Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1
Part No. 08164SL (Rev. A)
Workman MDE
technician with information for troubleshooting, testing
and repair of major systems and components on the
Workman MDE.
Thissafetysymbol meansDANGER, WARNING
ATING, MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT IN- TION.Whenyouseethissymbol,carefullyread
the instructions that follow. Failureto obeythe
STRUCTIONS. For reference, insert
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2
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TableOfContents Chapter1 -- Safety Safety Instructions.......................... 1 -- 2 Jacking and Other Instructions ............... 1 -- 4 Safety and Instruction Decals ................ 1 -- 5 Chapter2 -- ProductRecordsand Maintenance Product Records ........................... 2 -- 1 Maintenance............................... 2 -- 1 Equivalents and Conversions ................ 2 -- 2 Torque Specifications ....................... 2 -- 3 Chapter3 -- Electrical System General Information ......
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Chapter1 Safety TableofContents SAFETYINSTRUCTIONS ...................... 2 Before Operating............................ 2 While Operating............................. 2 Maintenance and Service .................... 3 JACKING AND OTHER INSTRUCTIONS......... 4 Jacking Vehicle ............................. 4 Towing Vehicle.............................. 4 Transporting Vehicle ......................... 4 SAFETYAND INSTRUCTION DECALS .......... 5 Workman MDE Page1 -- 1 Safety Safety
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SafetyInstructions TheWorkmanMDEisdesignedandtestedtooffersafe service when operated and maintained properly. Al- WARNING thoughhazardcontrolandaccidentpreventionarepar- tially dependent upon the design and configuration of themachine,thesefactorsarealsodependentuponthe To reduce the potential for injury or death, awareness,concernandpropertrainingoftheperson- complywiththefollowingsafetyinstructions. nel involved in the operation, transport, maintenance and storage of the machine. Improper use
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MaintenanceandService 1. Before servicing or making adjustments to the ve- 10.Never use an open flame to check level or leakage hicle, stop vehicle, turn on/off switch to OFF, engage ofbattery electrolyte. parking brake and remove key from the on/offswitch. 11.Whenconnectingthebatterychargertothevehicle, 2. Makesuremachineisinsafeoperatingconditionby connectthechargercordtothevehiclechargerrecep- keeping all nuts,bolts and screws tight. tacle before plugging the charger power cord into an outlet
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JackingandOtherInstructions JackingVehicle DANGER POTENTIALHAZARD • Avehiclethatisnotproperlysupported maybecomeunstable. WHATCANHAPPEN • Thevehiclemaymoveorfall.Personal injuryordamagetothemachinemayresult. HOWTOAVOIDTHEHAZARD 1 • Makesurevehicleisparkedonasolidlevel 2 surface,suchasaconcretefloor. • Makesureon/offswitchisOFFandkeyis Figure 1 removedfromtheswitchbeforegettingoff 1. Frontframe 2. Towingtongue thevehicle. • Beforeraisingthevehicle,removeany attachmentsthatmayinterferewiththesafe
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SafetyandInstructionDecals Thereareseveralsafetyandinstructiondecalsattached toyourWorkmanvehicle.Ifanydecalbecomesillegible ordamaged,installanewdecal.Partnumbersarelisted in the Parts Catalog. Order replacement decals from your Authorized Toro Distributor. Workman MDE Page1 -- 5 Safety Safety
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Chapter2 ProductRecordsandMaintenance TableofContents PRODUCT RECORDS......................... 1 MAINTENANCE............................... 1 EQUIVALENTSAND CONVERSIONS ........... 2 Decimal and Millimeter Equivalents ............ 2 Metric Conversions ................... 2 TORQUESPECIFICATIONS.................... 3 Fastener Identification ....................... 3 Standard Torque for Dry,Zinc Plated and Steel Fasteners (Inch Series) ............... 4 Standard Torque for Dry,Zinc Plated an
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EquivalentsandConversions 0.09375 ProductRecordsandMaintenance Page2 -- 2 Workman MDE
