Manual de instrucciones de Dometic RM2301

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Dometic RM2301

Aparato: Dometic RM2301
Categoría: Nevera
Fabricante: Dometic
Tamaño: 0.25 MB
Fecha de añadido: 11/30/2013
Número de páginas: 10
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

2301 RM
2601 RM
Installation 7-10
Instructions for use 11-12
Gas eqiupment
Electric equipment 13
Maintenance 14
2. Don’t touch electrical switches.
Fault tracing
3. Extinguish any open flame.
Door panel last page
4. Immediately call your gas supplier.
Do not store or use gasoline or other
cinity of this or any other appliance.

quality leisure line products
Corporate Off
232 0 lndust ri al Parkway , IN 46515
Domet i c D i st ri but i

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

ELECTRICAL CONNECTION Volts A C The refrigerator is equipped with a three prong (grounded) plug GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS for protection against shock hazards and should be plugged This appliance is designed for storage of foods and stor- directly into a properly grounded three prong receptacle. Do not age of frozen foods and making ice. cut or remove the grounding prong from this plug. The cord The refrigerators outlined hereon have been design certified should be routed to avoid coming in contact

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

SPECIAL HINTS Note. Do not install the appliance directly on carpeting. Carpeting must be protected by a metal or wood panel beneath the appliance which extends at least full width and depth of the appliance. The refngerator must be installe d in a enclosure and must be level. A t i r i level is supplied each refrigerator and by i t in the freezer compartment one can level the 1 refrigerator both ways front to back and side to side. When installing the in the enclosure care should be taken t

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

CERTIFIED INSTALLATION # r vent or as optional one upper vent and one lower side vent i l e A pp end i x. For furthe r in fo rma tio n contact your dealer or distributor. METHODS OF INSTALLATION The methods of installation are shown in figures 10 a and 10 b. It is essential that al l max i mum or min i mum dimensions are strictly maintained as the performance o f refrigerator is dependent on an adequate flow of air ove r rear of the VENTILATION HEIGHTS I Refrigerator Minimum ventilation hei

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

CLEARANCES Minimum clearances in inches t o combust i ble G: Top 0 K: Side 0 L: Bottom 0 M: Rear 1 e the wall behind the refrigerator Clearance N on top of the condenser is related to the minimum ventilation heiqht F i g 11 Fig.1 1 Refrigerator Overall Recess Distance between model dimensions dimensions dimensions top of condenser - and Height Depth Height Depth Height Width Depth refrigerator W d H W D e A B C h 11 /1 66 22 1/ 1 6 6 R M 1 inch 30 3 / 8 2 1 29 9 / 1 6 20 1 / 4 20 3

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

Flame Blow Out INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE If trouble is encountered with the flame blowing out HOW TO START THE REFRIGERATOR under specially windy conditions, try to avoid the wind Leveling blowing against the wall where vent outlets are loca- the boiler ammonia vapor is distilled from an am- ted. If the trouble persists, set the thermostat to MAX. monia-water mixture and carried to the fined con- This later measure can of course only be temporary denser, where it liquifies. The liqiud flows to the e

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

Defrosting Shut off the refr i gerator. tmpty the retrigerator leaving the drip tray under the finned evaporator and th e and freezer doors open. If desired, defrosting may be speeded up b y fi l - ling the ice tray with hot water and placing it in the freezer. When the frost on the tinned evaporato r acti on has melted wate r wil l be collected in the drip tray. The drip tray should be emptied at regular intervals. When all frost is melted, empty the drip tray and dry the interior of the refri

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

ELECTRIC EQ U I PMENT Cartridge heater The refrigerator is equipped also for electric opera- tion. Many models are eqiupped for both 120 Volts A C and 12 Volts D C operation. The heat necessary for the operation of an absorption type cooling unit is supplied by an electric cartridge heater mounted on a pocket of the boiler system. To replace the heater first of course check that the wall plug is disconnected. If GAS EQUIPMENT the refrigerator is equipped also for 12 Volts D C ope- ration make su

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

FAULT TRACING PERIODIC MAINTENANCE NOTE. Before working on the refrigerator make sure The refrigerator does not freeze satisfactorily that 120 V A.C and optional 12 V leads are di- Causes and remedies sconnected. a) Jet orifice clogged. Unscrew jet and blow clear Shut off gas valve. or wash in alcohol. Do not use wire or pin to clean orifice. The Burner and the Burner Jet b) Check the leveling of the refrigerator. Th e colo r of the flame shall be clear blue over the c) Flame has gone out. Reme

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

INSTRUCTIONS FOR MOUNTING THE DOOR PANEL INSTRUCTIONS FOR MOUNTING THE DOOR PANEL The refrigerator is normally delivered without door panel(s). Before starting the mounting work check that the panel dimensions are in compliance with those given in the table and read the instructions through. When mounting the panel, proceed as follows. A. Remove the door decoration list (2) with its two screws (1 j.The upper corners of the upper panel (2-door models) and the lower corners of the lo- wer panel ha

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