Manual de instrucciones de Whirlpool 3LG57OlXP

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Whirlpool 3LG57OlXP

Aparato: Whirlpool 3LG57OlXP
Categoría: Secadora
Fabricante: Whirlpool
Tamaño: 0.66 MB
Fecha de añadido: 4/25/2014
Número de páginas: 12
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Whirlpool 3LG57OlXP Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1

Refrigerator-Freezer Freezers. Oryers. Clothes Washers. Automatic Dehumldlflers, Condlhoners. Air Room Compactors. Trash Ovens. aYe
-93 \
Model Gas

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

\ It to out drum a to from stor- or When or a Information I. (from 2. from Infor- on of IS for ........ 2 ................. 8 ..... 3 ............... 8 ................ 3 .... 9 A ............ 9 ...... 4 IF .. 6 ................. 10 .......... 6 ................ 7 FLUFF ........... 7 ...... 7 .............. 7 .............. 7 2 01985 Whirlpool Corporation Times. Drying Loads Mixed Setting PRESF TUMBLE Setting AIR TIPS. DRYING Times Down Cool ASSISTANC

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

Responsibilities l 45 (7.2-C). for l to of out- l to for l for l a of l l not run l from l not or l to a room’ on a floor for l WINDOWS. l APPLIANCE. OTHER ANY OR THIS OF VICINITY THE IN LIQUIDS AND VAPORS FLAMMABLE OTHER OR GASOLINE USE OR STORE NOT DO SAFETY YOUR FOR SUPPLIER. GAS YOUR CALL IMMEDIATELY 4. FLAME. OPEN ANY EXTINGUISH 3. SWITCHES. CAL ELECTRI- TOUCH DON’T 2. OPEN 1. GAS: SMELL YOU IF SAFETY. YOUR FOR information. complete weight. the support can th

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

-Work 40-50 30-40 20-30 40-50 LOW 30-40 (2 or 3 20-30 LOW _. _. 15-20 20-30 FLUFF stuffed 20-30 40-50 15-20 NYLON SHEER POLYPROPYLENE, OLEFIN. MINS. RUGS RUBBER-BACKED MINS. tablecloths MINS. curtains, Shower - PLASTIC AIR toys MINS. bras, Pillows, - RUBBER FOAM FABRICS HEAT-SENSITIVE PLASTIC, RUBBER, PRESS PERMIT MINS. etc. lace, Gauze, MINS. panels] Curtains Sheer GENTLE KNITS PRESS PERM’T FABRICS DELICATE AND LIGHTWEIGHT MINS. dresses blouses, lingerie, blend

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

to to to 6 for InformatIon on door (or turn to OFF] door, If to OFF not use. in is dryer the when point should Knob Control Cycle The START push and necessary, cycle, select the close dryer. the restart To Knob Control the Button START the push you the open dryer, the stop To when tumbling start will dryer The dryer the Button ST,4RT 3. restart and stop To the Push cycles. the page See want temperature drying needed you setting and cycle the point the Selector Temperature the

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

In off l from l hot of a 10 on 4 for different of 10 of of 5 of to on 4 run to to on I If not to of If to of 6 load. kind that dry you time next the right the more dial the set want, you dryerthan is load the load. kind that dry you time next the lett the more dial the set want, you as dry as is load the I + TIME LESS MORETIME + HIGH. PRESS/HEAVY PERM’T set is Selector Temperature the when etc.) corduroys, jeans, (towels, fabrics longenoughtodryaloadofheavy b

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

not from on FLUFF to fluff a or not foam from stuffed 1. to FLUFF 2. to num- of 3. 1. to 2. to 3. for 5 off to for 10 For a a on or fold on l of l of l of l room l of When a different l of of l for 6 tn When for 7 control. the reset and items drv information. more remove stops, dryer the fabrics. Guide” your”Dryer page See lightest the suggested cycle selection. temperature dryer the use fabrics, weights and kinds screen. lint the in lint amount with

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 8

a off out. or removal a fire 2 to 3 or often, on 1. l or 2. cord or turn off or 3. from ’ or do not a soft or ’ 4. dryer. re-level and reconnect panel; Replace cool. is dryer sure Make cleaner. vacuum cabinet. inside hands put brush art-with see - damage injury Avoid - area shaded lint Remove power. electrical 0 igniter. funnel thermostats, supply wires, damaging Avoid power hazard-unplug (gas]. panel access lower shock electrical Avoid (electric] panel back Rem

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

Caring or from off a or to on or or finish. for finish. drum. to not on or no to to cord or For turn off 9 valve. gas power. electrical screen. lint Clean close dryers, gas power Unplug care Vacation load. next the in items transferred dryer. your be dye is there sure make near products these use drying after carefully Wipe Do and console dials, damage the stain can items Non-colorfast can products pretreatment Some etc. nuts, bolts, pockets Check the damage dull - dry

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

service assistance, suggest follow calling for l . l of often from find of on? If not, turn to OFF. on Wait 5 a or 2 It run, not l cord l door l l or a l l 6 I I 10 Guide:’ “Dryer your in page See tripped? clean? screen lint the Is circuit-breaker blown fuses Are Button? START push you Did LONG: SEEMS TIME DRYING tightly? closed Is heat. in? plugged supply power Is but may dryer the blown, is fuse one fuses. breaker circuit uses dryer electric An start and controls

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

If on to If a or of Whirlpool if 2000 33 of 49022 ‘If to of of a of infor- to of to for not to 11 his up look now, time, the take why So appliance. WHIRLPOOL your into built originally quality the maintain you help can He pliances assistance. request your respond ap- WHIRLPOOL your servicing better order in needed is mation This problem. the description and repairing the in trained is tative complete and name, dealer’s represen- service Remember...Your the purcha

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 12

Whirlpool A a 696202 0 1985 Whirlpool Ice MII Ranges. Units, Surlace and Ovens Built-In Chshwashers, Makers, Refrigerator-Freezers. Freezers, Dryers. Clothes Washers, natlc Corporation U.S.A. in Printed No. Part easier IlltIe world your Making /Appliances Home

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