Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1
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Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2
of fire, or follow 1. rid of 4. do fluids. from a fire or 2. suffocations of . l not of or . . . if 3. to OF for a or A FfRE Before Using Refrigerator A. Remove E. Level D. Install to for for to door to l to a not l to or l l out or l room not 55°F fluids or 3 cm) min. not on of (For B. it 1. on of C. it in front of or A 115 60 15 or 20 2. to off floor. a 3. not a 4. a on of off a or not first to front to cord. cm) to front of to front of 1 cm)
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3
3. 2 4. 7.) to 1. a on of first to front to 1. 7.) to 2. a on of front of first to front to to to front of front of 2. to 1 front of I I TTI number - Egg - w y 3 Page leg Leveling Crispers ver Crisper shelves door 1 stationaly shelves Ao’justable compartment - Butler wall) side (on label nest serial and Model TTl4CK) on half-width 7716DK, on (till-width shelf Freezer trays cube Ice rack can Juice 6DK and (shown) lT14CK Models Features And Parts
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4
TTI III - number number ’ , Egg - / - \ 4 Page Leveling Tri”ef ! 1 shelves door Sfafionary - - cover Trivet shelves Adjustable 5 0 # ccompartment I Lighf Butter 5 control I Refrigerator nest - wall) side (on I label serial and Model rack can Juice TT18EK and TT14EK Models Leyeling cover Stationary compartment Butter wall) side (on label serial and Model shelf Freezer trays rack cube ice II II can Juice 6CK Model
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5
y number - 0 0 / / I - , number - 7720AK . 5 Page grille Base rollers Leveling > shelves door Stationary 77-OBK) for wire and wall) side (on label serial and Model compartment Butter for Fkzra comparfment shelf Freezer Utility trays cube Ice (shown) lT20BK and TT20AK Models roller Leveling wall) side (on label - serial and Model shelf Freezer - - trays cube Ice TT18CK Model
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6
J I Using Refrigerator-Freezer 1. 3. for to for hours When for first food. 2. Wait 24 hours or 1. to 3 to 4. When or to 4). or firm, 2. to B for to if 4 l often. C WARM l of food l room 3 l often. A WARM l of food . room often l often. 4 6 C WARM . of food B l or room l not 2 2 B A not l 3 4 l room A A often Exterior moisture shelves door from 1. food from forming on of 1. food from 2. front. 2. forward to 3. Lift 4 OFF 0 b 3. Lift front 4. out.
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7
If Removing meat 1. Fit on turn to cover of to 2. front) on of 1. out to lf 2. Lift front of turn to out of to left.) 3. Lift out. 3. of front. 1. Fit 2. 3. Fit of on 1. forward to 4. Removing 2. Lift front cover out of 3. 1. out to 1. from 1. forward to 2. Lift front of out 2. Lift front 3. out of 2. Lift front of out of out. 4. front 3. 3. 5. Lift 6. out. I. Lift front 2. Lift out. 1. on front of 1. of 2. Fit of 1. Fit on on of of front 2.
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8
l for saving tips tt not l door for a to a to of a If a to l from of month. from a l doors ice to door. food for not to for light door . to . . food m. l food for not to of l l a for to firm. to turn off or to to l for to do to hours In or l to or OFF forms on of l “First” or off l to of first or of l or on of l to 1. from . 2. from thud of l hum or aoft l ff not fan motor turn or 3. a to a Wait 24 hours, if not 4. defrost turn
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9
I 1 not fresh l Food l or proof proof. if l ’ food odor for For l to l l of food odor of For . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 to2 food. trim or off Ground . . . . . . . .._...... 1 to2 Wash . . . . . . . 3 to 5 or not to 7to 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of food. no For . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 to 7 food or 3 to 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 hours. 2 to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 to2 Fruit 3
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10
I I Refrigerator turn to OFF, defrost a month to out odors from Of to HOW TO WHAT TO l Wash, or l Wash, soft or 9 a or rust (or l on soft or l Wash, 2 (26 to to 1 (0.95 L) soft or l Wash, Soft, or soft l Wash, or soft on of motor. . out from l defrost l Wash, l l of l 7.) l Lift defrost l Wash, . defrost to l defrost l 7.) l out from l month. l 1 (2.54 cm) . of . 7.) l month. . 7.) Floor Floor l out from l floor. l l of IO Page refrigerator. level
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11
Caring Refrigerator moving If electricity off If 1. off a 4 off. When of l foods. lift to turn off 2. if to 24 hours or food food l If lift food. 3. If to to turn off foods 24 hours, do off to OFF. food a food 4 out 2 (0.9 of If for foot of off a foods for 2 to 4 When of lift to turn off doors food. cord to to OFF. to When from to do follow on 2. doors or to of if If or a food not to or food odors A full from a A full of a full of Food of food
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12
I 1 Before Service If to for WHAT TO DO IF l cord l cord a not run . to on l on. . a of l or if a . from or from or l on of or . on 9 8. from from or defrost or defrost defrost l not l to to With a to l to l . to l to * hot defrost l to half-full to not l or not l a of . cord a . cord * out. . on 8. . of Motor runs too l from a . or room hot or l If or . or a l food of food or Motor to or of food to It to a motor. 12 Page longer-running
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 13
Service If first 2. If 3. If For of Whirlpool a a of Whirlpool For of for for found a our for ’ w Whirlpool fit 1. If to fulfill to to Whirlpool from our to 2 or 1-800-253-l 301 1) or Whirlpool of our 1. to from 4. If not or, if a If to: a of Mr. of of Whirlpool 2000 M-63 49022 or Whirlpool to a 20 IL 60606 turn inform of ‘When of a of to to 13 Page request. your respond better order in needed is information This problem. the description complet
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 15
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 16
I I Refrigerator Warranty OF 1 WILL to or From of 1 to or th6 From of 4. 1. 5. 2. 3. WILL to: 1. of 2. to 3. or or 4. to to fire, flood, of or of not Whirlpool. F. food to to or to do not or of or or not to from to a different For or ff first of found our 1-800-253-l 301, from @ / of Whirlpool 2151712 D 0 1991 Whirlpool U.S.A. in Printed Corporation Rev. No. Part Corporation Mark Set-vice SM trademark Registered U.S. the in anywhere number, telephone Center As