oper- ate and care for your machine Specific instructions are given on threading, tension adjustments, clean- ing, oiling, etc This will help you obtain tile best sewing results and avoid unnecessary sen'ice expense for conditions beyond our control Advic
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3
TABLE OF Section i Knowing Your Sewing Machine Identifying Parts CORITEr_TS 2,3 Installing Machine 4 5 Converting to Free-arm Sewing Winding the Bobbin 6 Threading the Bobbin Case 7 Threading of Top Thread 8 Using the Controls 9 Adjusting Top Tension t0 Adjusting Bobbin Tension Checking Tensions tt Stitch Width Control 12_13 12.13 Stitch Length Controf Reverse Stitch Control 14 Stretch Stitch Control 14 15 Pressure Regulator 16 Sewing Light Seam Guides 17 Presser Foot Lever 17 Accessories Needle
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11, Stitch Width Control 1. Needle Plate 2, Presser Foot 12,, Stretch Stitch Control 3, Thread Guide 13. Stitch Length Control 14 Reverse Stitch Control 4, Needle Clamp Sinew 5 Thread Guide 15. Light and Power Switch 16, Extension Table 64 Top Thread Tension Control 7 Face Cover Thread Guide 17, Support Leg 8 Face Cover Plate 18. Shuttle Cover 19, Free Arm 9o Take-up Lever t0 Upper Thread Guides
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20, Electric Cord Receptacle 26.Bobbin Winder Tension Disc 21 Nomenclature Plate 27,,Pressure Regulator 22,,Clutch Knob 28 Presser FootLever 23,Hand Wheel 29,Thread Cutter 24 Bobbin Winder 30,Presser FootThumb Screw 25 Thread Spool Pins 31,Feed Dogs
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Fig, 3 Fig, 1 Fig, 2 Fig 4 Piece cover on machine with word 1 To install the machine in cabinet, posi- "SEARS" on handle facing you° The tion machine head on cabinet platform so that holes on bottom of machine case slopes in the same direction of the match those on board Insert washers machine, (Fig 3) Push the speed control plug onto three- and screws and tighten into place. (Fig prong connector. Plug machine cord into 1) (Follow instructions provided with any 1t0-120 volt walt outlet. Turn on
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7
(/i _(}?.i_:./:_Z ii!ct!7_?.!'::!iiii'ii ,11}:= !i ¸::_.7.1; ii!!i!}}i ¸,i& _:i::i ii'_ii :!!i_. !i:ii_ 'V:_:_ _11 i'_! _111i:_ Fig., 1 Fig 2 t. Remove the extension table from the 2 To replace the table, simply slide it along machine by folding the support leg up the free arm to its originaf position and and pulting table to the left (Fig 1. :2) pIace supporting teg in down position (Fig.. t)
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8
_i'.:i ii,;] ii::.! [,i ":-i-ii:;iE {] [,: {:,:!, i{_ i iG ® ® ® ® ® 3 t o 1, Release clutch by turning clutch bobbin ,winder shaft to the right knob toward you, until it clicks, Holding onto end of thread, start machine, When bobbin 2, Draw thread from spool through is slightly filled, snip off end of bobbin winder tension disc as thread. shown,, 5, Start machine. Wind thread until 3, Pull end of thread th[ough hole in bobbin winder' shaft releases, bobbin as shown,. 6. Tighten clutch knob and
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9
T':?:::: i;:: :::(:!i ::£ :ID:(i'::,i (:_: ::" ::-i::i:::! 9:::: £:::J?i: _i:::::!' ::::'_:C :'::_ ::!:it: ::£ Q ® k:'_l ® ® ® ® ® t, Remove the extension table from 5. Insert bobbin into bobbin case the machine by pulling it to the making sure thread is coming from left. Open the shuttle cover. bobbin as shown. 2,, Raise needle to its highest position 6., Pull thread through slot of case as shown. by rotating hand wheel toward you,, 3, To remove bobbin case from shut- 7,, Pull thread under tens
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10
-T _i_:_ _.-!_ _il_:'_i "_ _i_- _:::T _ i:_ 'T ii _:__ _ 19 Fig_ Fig,3 Fig 1 :ig 5 Place thread on spoot pin as shown turn to position (See Fig.. 3) with with thread coming from the back of thread in proper place. Release spool of thread and continue to thread the spool Draw thread through the top thread guides. Holding the spool machine exactly as shown. Needle must always be threaded in direction stationary with right hand, putl the as shown in Fig. 4. end of the thread between the tension dis
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11