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TorqueSpecifications Recommendedfastenertorquevaluesarelistedinthe Asnotedinthefollowingtables,torquevaluesshouldbe followingtables.Forcriticalapplications,asdetermined reduced by 25% for lubricated fasteners to achieve byToro,eithertherecommendedtorqueoratorquethat thesimilarstressasadryfastener.Torquevaluesmay isuniquetotheapplicationisclearlyidentifiedandspe- alsohavetobereducedwhenthefasteneristhreaded cified in this Service Manual. into aluminum or brass. The specific torque value shouldbed
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Standard Torque for Dry, Zinc Plated and Steel Fasteners (Inch Series) Grade 1, 5 & SAE Grade 1 Bolts, Screws, Studs & SAE Grade 5 Bolts, Screws, Studs & SAE Grade 8 Bolts, Screws, Studs & Thread Size 8withThin Sems with Regular Height Nuts Sems with Regular Height Nuts Sems with Regular Height Nuts Height Nuts (SAE J995 Grade 2 or Stronger Nuts) (SAE J995 Grade 2 or Stronger Nuts) (SAE J995 Grade 5 or Stronger Nuts) in--lb in--lb N--cm in--lb N--cm in--lb N--cm # 6 -- 32 UNC 15 + 2 169 + 23 23
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StandardTorqueforDry,ZincPlatedandSteelFasteners(MetricSeries) Class8.8Bolts,ScrewsandStudswith Class10.9Bolts,ScrewsandStudswith T Thread hreadS Size ize R Regular egularH Height eightN Nuts uts R Regular egularH Height eightN Nuts uts (Class8orStrongerNuts) (Class10orStrongerNuts) M5 X 0.8 57 +6in--lb 644 + 68 N--cm 78 +8in--lb 881 +90N--cm M6 X 1.0 96 + 10 in--lb 1085 + 113 N--cm 133 +14 in--lb 1503 + 158 N--cm M8 X1.25 19 +2ft--lb 26 +3N--m 28 +3ft--lb 38 +4N--m M10 X1.5 38 +4ft--lb 52 +5N--
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OtherTorqueSpecifications SAEGrade8SteelSetScrews WheelBoltsandLugNuts RecommendedTorque ThreadSize RecommendedTorque** Thread ThreadS Size ize SquareHead HexSocket 7/16 -- 20 UNF 65 + 10 ft--lb 88 +14N--m Grade 5 1/4 -- 20 UNC 140 + 20 in--lb 73 + 12 in--lb 1/2 -- 20 UNF 80 + 10 ft--lb 108 + 14 N--m 5/16 -- 18 UNC 215 + 35 in--lb 145 + 20 in--lb Grade 5 3/8 -- 16 UNC 35 + 10 ft--lb 18 +3ft--lb M12 X1.25 80 + 10 ft--lb 108 + 14 N--m Class 8.8 1/2 -- 13 UNC 75 + 15 ft--lb 50 + 10 ft--lb M12 X1.5
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Chapter 3 Electrical System Table of Contents GENERAL INFORMATION ..................... 2 SERVICEAND REPAIRS ..................... 28 Operator’s Manual .......................... 2 Battery Service ............................ 28 Opening Battery Circuit ...................... 2 Battery Specifications ..................... 28 ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS...................... 3 Battery Removal.......................... 29 VEHICLEOPERATION ........................ 4 Battery Installation ....................
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GeneralInformation TheWorkmanMDEusesa48voltDCelectricalsystem LEDonthecontrollerandthevehiclestatuslightonthe thatisanisolatedcircuit.Thevehicleframeisnotused dashpanelwillflashafaultcodetoassistinidentifying for any ground connections. the problem. Thevehiclecontrollermonitorsoperatorandvehiclein- Afterperforminganyrepaironelectricalcomponentson putstodeterminevoltagetothetractionmotor.Ifaprob- thevehicle,makesurethatwiringisroutedandsecured lemexiststhatwillpreventnormalvehicleoperation,an soa
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ElectricalDiagrams Theelectricalschematic,circuitdrawingsandwirehar- ness drawings for the Workman MDE are located in Chapter 6 -- Electrical Diagrams. Workman MDE ElectricalSystem Page3 -- 3 Electrical System
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VehicleOperation TheWorkmanMDEelectricalsystemusesa48voltbat- Thevehiclecontrollerisasealedelectroniclogicdevice terypack,anelectrictractionmotor,avehiclecontroller that uses inputs from several vehicle components to andnumerousotherelectricalcomponentstoallowve- controlmotorspeedanddirection.Theseinputsinclude hicle operation. several switches (on/off, forward/reverse, accelerator, supervisor, charger), a motor temperature sensor, an Eight,6volt,deepcyclebatteriesthatareconnectedin acceleratorp