Manual de instrucciones de Alesis MASTERLINK ML-9600

Manual de instrucciones del aparato Alesis MASTERLINK ML-9600

Aparato: Alesis MASTERLINK ML-9600
Categoría: Reproductor CD
Fabricante: Alesis
Tamaño: 1.83 MB
Fecha de añadido: 2/5/2014
Número de páginas: 24
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Alesis MASTERLINK ML-9600 Manual de instrucciones - Online PDF
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Resúmenes de contenidos
Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 1


Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 2

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 3

Table Of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction.....................................................................................................1 1.1 Version 2.00 Highlights .................................................................................................................1 1.2 How Do I Get Version 2.00 Software? ..........................................................................................1 New Playlist Edit Features .............................................

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 4

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 5

Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Congratulations on your purchase of an Alesis MasterLink! In a continuing effort to provide our MasterLink customers with the utmost in mastering convenience, we are pleased to announce the debut of MasterLink operating system software version 2.0. Version 2.0 software is packed with over twenty all-new features and improvements over version 1.0 software, and the update does not require you to open the lid; just drop in a MasterLink Operating System CD-ROM, and in less tha

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 6

Chapter 1 MasterLink software updates occur via a special "MLOS" (MasterLink Operating System) CD- ROM. If you do not have Version 2.00 software, there are several options available to you: • Call 1-800-5ALESIS and choose "Option 1" to have a free update MLOS disc sent to you. • Contact your nearest Alesis dealer for the update. • If you have a computer with Internet access and a CD-R drive, you can download a CD- ROM "image" and create your own MLOS disc. Simply go to

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 7

Chapter 2 NEW PLAYLIST EDIT FEATURES 2.1 SEAMLESS "ADJACENT TRACK" TRANSITIONS In version 1.xx software, two adjacent tracks would always play back with a miniscule amount of silence between them, even if the start time of the second Track was equal to the end time of the first Track. This was due to the way the MasterLink handled Audio Files and Tracks in a playlist. In Version 2.0, adjacent tracks play back with no audible gap; the Tracks will have adjacent samples at the track boundary. This

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Chapter 2 Track Split Confirmation Screen Pressing DOWN/NO while this screen is displayed will cancel the Split operation and return the machine to its previous state. Pressing UP/YES while this screen is displayed will cause the track to be split at the TRACK START pointer. Because MasterLink defaults to 0.0 seconds of "gap" between Tracks, the audio during the transition from the first track to the second track will play back seamlessly, as if the track had not been split. However, if the ori

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 9

Chapter 2 Pressing DOWN/NO while this screen is displayed will cancel the Join operation and return the machine to its previous state. Pressing UP/YES while this screen is displayed will cause Track 2 to be joined to Track 1, removing the inter-Track gap, if one exists. TIP: If you are previewing a Join and notice that the transition from Track to Track seems abrupt, or if you notice a "pop" or a "click" at the transition point, try applying a short (10mS) fade to the end of the first Track, or

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 10

Chapter 2 Audio File. Subsequent presses of the SKIP button will skip through all of the Audio Files on the hard drive. TIP: To quickly skip to the last Track in a Playlist, hold the PLAYLIST EDIT button and press the SKIP button. After releasing the PLAYLIST EDIT button, one more press of the SKIP button will show the first Audio File. To skip to the last Audio File, hold the PLAYLIST EDIT button and press the SKIP button. To skip to the first Audio File, hold the PLAYLIST EDIT but

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 11

Chapter 2 Figure 2.7.1 Audio File In Use Warning In Version 1.xx software, the only way to delete an Audio File that was in use was to find every Track in every playlist that pointed to that Audio File and delete each Track. New to version 2.0 software is the ability to override the warning and automatically delete all of the Tracks associated with the Audio File you wish to delete. After temporarily displaying the "Audio File In Use" screen, the override screen will be displayed, as shown in F

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Chapter 2 8 ALESIS ML-9600 REFERENCE MANUAL 1.00

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Chapter 3 NEW TRACK DSP FEATURES 3.1 COPY DSP SETTINGS New to Version 2.0 software is the ability to copy and paste DSP settings between tracks, even between tracks in different playlists. All of the Track DSP parameters are copied and pasted at once, including Track Gain, Compression parameters, EQ parameters, Limiter parameters, Normalizer parameters, and Track Fade parameters. To copy the DSP settings from a Track, first select the playlist and track from which you wish to copy (your "source

Resumen del contenido incluido en la página 14

Chapter 3 Paste DSP Settings Page Pressing the DOWN/NO button in this page will have no effect. Pressing the UP/YES button will paste all DSP parameters from the temporary RAM buffer into the destination track. This process leaves the RAM buffer intact, so multiple pastes are possible without having to re- copy each time. 3.3 RESET DSP SETTINGS If you just want to "zero" the DSP settings on a Track, returning them to the factory defaults and turning them off, you can use the Reset DSP function.

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Chapter 3 Figure 3.4.1 Render DSP Page Pressing the DOWN/NO button in this page will have no effect. Pressing the UP/YES button will prompt you with an " " message. Pressing DOWN/NO will cancel the DSP Render operation. Pressing UP/YES in this screen will render all DSP parameters (Track Gain, Compression parameters, EQ parameters, Limiter parameters, Normalizer parameters, and Track Fade parameters) to the destination track. APPLICATION NOTE: It is sometimes necessary to apply DSP to a specific

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Chapter 3 12 ALESIS ML-9600 REFERENCE MANUAL 1.00

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Chapter 4 NEW UTILITY FEATURES In MasterLink Version 2.0 software, the Utility Pages have been expanded from four pages to nine pages, and have been re-ordered for better ease of use. 4.1 TRACK/PLAYLIST/CD LOOP It is sometimes desirable to loop a Track or a CD when playing back audio. New to Version 2.0 software is the ability to loop Tracks, CD Tracks, Playlists, and entire CDs. To access the various Loop modes, press the UTILITY button repeatedly until Utility Page 2 is displayed, as shown in

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Chapter 4 Figure 4.2.1 Playlist Backup Page Pressing the DOWN/NO button in this page will have no effect. Pressing the UP/YES button will prompt you with an " " message. Pressing DOWN/NO at that point will cancel the Playlist Backup operation. Pressing UP/YES at the prompt will begin the backup process. If there is no blank CD in the drive, the CD tray will eject and the display will prompt you to insert a blank CD, as in Figure 4.2.2. Figure 4.2.2 Insert Blank CD-R Screen Once a blank CD is ins

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Chapter 4 Figure 4.3.1 Playlist Restore Page Pressing the DOWN/NO button in this page will have no effect. Pressing the UP/YES button will prompt you with an " " message. Pressing DOWN/NO at that point will cancel the Playlist Backup operation. Pressing UP/YES at the prompt will begin the restore process. If there is no backup disc in the CD drive, the display will prompt you for one, as shown in Figure 4.3.2. Figure 4.3.2 Backup Disc Prompt Screen Once a disc is inserted, it will be scanned to

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Chapter 4 4.4 RENDER PLAYLIST TO DISK There are some instances where you may wish to render a Playlist to the hard drive, but do not want to immediately burn a CD; for instance, you may wish to audition the rendered image before committing to a CD. Version 2.0 software gives you the flexibility to render your playlist without burning a CD. To initiate a Playlist Render, press the UTILITY button repeatedly until Utility Page 5 is displayed, as shown in Figure 4.4.1. Figure 4.4.1 Render Playlist

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