Probably the most important control on your machine is this one that regulates your top thread tension. It consists of discs between which the thread passes. The pressure on these discs is regulated by turning the dial.. The higher the num- ber, the tighter the tension There are many reasons for having to reset your tension The best tension for one fabric may not be correct for another.. The required tension depends upon the stiffness of the fabric, thickness of the fabric, numbers of layers of
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Bobbin tension requires adjusting less frequently than theupper thread tension. If thestitchissatisfactory buttheseam is puckered, it maybenecessary to loosen thetension onboththetopandbottom threads.. Besure tobalance them asindicated onPage 9. When adjusting the tension on the bobbin case, make slight adjustments with a screwdriver. Turn Counter- Clockwise I i',!C REASE TENSION Turn Clockwise
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13
Theeasiest wayto check tensions istosew amedium zig zag stitch on the fabric you wilt be using, Use the appropriate type of thread and needle., Use different colors of thread on the bobbin and upper spool Sew a line of medium zig-zag stitches The bobbin thread should not show on the top of the fabric Adjust the top tension if necessary to achieve the stitcll formation mentioned above UNDESIRABLE DESIRABLE __ ,i_ _I_!II! !i! iiiil i,i , TOP SIDE OF FABRIC
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14
Thiscontrolregulates thewidthof thestitchyouselect.. THEHIGHER THE NUMBER-THE WIDER THESTITCH. Youmayvaryyourzigzag stitchwidth byadjusting thiscontrol tothesetting youdesire. Thiscontrol must beseton,, ,,,,,, position inordertodostraight stitching° Thestitchlength controlregulates the length of the stitch you select. THE HIGHER THE NUMBER-THE SHORTER THE STITCH. The number on stitch length control indicates the approximate number of stitches per' inch. The stitch setting you use will be determi
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15
: ::L::::::T:: i !:¢::::V WIDTH LENGTH : :::L:¸
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 17
__,_ i _ :!_i!_:_i' ii ¸__'/i:i ¸¸/ _ i i: :/,!i ¸ ii _/_:: i ii :_:iiii_i ¸I_i_,ii ¸i,:!i i i_i i:iiiiiii_i_'_,_ili :ii_ In addition to the obvious controls of your machine, there are other small regulators and controls to aid you in using your sewing machine :/i i: ¸ :::_!: i !!_/:i!/:: :::i:::/i:i ', i¸_;//:_ :ii:_ :¸I¸_ Push down the outer ring of the pressure regulator., This will release the pressure on the presser foot, (See above) To increase the pressure, push down inner pin until a sui
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 18
:!ii!_ii!! The light and power switch shown in Fig. 1 provides the electric current for' the motor as wetl as the light In order to operate the machine, this switch must be on, To turn on the light, depress the switch,, If you are interrupted while sewing and must leave the machine un- attended, just turn off the switch and the machine cannot be started ac- cidentally, Fig. I The sewing light is located in the face cover as shown,, To replace the bulb, turn the light off and open the face cover,
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 19
Seam guides are printed on either side of the needle plate to aid you in guid- ing your fabric, THE GUIDE LINE EXTENDING ALONG THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE NEEDLE PLATE IS THE "ALL IMPORTANT" 5/8" SEAM LINE The cornering guides are convenient Cornering Guide when turning a square corner 5/8" from the fabric edge,. See next section of this book for directions., :;:::=_:::i:: i:!.!!i:!!i!;= i!i!i!_::ili:::: To aid you in the placement of heavy fabrics under the presser foot, the lever can raise foot beyo
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 20
Use KENMORE needles_ The size of the needle should conform with tbe size of the thread and both should be Fig° 1 suitable to the fabric (See next page), Never use a bent needle or one with a blunt point.. Fig, 1_ shows you the exact length of your needle. Be sure you never use one in your machine that is not this exact length, "Q Needle" with blue shank is avail. able at any store or service center of Sears Roebuck and Co, or Simpson Sears Limite& This special needle is to be used when sewing ce